
Lately I've been down in the dumps. I've lost my mojo, but most worrisome is I've been so easily excitable. I've been angry, and I don't know how to get anger's hand off my heart. It's suffocating and keeping me awake at night at how angry I can get at someone and how long.

Tonight even there is a grudge strong on my mind keeping me from dreaming. The slightest things seems to make angry, not even just upset, but plain angry. I feel as if my soul is screaming at the ones that offend me. As the days pass I can't tolerate any sort of infraction on my being. If I feel threatened by someone it immediately turns to anger, frustration turns to anger, sadness turns to anger and even a happy smile can turn to anger so quickly.

When I feel like I'm being wronged by someone even if what they did is so little, so minuscule, I just can't take it and my anger doesn't let me forgive. I've tried finding ways to forgive and forget, but it's not working. I'm consumed by this evil presence that grips my soul and screams at the ones that make feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable.

I want to get rid of this anger, but I just don't know how to. It's affecting my creativity, my drive, my very essence, and I'm so sad that I can't be who I want to be because of this.

I need help.


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First of all i think you need to have a calm heart and mind. Maybe meditation will help? I'm sure you know that anger brings harm . So maybe you should always get back to your purposed. Like what is your purposed of being mad ? is it worth it ? Would it solved the problem ? And etc.. Before you get mad you need to calm down and reflect back on everything . Take a deep breath and count till 10.