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The genius : kang eunbyul {캉 은별}

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BIRTHNAME : Juliette Moreau (explained later on)

▸ 황금별/ HwangeumByul; Golden Star — She is called this by her fellow classmates and many others at Yesul High because of her multiple talents and byul is also in her name.

▸ 완벽왕녀/WanbyeokWangnyeo; Perfect Princess  — She is called this by her classmates and friends because teachers often favor her for her gift of many talents and intelligence, thus people call her the perfect princess. Other students at Yesul High treat her as a princess as well because of her good reputation and good looks around school. Her classmates and friends call her this as a joke and to make fun of her in a friendly way.

▸ Juliette Moreau — This is her birth/French name. Juliette is considered her middle name by her mother now. She is called Juliette by her close friends. Some people around her class call her this when they talk about her being a princess. (More explanation later on)

DATE OF BIRTH : May 26, 2000
BIRTHPLACE : Bordeaux, France
ETHNICITY : French/Korean

▸ Korean — fluent; raised in Korea

▸ French — Advanced Conversational; Was spoken to in French  by her father when she was young and wanted to know at least something about her other culture so she chose to expand her French so she learnt French instead of English in school.

BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Lovelyz Jung Yein
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 168cm and 48kg

▸ With the body type of an average Korean and the face of a French descendant, people can already tell that Eunbyul is a halfer at first glance. Her body is very slim, but she is still very toned from personal workouts to extra curricular atheltic activities. She has a dimple on her right cheek and a beauty mark on the tip of her left nostril. Her skin is pretty clear, but if she does get acne she will mainly get it on her forehead. Her hair naturally has a slight wave to it, but nothing major. 
Aside from her school uniform, Eunbyul often wears skirts and dresses that are pastel colored or any neutral color. She doesn't wear pants or shorts very often and prefers to wear sneakers or boots instead of heels or flats. She always wears a Fleur De Lis necklace and a Roman number ring


내 영혼

PERSONALITY TRAITS : (+)Youthful, Magnanimous, Observant, Personable (=)Competitive, Unfathomable, Dominating (-)Indecisive, Awkward, Indulgent, Conceited


Eunbyul is a very joyful and youthful person. She likes to stick to her more playful and ebullient side rather than her more mature state. She shares many actions and traits as that of a child. She is a person who is magnanimous and holds no grudges against people. She is very generous and forgiving towards others even if they are not so friendly towards her. She has quiet the kind heart and has good intentions in many of her actions. She is also very observant of her surroundings. She is one of the people who notices changes or anything different first. With her hawk-like eyes, and a bonus of ears like a bat, she is very watchful of everything which is why she often knows what the latest gossip is or just news in general. With her being the "princess" and all, it's expected that she is a personable person. She has a pleasant appearance and manner around others which is why people are often attracted to her. Her amiable and charming presence is one of the main reasons why people treat her like a princess.

Eunbyul has a competitive nature in her. She enjoys the thrill of challenging others and will always be up for a challenge. She gets very defensive and competitive when someone disses her before a challenge and will amp up her game 10x more. She is also an unfathomable person. Even though many people see her as a perfect princess, no one can really understand her completely not even her family. She has the mysterious side to her because of this trait. She has a dominating strength to her as well. She can be a bit of a pushover at times, especially when she becomes arrogant. When it comes to group activites, she is able to have a commanding influence over some people in her group.

Eunbyul is very, very, very indecisive which is one of the reasons she is in the Teen Spirit club. Everyone avoids asking her questions where she has to choose because they know it will take her 20 years to answer. She can't make decisions quickly even if her life depended on it. Surprisingly, she is really awkward. After a typical greeting that everyone is used to saying, she gets uncomfortable and doesn't really know what to say after. She is mainly awkward when it comes to social activities that don't involve talking about her multiple talents or some kind of physical activity. Her indulgence is tied with her magnanimous trait. She has a tendency to be over generous and lenient with someone. She is a permissive person who allows things to happen too freely and without a lot of thought, even if it involves herself. Not surprisingly, she is yet another conceited person at YPAS. She knows how talented and good looking she is and will not deny it. She's not afraid to show her multiple talents and doesn't hesitate to boast about herself to others.


Eunbyul was born in Bordeaux, France as Juliette Moreau with a Korean mother and French father. She had a pretty normal life in France, stayed at home with her mother while her father was at work and then played with him when he came home, nothing unusual. When her father would talk to her in French she would reply in Korean, when her mother spoke Korean to her, she would answer in French. This process helped keep her bilingual and it also helped her parents keep up with the other spouse's language. Starting at a young age of 4, her mother had enrolled her in ballet classes and piano lessons to keep her busy when her mother couldn't watch her.

Her parents hit a rocky road in their relationship after their second child was born. After a year of constant bickering and gradual separation, her father confessed and announced that he had an affair with another woman and was still seeing said woman. Not too long after, her mother divorced him and returned back to Korea to notify Eunbyul's grandparents of the situation while Eunbyul and her brother stayed in France with her father in the meantime. After gaining custody of the kids in court, 6 year old Eunbyul, her year old brother, and her mother left France.

They ended up getting a home in Ulsan and after everything was settled, her mother officially changed Kang Eunbyul, taking the surname of her mother, to being her legal name. Her mother changed her name, as well as her younger brother's name, because she did not want to be reminded of the man who was once her husband. Everything went smoothly from there. Every year Eunbyul and her brother went back to France a week before Christmas to visit their father. When Eunbyul was 8, her mother remarried and had another daughter. 

As soon as they had found their home in Ulsan and her mother found a job, Eunbyul was put in ballet classes and piano lessons again, but this time her mother enrolled her in way more activities than before since she had a full time job that lasted from sunrise to sunset. She was doing a whole variety of things from football practice, to hip hop dancing, to violin lessons, to martial arts, to singing lessons, to basketball practice, etc. in addition to her previous two activities. Eunbyul couldn't complain though since she experienced a lot of fun. She continued to enroll in all of these extracurricular activities until recently when she promoted from middle school.


▸ Children; they are her absolute weakness
▸ The feeling when your adrenaline is rushing
▸ When people compliment her
▸ Spending time with her little siblings and her family in general
▸ Stuffed animals; they are her go to coping method 

▸ Nature; she says it makes her feel more at ease
▸ When someone plays with her hair 


▸ Being scolded
▸ When people underestimate her abilities
▸ Conflict
▸ Being called Princess; she absolutely hates it
▸ Having things shoved in her face

▸ When people she's not close to invade her personal space
▸ Musical.ly kids from America


▸ Going outside whether it be to hang out with friends, make her siblings go out and get sunlight, or take a stroll through the park by herself
▸ Getting bubble tea and ramyeon or chicken whenever she has free time
▸ Scrolling through Tumblr and looking at memes or funny videos
▸ Studying/brushing up on her French

▸ Blasting music in her room and dancing really weird, even if people are home
▸ Taking derp selcas or derp pictures with other people


▸ Keeping open
▸ Rubbing the inside of her ring finger with her thumb
▸ Shuffling, swinging, moving her feet when she's sitting down doing nothing
▸ Sometimes drools when she sleeps on her side 
▸ Slightly sticking her tongue out
▸ She has a very big cussing problem


▸ Her favorite drink is bubble tea and her favorite food is kimbap
▸ When she blushes, she covers her face, hits the person who pointed it out, and looks down. It's a process
▸ She understands things and learns very quickly
▸ She loves puns and loves to say puns all the time
▸ She is the star player on the basketball team and soccer team

▸ She is as blind as a bat, like she is really blind
▸ She prefers to wear contacts rather than glasses
▸ She still visits her dad every year
▸ Her siblings like to climb all over her
▸ Deep, Deep down, she loves skinship with the people she's close with but she acts as if she hates it

▸ Babies and bunnies are always attracted to her
▸ She likes saying typical American phrases like "Yo man!", "Wassup man!", "Hi! Hello!"

▸ She can imitate many accents in English
▸ She likes to listen to American pop and hip hop songs
▸ She hates when people dab
▸ Aegyo makes her cringe 
▸ She has scars on her legs from basketball and volleyball
▸ One of her wishes is to dye her hair a silver/white color when she graduates high school
▸ She loves ice cream
▸ She prefers night time over day time
▸ Her favorite type of skinship is when someone has their arm around her or holding hands
▸ Hyungwon and Eunbyul have seen each other /).(\
▸ Her first instict when she gets scared is to clench her fists and put them in front of her as if she's ready to fight 
▸ She gets so hyped up to songs with hard beats and bass
▸ Hyungwon and Eunbyul are walking memes and sass queens together


내 보물




▸ That One Kid Who Sticks Around Forever —

Chae Hyungwon (16) / Student / This guy is very quiet and awkward at first, but as soon as you break down that 4th wall, all hell is loose. This guy laughs at almost everything and will try to make jokes but completely fail at them and then turn into an awkward giraffe. He also knows that he's a good looking fellow which is why he has no problem making ugly faces because his excuse will be "I was curious to know what it feels like to be like you." Sassy bastard, seriously. / Obligated to be 100/10
Eunbyul and Hyungwon's mothers have been friends since they were in middle school so naturally Eunbyul and Hyungwon have been stuck together since they were chidren. Hyungown was the first friend Eunbyul made when she moved to Korea. They grew up together and coincidentally/luckily ended up going to the same performing arts high school. These two are like twins from different mothers, they can communicate with each other without even talking and sometimes say things that no one else understands except for them. Insulting each other, hitting each other, being sassy together, stealing food from each other, and skinship here and there is a daily norm for them. He often uses her for something to lean on since their height difference is so great. They are 100% honest with each other, very protective, and are super comfortable, like comfortable to the point where it should be weird, yknow like comfortable with seeing each other weird,  but it's not weird at all, yknow. He is also one of the only people that can completely understand Eunbyul and know everything about her. Most of the time, Eunbyul can be seen spending the day with Hyungwon during school and after school.


▸ Chipmunk & Squirrel—

Choi Taeyoon (16) / Student / Taeyoon is a ball of energy and a bit of a bubble head (Should be air head, but she says bubbles sound better). She can talk up a storm and rarely ever keeps shut. She can ramble on about stuff for hours and hours without ever being boring. She's always thinking positive and is very reactive to things, often times she is very extra. She's also the emotional one, she gets emotionally attatched to people and/or animals very easily and definitely isn't afraid to cry a river. / Close enough
Taeyoon is the first friend Eunbyul made at Yesul High. Right from the get-go, Taeyoon loved Eunbyul and her charismaticness. Eunbyul was very nonchalant about the situation and had no interest in her at first, but after a lot of tears and rambling from the bubble head, they became the chipmunk and squirrel duo. Taeyoon always talks about her problems or pretty much anything that's on her mind with Eunbyul and Eunbyul actually listens unlike other people who automatically just nod their head without giving the slightest bit of interest. Taeyoon can be either a mother towards Eunbyul or a little sister, there's no in between. Sometimes she can take care of her with motherly insticts, like feeding her, making sure she looks good to go, or being very mama bear protective, and other times she will cry to Eunbyul and pour out her emotions or ask her for advice with certain situations. They don't hang out as much as Eunbyul does with Hyungwon, but they still hang out frequently.


▸ Awkward Turtles —

Shin Yooseok (17) / Student / This kid is just aalllll awkward. Everything he does just makes you wanna cringe, like a slimy, slow cringe or a punch in the stomach cringe. Although he's super awk, he's not all that shy. He makes his awkwardness known to the world and often does things out of his comfort zone. He also has this secretive and mysterious side to him that no one really notices unless they get past the thick layer of awkward. / -666/1000
Yooseok is the only person that will forever be awkward with Eunbyul. They met when she noticed him staring at her very frequently, which was then discovered that he has a staring problem/habit, and almost smacked him upside the head for being so creepy. They rarely communicate, the most the say is a simple greeting and that's it. The only times she actually goes to talk to him are when she needs the answer to a question or to tell him to go away.


내 대답

Hey, Introduce yourself ?

▸ I'm surprised you haven't heard of me yet. Annyeong, I'm Yesul high's Kang Eunbyul. If you've ever heard people at Yesul talking about a "Golden Star" or "The Princess", they're most likely talking about yours truly. I am on Yesul's Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, and Dance team. Oh, and I'm also a part of the choir. It's nice to meet you.

Why did you decide to enroll in yesul high ?

▸ At first I had no intentions of going to a performing arts school, but when I overheard one of my mother's friends saying how I'm letting my talents go to waste I began to consider the possibility of attending one. My childhood friend mentioned that he was applying for Yesul High and had reccomended for me to apply as well. He mentioned that not only was this a performing arts school, but it was a performing arts school with sports teams as well. So, I immediately applied and registered.

what do you want to be in the future ?

▸ That, uhm, I'm not really sure about. People tell me "I should do this" or "I should do that", "You're better at this than that", etc. I'm just a bit overwhelmed by the multiple choices that I can't seem to pick the right on. If there even is a right one, yknow?

how did you find out about teen spirit ?

▸ My fellow #1 Basketball player, but for the boys' team of course, told me about it. Jisung told me about the club he was starting and told me "It would do you good to have some 'Teen Spirit'. Get it? Like Team Spirit, but Teen Spirit." (lowers voice as an imitation of Jisung and hand air quotes when she says "Teen Spirit" and then busts out laughing because of the cheesy pun) Ahh, I love puns.

why did you join ?

▸ Because I need teen spirit, duhh. Just keeding, but I think this club will be good for me though. I need a Golden goal above all my other goals. I want to be able to find my best talent that I enjoy the most, not the talent that other people want me to do or tell me to do. 

What kind of club do you want teen spirit to be ?

▸ A club where people won't treat me like a princess and I'll be able to progressively make decisions without the influence of other people. And, why not throw in some new friends. (Shrugs her shoulder and has a smug look on her face then laughs)

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LOVE INTEREST : The Ambitious Plotline or The Savage Plotline


▸ Is almost the opposite of Eunbyul in certain ways


FLuff, Angst, Fluff, Cringe

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  Shockingly Not Alone Forever


Japankeira : Minnie

LAST WORDS :  WHo is ThIs YoOSeOk AcTUaLly??? hehehhehehheheh *insert creepy grin meme* also for now the love interest pictures are of Eunbyul because she single pringle rn and yknow express yourself love yourselfff (@tht one vine)


▸ Students and staff at Yesul giving Eunbyul Princess treatment
▸ Eunbyul and Jisung puns
▸ Eunbyul and Hyungwon moments
▸ Teen Spirit doing team excercises kekekkekekkekekekke


turn in : story : cheatsheet


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