Bruh, I was not ready.

So yesterday was the first day of being a junior in high school. We did absolutely nothing except talk about rules in every class (And today we REVIEWED those rules so I'm so done with school already). So after all that crap, I go to the bus lot to wait for my bus at the end of the day. My friend, Hanah, runs up to me and yells a lot of mumbled things. The only thing I could understand was "August? D" and "Suga" and then what I later realized were the lyrics of Agust D. So I went home to go find a song that Suga released called Agust D. I DID NOT REALIZE THAT HE RELEASED A 10 TRACK MIXTAPE.
Bruh, I was not ready.
I listened to the title track first and immediately knew this was gonna be lit as soon as the "Nothing makes me fall?" part started up in the beginning. The savageness in that track. I cannot describe how epic that was. That was like Cypher Part 2 except only Suga and his bluntness AND I LOVED IT.
That night, I fell asleep to one of his released songs called "So Far Away". It's so relaxing and calming and just uggghhhh....
BUT there was a dark side that was brought with Agust D. So my little sister, Drew, is a huge Suga fan evidently. She recently got into him, V, and Zelo. This is the brat that always made fun of my choice in music. This is the brat that always called me names. This is the brat that constantly tells me "to go kill myself" because she couldn't think of a better comeback. But anyhow, last month, she admitted she liked KPop which I was so elated for and for the first time EVER, I hugged her. Her friend's actually going to give Drew a Suga pillow for a late birthday present. This BRAT does not even know Yoongi's last name, where he's from, or his birthday WHICH IS THE SAME DAY AS MINE. And I bet my soul that she doesn't know what BTS stands for. So yeah, when she does get that pillow I'm stealing it from her like she did with my Teensge Mutant Ninja Turtles blanket.
Yesterday, after 5 minutes of her telling me no to watching Agust D, I go to my room and start spamming her for 20 minutes. Not even two minutes into texting her, she blocked me. But I did not care and continued spamming. In total, I sent her around 473 messages. I am not exaggerating.
If you think I'm lying than: https://instagram.com/p/BJJaByphd-M/
But I forced her to watch it today.
And it was still lit.
And I still need comfort.
And God.


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