Am I annoying? (+a story announcement)

Heey guys! Long time no see hahah

I just have something to say - or something to ask to be precise: am I annoying with these blogs? I mean, it's only my second blog post now, but do you find it annoying to get these notifications? I want to continue this so you can be a part of deciding some of my future stories, to make you a bit more happy and satisfied with them. 

Also, I've decided to publish in a few weeks (maybe months Idunno), so that's what the previous blog post was about. I might make another blog post and show you guys the cover and guess what it's about (because I'm just a tease like that and I love to tease you guys)


But please tell me your opinions on this! I'd love to hear you guys out! 

Take care and have a lovely day/good evening everyone! xx 


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Yuriatsuki #1
I don't think your annoying ^^ if it's not toooooo frequently then it will be perfectly fine :D
You can only annoy someone by doing something too frequently. And you're saying that this blog is your second one. How would that - if ever- annoy anybody? Of course, you aren't annoying anybody. The blogs are for all to share and for all to read. So, feel free to write them.

And thank you. Hope you have a beautiful day too! ^^