musicbeat story update status

For those who knows me, I'm a terrible terrible writer. It takes years for me to finish stories and I'm really lazy. 

I have also a lot of places to post my stories like LJ, Watty, and AFF. I counted all the ongoing ones and it's overwhelming(MY FAULT XD). 

This got me wondering how many stories I am actually writing. I counted them earlier and it's over 50 for ongoing stories that included the 4 interactive EXO stories and tons of long fics. 

This does not include the files in my dropbox filled with ideas there are over 800 something.

Somebody smack me so that I can get things in order. lol I don't like abandoning stories but judging from the rate I'm going, I have to.

I've already deleted Summerboys- a BTS fic. It was a good idea in my head but the execution wasn't really connecting on how it was in my mind. 

Hopefully, A lot of those ongoing stories gets completed and the ones still in the draft phase do get posted. XD


How is it with you guys? 

Any writer's block, frustrating things happening, etc?

Have a nice day~



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50 ongoing 0-0
Well at least I don't feel as bad for having like 6 ongoing lol. Nonetheless, don't stress about having uncompleted stuff, it happens, its whatever. Just write what you want and if sometimes it goes unfinished then that's just how making art is sometimes. At least you conquered the hardest part, which is starting.