What Should I do?

There's a lot of writing contests out on this site, and I don't seem to like any of them. I just wanted to submit something in a writing contest so I could back in the groove of writing my discontinued stories, but there's nothing that seems to catch my eye. Many it's the weird rules that seem to be on every one of these writing contests, minus the solely unique ones, from cheat sheets, to flat out disqualifying people for using a certain pairing, I just can't do it. Now the thing is, whatever floats your boat, I'm fine with it, you are free to do whatever you please. I just find some restrictions are just a little unnecessary.

Though I have to admit, mpreg restrictions are something that I solely don't have a problem with, along with other assorted things that are just not my cup of tea. What I'm trying to say is that a writing contest should solely be about how good someone is at writing, not your personal opinions on what you like. (Though mpreg, still kind of weird, it's a no judge zone, but, yeah...)

If someone is abe to take a story with any pairing they choose and turn it into a masterpiece, why should it matter whether they used, Bigbang, Exo, Shinee, Block B, or an original character to fuel them in the progression of their story?

Also, cheat sheets, are well, cheating.

I believe a cheat sheet further discourages someone from using their favorite pairing because they want to win, and therefore cheat sheets shouldn't be used, it stunts creativity. Subtracting points for using a certain character is a big no-no in my book, and adding points for using certain characters or pairings is just as bad.

Now here's my dilemma, I want to enter a writing contest, but I just can't because of all these things that conflict with my writing moral standards. I like competition, but alas my friends I can not participate, which is only a loss for myself it seems. Yet if i can't enter one, I would like to make a contest, but alas, I have nothing to give and wouldn't know how to begin. I would want it to be appealing, and it seems only tangible prices seem to attract people...

Now I don't know what to do, a shame really.


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