The Fun Questions Tag

The Fun Questions Tag - Learn more about me - Demitria_Teague (Author-nim).

(If you’re reading this:  You’ve been Tagged.  I got these questions from a random blog post.  The questions looked fun, so I wanted to answer them, then Share them with you guys.  Feel free to leave your answers in the Comment Section and/or post them as your own Blog Post.  I look forward to reading your answers.)

1) When is your birthday? (You don't have to include the year if you don't want to.)

June 12, 1989 

2) What are 3 of your favorite colors?

Purple, Blue, Black

3) What are your 3 favorites quotes?

“To be or not to be.”  (In my mind it’s ‘To do or not to do (Stay in bed or go pee...?  hmm... Those are hard choices.  But I’m so comfortable.  Lol.  ^^  TMI?  Most likely.  It’ll be ok.  ;)

4) Are you addicted to YouTube?

Is that a trick question.  Uh...Yah!

5) What are 3 of your favorite shows on TV or YouTube or both?

Supernatural, Castle and Psych.

6) What are 3 qualities you like in a best friend?

Honestly, Loyalty, Having someone who actually wonders ‘Hm... I wonder what my friend is doing today.’  Then shows up to visit me.  

7) Do you like your name?

Yes.  Both my real name and my PenName.   

8) If you have the choice to pick your own name, what will it be?

Well, I picked my PenName and I rather enjoy it.  Demitria_Teague - Creating Fantastical and sometimes Adventures for your entertainment.

9) What is your fantasy dream?

Anytime someone uses the word ‘Fantasy’ my mind automatically goes in to the gutter.  That may have something to do with the fact that I write a lot of .  Hm.. Or that I have erted Tendencies.  ...Either way...  

It’s most definitely not to end up in one of my stories.  Most of them may be interesting, but the worlds themselves (dangerous), the characters (while lovable - dangerous) and the plot (while gripping - stiiill dangerous).  I’d most likely end up as one of those background characters (they aren’t part of the plot, get caught up in something bad and die, without anyone really considering who they are or why they were there.  Yeah, depressing huh?  That’s why I hide behind my computer and write awesome adventure.  

I’m fine with that.  I am not an adrenaline junky nor violent.  I could be like Scooby-Doo and Shaky and leave a person sized body shaped hole in the wall from running away so fast.  That (the whole in the wall thing)- that is pure passion man - for running away.  Haha.  Come on, you know that was funny.  

10) Do you wear makeup?

Of course.  I’m a girl... that’s likes make-up... and wears it when ever I’m bored, more than when I decide to leave the house.  Dressing up helps me feel ready for a new day and in turn, makes it easier for me to write.  (Writer Tip:  Dress fully for a new day, makeup included, and it will help you write better, feel like your actually at work and not just lazing around.  :D )  

I should take my advice more often.  

11) If you could write a book, what would the title be and what would it be about?

Continuum - I’m working on a book.  I just have to finish it.  It’s based off my SHINee Zombie Apocalypse Fic, Continuum.  It’s about five male survivors living in a post apocalyptic world where humans and Zombies are a danger in the world.  Because of a gang who targets the youngest member of the story to be a slave, the other four band together to make sure that they never get their hands on them.  There are outside dangers and internal issues that need to be dealt with, lessons to be learned and through out it all, they’re all each other have to lean on.  

12) What makes you cry?

Define ‘cry’...  (JK)  Um... Let’s see:  A good movie, a good book, something extremely heart felt and lovely, super frustration, super anger, hormonal induced loneliness.  I think that about does it.    

13) What makes you angry?

People who are douches for no reason, people who think they know everything (but that’s more frustration - than anger inducing), um... animal cruelty, child and spousal abuse, people purposely being loud and obnoxious, loud noises in general (it’s a trigger of mine - see, I’m one of those blind people who have to wear glass and that means that my ears picked up the slack and my sense of sound is heightened... it’s awesome and at the same time... stuff that’s a little loud to normal people is super loud to me and when I hear loud noises, it’s like a jolt to my system, plus I have anxiety and loud noises - if they startle me, they make me shaky and become on the verge of having an anxiety attack or off-set an actual anxiety attack (it’s not cool, which is why it’s one of my trigger).  Yeah... loud noises, grrr... anger... 

14) What makes you happy?

Reading (not depressing stuff, unless there’s a good plot, with a little reprieve in the story.  Have you ever read an angsty story that never gives you a break or all the characters or the one you have grown to love and hope for, ends up dying at the end??? Pointless sadness?  If so, then you know what I mean by this.)  Watching Movies:  [Not Limited To] Fantasy, SciFi, Adventure, Comedy Romance, Some... ChickFlicks, Paranormal Thrillers (Ghost Movies).    

15) What is "Fangirling?"

To go GaGa in different levels (low, medium, high) for whatever it is or whoever it is that you like (movies, music, the actors the in the movies, the person singing in the band, etc.,)

16) What are your 3 favorites snacks?

Lays Original Chips, Wiggley’s Original Bubble Gum (yes, that counts as a snack ;), Mountain Dew (That counts to).

17) What are your 3 favorite foods?

Tostino’s Party Pizza (Pepperoni and Three Meat), Ramen Noodles with Hot Sauce (Beef and Roasted Chicken), California Rolls with Crab Meat - Avocado and soy sauce (it also has some type of slightly spicy sauce on top - maybe Cayenne Pepper - MMMM)! 

18) What are your 3 favorite drinks?

Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Chocolate Muscle Milk Monster (Yes that’s a thing - MMM) - Ever want to do an Over-Nighter to write?? I recommend this and it tastes good (No Taurine... I don’t think - it does contain dairy though/milk.)

19) Can you tell us a little about yourself?

Yes, I am bubbly, a walking inigma (I don’t fit in to a box, I’m a little bit awesome, a little bit nerdy, a little bit of a sweet heart, a little bit of a - I’m Gemini (Dual Personality)... So, yeah.  I looove Books, Movies, Music:  Especially Pop, Kpop, and Alternative Rock.  

20) What are 10 random facts about you?

1)  I hate when I randomly get sticky stuff on my hands (Jelly... Miscellaneous things from a counter... etc., *shivers)  I think it’s an anxiety induced germaphobic tendency.    

2)  I draw, awesomely and should post some of that art - most people may think that I just write, but I’m actually talented when it comes to using my hands (no erted pun intended).

3)  I own a dog and two cats (I luff them so much)  My dog’s name is Squirmy and he wiggles excitedly when I pick him up, has since before he opened his eyes (which is why I gave him his name.) The boy cat’s name is Tom and he sometimes gets stuck in my cabinet, because he runs in there when I get his food out.  He’s the biggest.  The girl cat is short legged and chunky, she’s so cute.  They both sleep in what ever box they can find or in my lap or under my covers (how cute).  The boy cat takes care of the girl cat.  My dog is starting to adore them.  I say ‘Kitty’ and his ears prick up and he goes to check on them.  ^^  It’s adorable.  Does this count as just one random fact??  Probably not.

4)  I love Asian food.

5)  I believe in trying something at least, twice.  Your first time may have been a bad experience ;)

6)  It’s hard for me to leave things unfinished.  I have OCD tendencies...  (once again my anxiety rears it’s ugly head.)

7)  I put makeup on when I’m bored... Have I said this already?? Probably.

8)  I usually beat the guys at video games (yeah, I’m awesome - girl power ^^)

9)  People I’ve known for years have been convinced that I’m a natural red head buuut I’m not.  I just pull off any hairstyle or color.  

10)  (Ten right?)  I can shoot a basketball awesomely and make the hoop... but can’t play actual basketball to save my life.        

21) What are your 3 fun things to do?

1)  Watch movies.

2)  Draw

3) Go swimming - in a deep pool.


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