
Does anyone else find the you tag scary and eerie?? I'm being totally serious by the way. You're gonna end up seeing your username in there (are you?! I don't even know how it works...I posted the post but I only saw "you" in between the lesser than and more than you guys see your username?!), but to me it's just > s, < s, a /, and yous. Whenever I see that in forewords of stories or in author's notes during the story (my username, not the punctuation marks), I get thoroughly freaked out. I haven't yet encountered it *within* a story, but I hope to God I never do...Someone tell me he/she is also disturbed by it so I don't feel alone in my thoughts XD


PS. I've edited this at least 4 times now. I really don't understand how these things work O_O


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Jazmin8Sarina #1
I don't understand either.