용맹_V: 篠崎 時雨 EMERALD UNIT

"heliotropism. in botanical, it is said that some plants, as they grow, goes unto the direction of the sun. it follows them everywhere as they grow because it gives them the solar energy to have the strength to grow. not all sunflowers does heliotropism, but some young sunflower does follow the sun's direction so that they can grow strong and tall. for me, i am the sunflower. and you, every single one of you, are my sun. without your support and your help, i would not grow strong and tall. as for now, i-no, we are still growing to be mature. so, continue to be our sun. be the source of our strength. it's a lot for us to ask for that, but our love for you guys will go as strong as the sunflower will stand. we could not be thankful enough for all of your support and love. we could only give so little, and receive so much. thank you for being our sun, thank you for being our source of strength"
full name shinozaki shigure | 篠崎 時雨
other names shigure doesn't really have any kind of special nicknames except from her own lover, but there are a few where people in general created some kind of small names for her
 shinozaki; she prefers people to call her by her last name
 shigu-chan/san/tan; shigure sounds a bit boyish from others perspective even though it's a uni name. she doesn't really mind the nickname really because it sounds cute 'shigu shigu nya~'
 hima; because of her recent stage name, people has a bit difficulity of saying her name because it's too long and a bit complicated so she just laughed and say 'just call me hima!'
 seal; the only exclusive nickname given by nano and only when he's a bit annoyed by shigure's over the top antics. he'll be like 'WHY YOU HAVE TO DO THAT??? YOU GODDAMN SEAL' and it only makes her laugh even more
 tiny; explanation will be given from the love interest section
birthdate december, 20th (2011;16 & 2014;18)
birthplace city of kinokawa, wakayama prefecture, kansai region, japan
hometown city of tokyo, tokyo prefecture, kanto region, japan
ethnicity japanese
nationality japanese
 japanese; native ; i think it's quite obvious as to why she's a native speaker in it since she's molded of japanese soil. she's naturally born with a thick kansai dialect
 korean; semi-fluent ; think of her like korean skills is above minghao but still a bit below junhui. she's still working really hard on her korean that she doesn't have time to learn other languages other than latin. she's not nakama that's fluent in 7 languages
 latin; basic conversational / just for science ; say thank you to her major in science to actually can speak a little in this language
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face claim  ami nakashima
backup face ichiki kyoka
height & weight 156 cm & 45 kg
appearance surprisingly, shigure has an appealingly mature type of face rather than the cute type that she always displays

cute girls tend to have a much more round face with apple cheeks, but not with shigure. she has more to an angular face and a jawline that could cut your heart and your life if you do not handle her with care. she doesn't have ample or chubby cheeks and rather just a little bump with a touch of pink tint around it. however at some angles, you could see that sometimes her cheekbones shows up a bit under a certain light and angles

she has a healthy light tanned skin that seems like she's glowing (no really, she really looks like she's glowing golden like wow). people say that she has a very deep and mysterious looking eyes, but when she smiles it turns into a cute crescent moon with the colour of dark brown-black. she has a cute small mouth with thin lips and a perfect cupid's bow with the natural colour of blush light pink, sometimes she likes it with the colour of brown or just simply pink. she used to have a straight and naturally dark brown hair but since high school she changed it to wavy, golden blonde with the length that reaches her collarbones. she likes to tie it to a low ponytail, twin braid or messy bun.

now you would've never guessed it with this 156 cm girl but OH MY GOD HER BODY IS BOMB LIKE STRAIGHT UP BIKINI BODY. she has never really made an effort to make her body look that good but the amount of practice she has really paids off. she's not necessarily skinny, i don't think she's even close to skinny. i'll just give you a reference video because it's kinda hard to explain --> videooo (skip to 3.17 please~). she also seem to be a bit buff for her height like you can see some muscles on her arms and stomach, like she has the most beautiful upper body
first impression when it comes to first impression, it depends on what state you're seeing her. one second when she's all quiet and stuff you look at her like she's quiet and mysteious, the next second when she's smiley and giggly it melts your heart and gives you diabetes and then when she's showing too much skin or showing off her muscles now you're wondering whether you want to take her home or just flaunt at her like the little creep you are (just kidding i love you). but since she's like always smiling without any sign of stopping, then number 2 will be the first impression you'll get. congratulations you'll die of diabetes and too much cutesy
fashion sense her fashion is not really limited to any colour or any type of style but she's mostly towards the comfy-stylish style. she doesn't like wearing things that are complicated or clothes that makes her uncomfortable so she wear things that are quite simple or has a home-like feeling to it

SWEATER SWEATER SWEATER SWEATER SHE LOVES SWEATERS! sweaters are like a blanket to go for her and she likes the smell of fresh laundry that sticks towards the fabric. she likes pastel coloured sweaters or sweaters that has a cute or cool graphics on it. she's always seen with it when going on everywhere; to a restaurant, going on midnight stroll, walking by the beach, chilling on her sofa, lazy grocery shopping, EVERYWHERE

she also like to put on dress that really compliments her upper body, and when i say upper body i mean shoulder, collarbones and her backside. she likes to wear strapless dress, backless dress or...yeah a casual dress

she doesn't really care about fashion really, as long as she's comfortable but still look bomb as hell (though in all honesty, she's more to pastel kei)

sweaters | dress (casual/formal)
upper clothes (shirt, crop top & bralet); works for dorm, practice & casual
lower clothes (pants, shorts & skirts) | outerwear
other essentials (bags, shoes, etc)
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character traits bright/happy, funny, wise, caring | absent-minded, too relaxed, obnoxious, insecure
'hey we both like sailor moon, let's be friends!' if you ever had the pleasure to meet this person, then happy is the first word that will come to your mind. she is a ray of sunshine that always has a positive mindset towards everything. she faces everything with a smile first because she believes frowning is the first step towards sadness. the trait that comes along with this is the fact that she make friends really fast. she greets everyone with a wide smile and especially if its a stranger, she'll immediately approach them. this makes her a fairly good and eloquent talker especially towards stranger. she doesn't get it when someone is so afraid to aproach someone, just be nice and positive! she's a really approachable person since she doesn't mind it when someone wants to communicate with her. socialising makes you happy, and being happy is nice thing!
'omg dudes i look like a swag teletubbies with this hat' sometimes it's not her sense of humour that is funny, it's her reactions. she shows it in a way that is exaggerated and funny that it will make others laugh because of her ridiculousness. her favourite action is laughing until you trample to the floor, at rare occasion she couldn't stop laughing at all and it will take her more than half an hour to calm her down. she also make the most weirdest comment like how a certain building looks like a whale smoking or an art that looks like someone just vomited paint (or that swag teletubbies). moreover is her dumbfounded expression whenever she's caught off guard or surprised. she's just like frozen there with a dumb expression and then she'll be like so confused that she could only say '...heh?'
'maybe you should stop following her if she only hurts you?' shigure, on really rare moments, is surprisingly  wise, and it comes when you least expected it. if you're telling stories with her or simply pouring your heart out, you'll expect that she'll say something funny to cheer you up. but much to that person's surprise, she actually gives a rational and logical solution towards the problem. and well, it surprises most of the people because she always gives out advices when they least expected it. shigure herself doesn't even realise that she said something incredibly big and sometimes say that she got 'carried away with her words'. she's always surprised when she's in the middle of being 'carried away with her words' and then the person is just like 'OMG SHINOZAKI THAT'S IT!!' '...what? what is it?'
'please don't say that about nano, you're offending me' for shigure, friendship and family is the thing that you must keep close and cherish all the time because nothing could replace someone that is dear to your heart. she shows extreme kindness and compassion towards those who she considered as her family. she also shows great concern if they feel uncomfortable with something or if they feel sad. she felt like it's her job to make them smile all the time because she'll also could feel the sadness from them, and she doesn't like being sad. sometimes this trait could come off as being over protective. one of the case is when her best friend got mocked by another classmate and she was raging the hell out of her own head whilst her best friend must be the one who calms her down. she gets emotional or bad tempered really easily if someone bad mouths the ones that she love
'...i think i left my phone at the restaurant...' the negative trait that is most visible is the fact that she stares into blank spaces when she's silent. and she tends to forget the little things, which is quite important cause she usually will forget all the little things and panic (you'll be seeing her running around the halls of the studio yelling 'WHERE THE HELL IS THAT GODDAMN RING???'). when she first noticed that she had lost something, she just froze and the dumbfounded look on her face is so visible. then she panics while asking everyone where is the thing that she's looking for (usually at the most obvious places). and while she's looking at it, there is a 95% possibility that she already found it, places it somewhere then forgot where she places it. and when i said 95% it means it happens all the time. when she found the things that she need at the most obvious me, she'll suddenly laugh 'OMG I'M SUCH A DUMB DUMB' while continue laughing, not minding the people who's looking at her weirdly
'dudes chill, we can like finish this tomorrow before the deadline' i think the other and more simpler word to describe this trait is her ability to procrastinate without really worrying about it. but she prefers it with the word of being too 'chill'. if you're working an important project with her, then it's best that you won't appoint her as the leader. she'll take you out to play instead of working really, and when you bring up the subject then she'll just shush you and tells you to enjoy life as it is. she'll start working at it for like...2 or a day before the deadline. if you put her in charge then she'll just shrug her shoulder 'i mean, if you want to work it alone then fine. i'll tell the counselor that we split up and works on it individually'. and her finishing job is not always smooth or squeaky clean good. i mean, it's 'okay' and you could totally see that it's rushed. but for her what matters is that they did it by the deadline. if she goes out of the deadline, then she really panic and be like 'OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP WE'RE LATE-WE ARE GOING TO BE SO DEAD PEEPS'
'hey...hey...HEEYYY!! LIIISSTEEENNNN!!!' in somewhat someway, you'll find her a bit obnoxious. well not a bit obnoxious, if you're really close to her then sometimes you'll be annoyed of her presence. she really like to mess around even during serious time, since she doesn't really like pressure and changes everything into playtime. she likes to bother her friend when they're working, like showing them things that are unimportant or tugging at their clothes just to make them annoyed. she'll also pretend that something important happened to make them panic but then it's nothing. when they ask why, she says because 'their expression is priceless'. what makes people more upset is because she's unaffected by their anger, she'll even laugh it out. but she'll end up apologizing if it's too offensive...after she's done with laughing
'/chuckles/ i mean...i'm a disgusting human being, there's no doubt in it' shigure puts up a fun and confident person as a front, but she's never the kind of person that is strong against criticism. she'll instantly crumble down when someone makes fun of her or mocks her in a serious way, she's actually a sensitive person from the heart. but if someone asked her if she's okay then she'll laugh it out saying that it only 'pinched her a bit' (as in pinching her until her skin came off and she's bleeding). usually she puts the words seriously and rather make a bit sarcastic towards it. there was a time when someone said that she 'failed as a human being' because she couldn't move on from her first love. it hits her so hard that the next day when the same person called her out because she couldn't finish an advanced equation (in which that person can't solve by the way), shigure said 'well i'm sorry, i failed as a human being remember?' or 'oh why don't you try to solve it, mr.i-am-the-most-perfect-human-being-ever'. she doesn't really cry much about it, but when she's tired or upset, she either ignores it or took it harder than before
background (i'm just going to write some important pointers in her background)
welp there's nothing really interesting in her childhood days expect for that one certain day when she was born and that faithful day where she meet her twin nano. to put it simply, her and nano had a quite bad start because they were fighting over the same toy train. nano ended up crying because shigure pushed him off and forcefully took the toy train from him. when she sees him crying, she felt bad and decided to give him the toy train but then he pushed her away until she fell and now we have two crying kids (what a magical meeting). even though her and nano got into a bad start, but somehow someway both of them hugged it out and had been friends since then. nano is the person that influenced shigure with dance, since his bigger brother is a part of a dance crew. at first, shigure only followed what he does for fun but in the end, she's the one who got pulled in deep into the game. she joined YTT (Yesterday Today Tomorrow) Studio and joined 2 classes of ballet for her own and funky hip hop with nano. nano is a natural born dancer whilst shigure struggled to follow him. shigure was about to drop out of dance because she's too tired but then nano challenges her to be more awesome than him. if she does this, then he'll give all of his gundam figurines to her which he cherishes so much. knowning how much nano love his figurines and would go all the way to that extent, she realises that he doesn't want shigure to leave. so she does it for nano instead, with the goal of 'friends forever until the very end' in her mind. what surprises nano is that she took 3rd class for fun and that is contemporary. when the dance exams come, both of them passes and got into the top 10 with shigure ranked number 4 and nano ranked number 3. nano almost cried in both happiness because his best friend is more awesome than him also with despair because he has to give all of his gundam figurines. but to nano's delight, shigure refuses if he promises that they will take their dance game to the next level by joining LIL'RAIDERS. they passed the qualifications with a tremendous difficulty and if they didn't impress the teachers, then they couldn't join

nothing really interesting happened afterwards, it's a normal life for shigure. such as her graduating from LIL'RAIDERS to FRONTRUNNERS that acquires her to quit her soccer club, her first love, her first heartbreak (and nano beating the hell out of that guy for breaking his best friend's heart), first time travelling out of the country, first time to a concert, first time got something from her bone broken, and others. she has a lot of firsts around her elementary-middle. her exciting normal life took a turn when she joined a dance camp in korea just before her high school years. she showcased at the streets with the camps choreography and FRONTRUNNERS piece that she contributes in choreography. that was the time when she got street casted by a person from a company. shigure is confused because the person was speaking in korean and it took the lady a while before she realises that shigure is not from korea. after getting some things sorted out, shigure agrees if nano got to come with her. the company representatives refused because he's not the one being casted and they think he doesn't cut it, which greatly offends shigure because HOW DARE THEY TALK ABOUT HER BEST FRIEND LIKE HE'S A NOBODY. she basically lashes out on them on the spot since she's really pissed off because they don't know his real talent. nano managed to calm her down and said that it's no biggie really, that she should give it a shot without him this time. but shigure refused it, she prefer to stay in japan and dance with him. the representatives reluctantly gives them a solution, if shigure really wants nano to get in then he should audition instead of getting recruited like shigure did. if nano couldn't get in, then they couldn't do anything about it. shigure accompanies him to the audition place and watches him for a far. nano passed the audition smoothly, shigure was not surpirsed by it since he has a lot of passion and talent in his dance. the judges was also surpirsed by this, especially the ones who were there when shigure defends her friend. they didn't expect nano to be THAT good since nano was not the center of the piece.

while training, she doesn't really need that much of practice on dancing except for some polishing here and there. instead, she was put in a special programs such as technique class, choreography & improvisation camp along with her new friend/student soonyoung and nano. she's put into intensive training of vocals and language since she's fairly good at singing but needs a lot of learning in korean. bullying is out of the question, just a few rumours her and there especially about her lashing out on the officals of pledis but nobody has ever attacked her or offend her (except if it's about nano oh then she will definitely be mad). she mostly has a mental breakdown on learning the language because she has a hard time in it but she's really trying her best. she also has her studies to think about and the fact that she's still a part of FRONTRUNNERS. she doesn't want to quit from FRONTRUNNERS, they're her family. it is a fortunate that Pledis and YTT agreed to work together so that the principle dancers and the members of the dance crew could give lessons and workshops for the dance department of Pledis, some of them even worked as Pledis' new choreographer and back-up dancer. but for her, she needs to balance everything for her to not be out of place. so these days she has a mental breakdown and cries in nano's arms thinking about her future. the only thing that could distract her now is to dance and her work
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main dancemate & best friend · kirihaiko nano · 19 · trainee · hyperactive, greaseball, flirty in a friendly way and hyperactive...also hyperactive...also he makes stupid jokes and puns like nano stop
— character interactions // ah...when both of them reunites, it's always starts with shigure yelling out 'NAAANOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~NYANYO NYANYO NYANYOOOO~~~' and then both of them would run to each other and hug really tightly. these two were childhood friends and was in the same dance crew, not to mention he's the first person to get her to like dance. he's her main dancemate because both of them clicks so well when it comes to dance. when doing choreo improvisations, their movements blends so well with each other and it looks so good, it's always fascinating to see them dance together. oh you won't even imagine how awesome it is when they dance or make a choreography together, the pieces they make is so amazing. when both of them are not dancing with each other, nano is a place where she tells him about everything and a shoulder to cry on. but shigure rarely cries on him because he always makes stupidly funny comments about it like 'nano stop~ i'm trying to be emotional here! /pouts/ you're ruining the mood!'. nano also like to flirt with her in a very friendly way like he's so greasy that it's not even funny. he would just slide towards her then say 'are you the sun? because your smile is blinding me' 'out of all the flowers in the world, you're the most beautiful' 'i get diabetes whenever i hear that sweet sweet laugh of yours' and shigure would just trample to the floor and laugh way too loud whenever he does that. sometimes she throws him punches and kicks, shouting 'SHUT UP!'

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dance mate · darling valentine · 19 · choreographer and dancer of YTT and FRONTRUNNER · quiet, temperamental, honest, a bit sassy at times, confident, mature
— character interactions // shinozaki shigure and darling valentine is what you can call as the total opposite side of the magnet. shigure is a bright and cheerful young lady whilst valentine is a quiet yet critical madame. people thought that the two wouldn't have the most positive relationship however their time together since they were a child completely defies all of that. from attending the same ballet and contemporary classes to joining LIL'RAIDERS at the same timeline is already enough for them to be friends. conflicting personalities are not a problem for them and it will never be. sure they sometimes argue because of differing opinions but friends do argue. both of them doesn't only rely each other because of contemporary, they're actual friends. she often goes out with her when nano isn't there and darling enjoys her company too. they're each others perfect match when it comes to contemporary. their styles mixed together and they just click, their movements matching each other in a singular flow. that's why shigure always trust darling when it's about dance; contemporary, waacking, ladies' style, dancehall, ballet and hip hop? leave it to darling valentine

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close friend and classmate · mandou nakama · 19 · university student · calculating, manipulative, playful, lazy-, genius
— character interactions // back at the time when shigure is still at middle school, mandou nakama was known as the opposition force of jyousetsu gakuen. nakama's middle name is trouble (sometimes she's called 'mondai nakama') and she's always able to get out of it. she was deemed as the troublemaker and the rebel of the school, always finding ways to cause an uproar and to manipulate people to get her ways out. but out of those exteriors given, she is extremely intelligent. and by intelligent, i mean intelligent that even the word genius is an understatement for her level. she was able to pass her final exams with above the average score even though she was never there for most of the lessons and spends her time sleeping. the teachers and students conspires that she's actually always cheating or that her parents were educating her with a higher level back at home. but nobody really knows the truth except for her being a crazy genius. how she and shigure became friends was not being accountable for, it came out of nowhere. shigure at first had a normal perspective of her but when she was able to answer a university level physics questions after she got woken up was what piqued her interest in nakama. shigure wanted nakama to teach her lessons but nakama refused, saying that she got no interest on mentoring someone. shigure instead, bugged the hell out of her until nakama became mad and unwillingly teaches her. nakama kept a cold and harsh exterior, seeing shigure just laughing it out sometimes annoys nakama. but then she outgrew out of it and found some friendly nature in her towards shigure. nakama founds herself being friends with shigure as time goes by

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student (lol) and close friends · kwon soonyoung & xu minghao · 19 & 17 · part of seventeen · outgoing, talkative & fast learner | modest, kind & cutie~
— character interactions // even though soonyoung relatively trained longer than shigure, soonyoung said that she's more of a senior when it comes to dancing. both of them got into a special program for choreographing at first until the agency assigned her to mentor soonyoung when they saw how much progress she's making. she's a bit 'eehh...' at first but then she felt comfortable with him as quickly as a lightning. soonyoung is a friendly and funny person, combining shigure's habit to laugh at anything is not helping at all. not to mention they're the same liners so for them to bond quickly is not a matter anymore. soonyoung and shigure helps out together in each languages, he helps her with her korean and she helps him with his japanese. soonyoung also teaches her funny dances and shigure is like 'soonyoung~ be serious!' but then she ends up laughing (one funny thing; when he's about to debut, he changed his hair to blonde. and when she sees him, she squealed and hugged him 'you became more like me~' she said as she touched his hair)
for the case of minghao, even though she's not technically her student and she was only asked to monitor some extradance genre, came a little late than soonyoung. but shigure accepts him with an open arms, she couldn't say no to those cute innocent smile and his button nose. she openly admits that she's his japanese mother and she will go great lengths to protect him (she said that while pointing a bamboo stick to everyone [nobody knows where she got that, don't even question it]). shigure babies her 24/7 most of the time of their time, and minghao doesn't seem to mind the treatment from her. he smiles brightly when he sees her and accepts all of her hugs and light cheek pinching. she likes to teach him a much more slower dance that depends more on the feeling or urban style. both of them helps each other with their korean and occasionally minghao teaches her how to do b-boy (one funny fact; shigure doesn't like him calling her noona because it makes her swoon and weak on the legs but sometimes minghao does that to tease. in which she reacts with a gasp and look pained 'i did not raise you like that!')

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friends · valiant
— character interactions // the girls are the closest thing as she could call as her true sisters. sure, they bicker a lot and does heads every so often, but that's what siblings does. they had gone through a lot of stuffs together; smiling, frowning, laughing, crying, comforting, arguing. all the ups and down they've gone through had brought them closer than they thought it would be. nobody ever said that they couldn't have a happy ending, and they will achieve their happy ending. together in arms, as friends and sisters, forever
 sweaters; i think it's obvious as to why. she practically wants to be wrapped in something warm everyday, even at hot days ('just wear a cropped or a thin sweater')
 morning; even though she values sleep too, mornings are always her favourite time of the day. she always said that it's the perfect time for cuddling (watch out shigure's roommate, you'll find her next to you when you wake up) and for a relaxing walk
 breakfast; food is love food is life, but breakfast means something important to her. she likes to have the hot of her coffee or the fluffy bite of her pancake
 eggs; she loves to add egg to any type of food she's having, she also has a ton of gudetama merchandise, even the sweater!
 anything cute; she's OBSESSED with anything that correlates with cute. one time she saw this pink fish, she BEGGED her father to buy it because she thinks it looks like a cute precious pink fluff that's swimming aorund (did i tell you that she's weak towards aegyo?)
 her upper body; people tend to praise her upper body which boosts her confidence. what makes her happy is the fact that they're not talking about her ies ouo
 laughing; laughing makes her a happy person. she doesn't care if she looks like a yellow seal, she tends to laugh at everything anyway
 sailor moon; 'I am sailor moon, champion of justice! on behalf of the moon, i will right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means you!'

 the concept of fan-idol intimate relationship; it doesn't really bug her as much, but according towards her theory, a fan's love towards an idol is a different kind of love. it is not something that is based on a personal and up close experience that shows the true colours of that idol. but i mean, hey if you're lucky and you get to know your idol better then sure. it's just the concept that bugs the hell out of her
 drama; drama gives her headache and it makes her tired. why does everyone likes to have conflict when a simple problem could be solved really easily and just apologise?
 over the top pride; pride is something that is good to have, but it is not everything. for her, if you need some help then don't be afraid to ask or if you want to apologise first then it's okay, that's admirable. but she doesn't like people who's stuck up because they think that pride is everything for them
 migraine; unfortunately for shigure, she always has this kind of migraine when she's stressed. and i'm talking about the migraine that makes you vomit every 10 minutes and light will pierce your eyes. the fact that it happened when she's stressed is not helping her feel any better
 making everything personal; you know that kind of person that has some beef with you and then brings it to the job? LIKE dude, just get the job done first then we could solve our conflicts
 arrogant people; and she doesn't mean people who are arrogant in a sarcastic, sassy and funny way or in the end it looks kinda cute, no those kind of people makes her laugh. she's talking about the people who wouldn't smile the first time they meet, why? BECAUSE THAT'S NOT POLITE THAT'S WHY. at least give a smile or greet back or something, don't ruin your image at first impression
 crying; nope
 onion; it's weird for her to have allergics towards onions really
 the feeling of drowning/out of breath; she condemns this feeling, and it makes her feel scared. not the kind of out of breath after a tiring excercise or practice but those kind of feeling that the air is up from you or you can't breathe. she hates the deep sea because of the possibility of drowning, it scares her

 she tends to groan when she's tired or annoyed, then says 'oh my Gooooodddd.....'
 laughs at everything...yes that is a habit and a signature movement (?)
 tends to act more active and hyper to forget about her worries or nervousness
 either curses or stay frozen when she's surprised
 cuts her hand's nails with small scissors out of old habit

 making choreographies; it is an essentials really, she shows her emotions clearly when she dances. although this is not really positive, but when she's sad or upset usually her contemporary dance is filled more with her feelings so it come off really good
 improvise (dance wise); #improvuntilyoudrop
 writing lyrics; she's still an amateur and still training, but she likes to do it now and then
 hair styling; she's really good in styling her hair in unique ways and she's also good at styling others (mingyu got a competition lol)
❀ take a walk; especially at morning and take a deep breath of the fresh air

 when she first joined at the age of 6, she was not part of FRONTRUNNER but she joined LIL'RAIDERS. at the age of 14, she graduated from LIL'RAIDERS and joined the seniors at FRONTRUNNER
 about YTT; Yesterday Today Tomorrow studio is a japanese dance platform located in tokyo and specialises in all style dancers. the owner of YTT is michiru haruka who is a respected dance mogul locally and internationally. the dance studio is a platform for many famous local choreographers and freelance dancers to teach and train there. it has reached out in other countries too such as america, paris, korea, singapore, thailand and indonesia. most of the choreographers had taught in famous workshop places such as urban dance camp, o school, 1million, their sibling studio en dance, gigi art of dance and others. YTT also has several in house dance crew, their most well known crew to be the megacrew THE JUVENILES which consists in more than 40+ members of the crew. besides THE JUVENILES there are also other branches and units such as; the all-style varsity seniors/choreographers FRONTRUNNER, all female dancers No Boys Allowed Fam (NBAF), all male dancers Fade 2 Blanc and the juniors LIL'RAIDERS. there are also temporary units and crews such as Gold HeritagesBEE-ACH, and Krypton Kollective that only appears in certain events and their studios showcase. all of the dance crew members constantly changes and the numbers are not fixed. except for NBAF and Fade 2 Blanc, to join FRONTRUNNER and LIL'RAIDERS will require audition to enter but most of the dancers from FRONTRUNNER was a part of LIL'RAIDERS before graduating to join the seniors. the style of the dance also varies a lot but is more popular with the hip hop and urban element. some of the members of FRONTRUNNER also had the chance to be mentored and done a collab with the dancers from 1million, flair brothers and request dance crew
 she's part of the top 10 out of all the dancers and performs the most with the other top 10 [includes kirihaiko nano, fujisaki kennyminamoto kajirouminamoto kaname, darling valentine, harukami hizakihoshina yayakudou yaga & shimabukuro aragami]
 she had shown interest in contemporary since she was a little child even though her dance crew had taught her more hip hop; she's now in the intermediate senior 2 in ballet and contemporary intermediate. upon hip hop, she's more into l.a style, funky, urban and locking, occasionally dancehall, waacking and ladies' style is also included but she's still training at that department
 according to her dancemates and her trainer, she has a great technique and a master at freestyling. she could freestyle to any song of any genre. one time she freestyled to the nyan cat song that goes on forever
 she travels a lot to attend dance camps and competitions with her dance crew
 she is a science majored student and took biology & chemistry as her main course. she is interested in biochemical and bacteriology
 she's ranked 5th at middle school and 2nd at high school
❀ she used to do soccer when she was in elementary and middle school but then dropped out from the club as she got more serious with dancing
 she has a youtube account (sunnysidetamago [tamago means egg, literally says sunny side egg]) and she was quite famous for making her original choreographies at such young age, she was considered as a youtuber when she started making mini skits
 all of her social media are named sunnysidetamago (instagram, snapchat, twitter & ameblo) except her private line, kakaotalk (both named gudemorning), 2nd private instagram (tama_nofilter) and tumblr (eating-medamayaki.tumblr.com)
 she's really active at her social media
 at her 2nd private instagram account, she only let people who are close to her to follow her and she will approve them. she will not approve or follow anyone that she doesn't know
 she surprisingly curses a lot, especially when she made a mistake or surprised
 she considers herself as an 'okay' level of singing though she feels embarrassed when someone compliments her singing
 a self proclaimed queen of reactions
 can imitate soonyoung's imitation of animals (with his expressions and all that stuff)
 an obvious morning person, but rarely stays up really late. if she got a chance to sleep, she'll do it
 important dances from her history;
- 2001 : first competition as a part of LIL'RAIDERS : 2nd place
- 2004 : first contemporary competition with darling valentine : 1st place (both of them choreographed it)
- 2009  : first competition as a part of FRONTRUNNERS : 1st place
- 2009 : first self-choreographed hip hop (with kaname & hizaki) and street contemporary (with darling & yaya)
- 2011
 : first competition overseas as a part of BEE-ACH ( performers; darling valentine [leader], hoshina yaya, shinozaki shigure, midona karen, shimabukuro aragami and fujisaki denny | choreographers; darling valentine and shimabukuro aragami ) : 3rd place
- 2011 (before being recruited) : first performance in korea ( performers; harukami hizaki [leader], minamoto kaname, shinozaki shigure, darling valentine, shiranui tsumugi and shiranui tsubaki | choreographers; harukami hizaki, shinozaki shigure and shiranui tsubaki ) : guest star
- 2011 (after recruitement) : choreography with soonyoung from the choreography camp
- 2012 : duet choreography with kudou yaga
- 2013 : YTT showcase in korea; JUVENILESFRONTRUNNER ALLSTARSGold Heritagesduet with aragami, Krypton Kollective & No Boys Allowed Fam [ valiant was on a break and she took this time to help YTT with their showcase ]
- 2013 : most well-known choreography made with darling
- 2013 : choreography with pledis' boys and girls
- 2014 : urban choreography with nano
- contributions to pledis; makes the choreography for shampoo, shh & heaven. trained the performance unit of seventeen with the help of fujisaki kenny and darling valentine

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stage name himawari (her mother once mentioned that she smiles like a sunflower and that is one of the compliments that stuck towards her mind. she asked one of the staff about it and they think it's brilliant! (especially with her blonde hair)
stage persona the vibrant sunflower
17 student kwon soonyoung aka HOSH
fanclub name dandelion/tanpopo ( dandelion/tanpopo is one of her favourite flowers and she thinks it has a close connections with sunflower because it's also yellow(ish) )
fanclub color #ffff99
position main dancer, sub vocal (dance, sub vocal)
vocal twin reol; drop pop candy+♂ (kyary pamyu pamyu) shigure has what you call the ultimate shota voice; a combination of a cute yet strong voice resulting in her voice to be like of a young boy, which is super weird when said but is actually true. she has her own charm in her voice and is a much more skilled vocalist than a rapper. although mostly singing in a higher tone, she is able to sing in a low voice and has a nasal quality to them, bringing a more rock value towards it. fans says that when singing, she has two sides of it; himawari that uses a more pop-electric side while shigure is leaning towards the rock-heavy side. 
dance twin sugawara koharu for hip hop/general and zoya (red jacket) saganenko for contemporary (yuki shibuya) as a contemporary dancer from the start, she has crazy energy and tolerance towards dancing. she has strong technique and flow towards it, and not to mention how she is light in her feet and her rubber like body. potrayal of emotion is not a question anymore; rather than showing it towards singing, she shows it in dancing. she's really good in improvisation and unpredictable change in rhythm and speed, making her an advanced intermediate dancer. when it comes to hip hop, the energy that came towards contemporary makes her has an endless stamina. she hits hard when dancing but also has a great control in her movements. she likes to do really fast movements that makes a transitions into a core-based movement in a split second. she also like to do old school basic hip hop movements when freestyling since it is the foundation of hip hop. being an all style dancer, she was trained to be able to adapt to different genres. as stated above, the genres that she does and/or in the process of training are; l.a style, funky hip hop, urban, poppin', locking, dancehall, waacking and ladies' style. she's sorta weird when it comes to y Y and not y fierce, because she could totally whip her hair and make fierce faces but not ily going down and roll your hip in a very 'woohoo' manner
speaking / english twin hirano aya
training years 4 years; 2011-now
training experience shigure started training at early 2011 in which she also attented a special international school that's recommended by the company. shigure is normally a bright and kind hearted child, so bullying was out of the question because...come on, not everyone in this world are mean and who in the world would dare to bad mouth about someone who is nice from the heart? she picked up with the lessons really well; especially dance and vocals. since she's more interested in comtemporary, the company puts her in a special program which makes her learn more about contemporary, jazz and basic ballet whilst also staying in the normal program that includes more towards hip hop and vocals. another one of her main programs is to teach her more about making choreographies, technique class and improvisations camp which also applied to seventeen's soonyoung. the only thing that she's struggling is her language. she never learned korean before and it took her nearly half of the year she spend training to really be normally fluent in the language (a little bit higher than minghao's)
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how did you join pledis? 
it's quite a coincidence really; i was attending one of the dance camp at seoul along with my dance crew, i think it was locking? of course, in dance camps we got to perform somewhere to show what we already gained from the training. my dance crew got the honour to perform our own piece after the joint performance with the studio. we were combining contemporary and hip hop, even i was amazed by how good the chemistry between those two and i feel so proud knowing that i contributed to the making of our piece. so after all of that, applause applause and all of that fun, i was suddenly approached by this woman asking 'hey are you interested to become an idol?'. at that time, i didn't learn korean and only know the basic, so the first thing i said is of course 'huh what?' in japanese, she realises that i wasn't from here and the barrier of language kinda blocked us. so she asked one of the translators from the studio to help her. and now...here i am /smiles and beams lightly/ (actually there's a looot more to it, but for the sake of the program the rest of the story wouldn't be broadacasted)
valiant is rumored to consist of pledis's best female trainees; how do you feel about this? 
/blinks softly then giggled in delight/ wow did you guys knew that i like to be praised, pssh don't be like that you're flattering me /laughs softly but then shakes my head/
i'll be honest, i still have a lot of things to learn so i won't even categorise myself even near to the best. i'm working hard in the road of being the best but as time goes by, being the best may not be the thing that i seek for myself. when you become the best, that means you're already at the top and that means everybody looked up to you. for my group, i want valiant to be the best and i'm sure that valiant is filled with amazing people with amazing talent. but i want valiant and myself to keep learning, to keep searching for something new to explore and to keep looking up and not looking down. and by the time valiant is already at the top, i want us to give out our knowledge to others whilst for me myself, i will search for a new mountain to climb /smiles softly but then blinks/ well that went from 0 to 100 real quick /starts to laugh/ sorry, i tend to get carried away with my words
did you ever think you were going to debut?
/hums softly, thinking for a little while/ for me, it's good to keep a positive mind and not let anything negative into my own perspective because i think it's going to be a downfall from there. however, i won't lie that there are times where i think...'what am i doing with my life?' 'am i going anywhere with this?' 'is this the job that i want?' 'is this what i want?' and most of that time is when i'm upset, sick or when i'm on my period /laughs/ but yeah, of course i have my doubts but, i have to continue learning and learning and learning for my own benefit. and now, i will put my contribution and hard work towards the group
who are you closest to in the pledis family, seventeen included?
it's good to keep an open mind and be close towards everyone, i try to be friendly, nice and open. but of course there are some people that are particulary close to me. my dance mates kahi eonni and jungah eonni, back at the time when the three of us are not that busy with our own schedules we always improvise choreographies of our own and just dance all night long~ /starts to dance a little and laughs/
and then there's seventeen, of course my 2-month-older student soonyoung and my dearie minghao. i spend most of my time with them, brainstorming and dancing but we also spend some time having lunch and dinner and playing together. i also tutor dearie minghao with his korean, and i'm proud to say he's getting better! /smiles proudly/ i'm quite close to jihoon and seungcheol but i don't really spend my time 24/7 with them because we're close only because i'm close with one of my friend miku. seungkwan and seokmin also! of course those children! they're the social butterflies of those 13 (before 17) boys of course! /laughs gleefully/
as for nu'est, at first i was like 'ho, what the hell? 4 95 liners and a 93 liners??' and i was like shocked and expressed that shock to them. i'm close to minki because who could resist such a cutie really?? i just can't believe he's older than me though! /laughs gleefully again/
what activities do you aspire to do outside of valiant?
i miss attending workshop and dance camps. oh God that time when i went to german to attend urban dance camp, keone and mari was legit and i was so happy. i wish to do attend more for my own knowledge and hopefully i could spread that knowledge to my mates and my students. i would also like to do dance competitions solo variety shows. running man especially, running man had been my goals for my entire life (/squeals/ lee kwang soo~ /my eyes starts twinkling in thoughts of him/)
where do you think you'll be in fifteen years?
holy hell, 15 years?? that's a hella long time. i'll be in my 30's at that time and i'll be old. world touring with the girls, attending shows, receiving awards /smirks softly/ /laughs/ sorry i always imagine us receiving awards and i would love to make aspiring comments /laughs again/ hmm...maybe i would also expand my work with choreographies, make my own studio and workshops as my side project /smiles softly/ yeah, i think i will have a lot of side project /frowns softly/ 
"hey jihoon?"

"i like you a lot, like A LOT" 
"/chuckles/ alright tiny, now press those lips close and kiss me"
love interest lee jihoon (이 지 훈)
backup love interest can i please have him? owo
personality woozi of seventeen, the power producer, leader of vocal unit and the triple threat of the group. on the stage, he is in charge of the balancing charisma of the group, he makes everything even and just right. he also has the tendecy and the passion for explaining about the music he makes everytime he was asked about it. behind of it, is the hardworker lee jihoon. the guy who keeps his goals and vision to keep training and training and to give out his best in everything. if he keeps on training then he will mold himself to be the best in what he does the best. he doesn't see any limit towards his body, most of the time he tires his own body and he has to endure to pain. it doesn't matter to him, it will all be over if he continues to practice and practice. at first meeting, you'll think of him as a bit cold and serious because he's silent and he tends to snap when things doesn't go his way. but at other days, he just needs some understanding from the others because he gets stressed too easily since he's a guy with a heavy burden on his shoulders. but he's a person who likes to laugh and to joke around his friends. he enjoys a calm and relaxed feeling enveloped around him, he cherishes moments like those. he doesn't mind it when someone makes fun of him, as long as he gets a fair share of laughing too. when he encounters a stranger, he tends to get...pretty awkward, especially if it's a girl since he doesn't have many experience in it (except with a few that he came to communicate with). he becomes silent and doesn't know what to say, nervous and sweaty could also be a part of it. and he'll speak really careful and formal when he gets past the weirded out stage. if you manage to calm him down then you'll be able to see the normal jihoon. 
beginnings we do know that our jihoon has feelings and an attraction towards somebody (well duh he's human) no matter how many times he boasts that he never had a girlfriend before. well sadly, 'never had a girlfriend' doesn't correlate with 'never had a crush' for our jihoon, and he might experience what others called as 'lovestrucked' or 'love at first sight'. to be fair, it was not at first sight. the very first time they met at 2011, they don't even look at each other in the eye nor have a conversation. they were introduced in a group where they didn't pay attention to each other. but after around 3 months after their first unoffical meeting, they both met each other after soonyoung took her to hang out. shigure sat in between her friend and, you guessed it, lee jihoon. he was nervous and awkward the whole time, his palms are sweaty and his stance stiff. wanna know why? 1. there's a GIRL beside him 2. that GIRL is hella CUTE like wtf jihoon never get this close to a very cute girl. he thought it will be impolite if he just moves but he was silently giving the 'MAYDAY-CUTE-GIRL-NEXT-TO-ME-IDK-WAT-TO-DO' look to his peers around them but they just look at him with silent amusement with his panic. he was just glad that the cute girl is only talking to soonyoung...until "what about you? what's your favourite movie?" the cute girl aka shigure shifted towards him a little bit as she asked the question. jihoon blinked in confusion and he could feel his back and palms becoming niagara falls now. it was such a simple question, but it took a solid minute for him to mutter "x-men..." shigure nodded at his answer "cool, which one?" she asked again, he answered again. she asked again, he answered again. HE asked her again, then she answered. before they knew it, jihoon the guy who's awkward around girls, is engaging a normal conversation with a girl that he considers cute. he founds himself calming down by talking to her and chuckling when she made a joke. what is this? is jihoon getting comfortable with the girl? as time goes by, they start to hang out often, start to get closer and closer each time they talk. a flower blossom unto their hearts. and when at a particular moment, she said "you have a really charming smile you know" he crumbles and melts down in a fury messy puddle of feelings. uh oh, our boy has been strucked with love
love story
so...we're dating now...heh it was a long time after months upon months of painful crush and doubting himself all over again, he finally gathered up his courage to ask her out. not to lie, they did had a few dates before (or at least what he thought as a date when only the two of them go on a casual lunch or hang out). the only problem that's keeping him is that he doesn't know if she likes him back. but he told himself to stop being a 'wuss' and ask her out already...which honestly ends up jihoon going into an emotional outburts about his incapability of getting her out of his mind. shigure just stands there, baffled with his endless words and troubled expression. before she decided to lean in and kisses his cheek, causing him to froze. she smiled "thank you, i like you too in case you want to know" she said as she pat his shoulder before turning away from him, smiling to herself with the fact that he just confessed. jihoon broke out of his stance and turn into a blushing mess as he runs to catch up with her "so are we dating??" he asked, hands holding her tightly and eyes full of hope. shigure laughs at him "well what do you think that kiss was for? that surely wasn't friendly~" she as she leaned and give him another peck on the cheek. he blushed again "you're driving me crazy..." he huffed before smiling at her, founding his newly found happiness in his embrace. jihoon was still a little bit awkward in the early stages of their relationship, mostly because he's a bit clueless on what to do. he sometimes lowkey asks the older ones or the ones with experience but he often dodges the question on who that advice is for. he's nervous if he does something wrong or he's just not good enough for her. shigure practically took the lead in this stage. she was more comfortable and learns how to handle his worry and nervousness over their relationship. she assures him that everything's going to be alright between them, taking the initiative to hold his hand or kiss his cheek. she will do anything to make him content with her

you're just so loveable the third month of their relationship, jihoon had become much more comfortable around her. he was still shy and awkward around this...'relationship thingy'. but as she kept her patience around her and was able to lead him well, jihoon slowly takes over their relationship into a stable role. he became brave enough to initiate skinship first (and that is rare even for jihoon btw), he look at her in the eyes a lot and lord the amount of praises he gives to her everyday then proceeding to cringe because he thinks he's too cheesy ohmahgawd. shigure thinks his newfound trait is really adorable of him, she enjoys being drowned in compliments. she's happy with the fact that he's content with her, happy with the fact that she's able to make him smile. everything's alright...right?

in the end, we're both not perfect the more you love someone, the more you start to see their true colours. after 4 months of being together, they've begin to see each other's flaws. not everything is always sunshines and butterflies around the two of them, every single couple will go through this eventually. they started petty little arguments and a small heated talk until they realised what they're doing. they've never say harsh things about each other, their arguments are rarely about each other. mostly is because jihoon is so opiniated and shigure sometimes could be a bit stubborn. shigure could also took her jokes too far and became obnoxious instead. jihoon never told her directly, but it was clear by his annoyed expression. jihoon sometimes couldn't filter his emotions nor words when he's tired or stressed, and he still does that towards her. shigure could only sigh and smile, hugging him as tightly as she could and telling him that everything's going to be alright

but no matter what i do, you're still the perfect person that i needed a year had gone through, ups and downs had been ride through. their kiss had deepened, but their arguments had become heated too. their love went wide, but their scars are still there. he messed up when he calls him 'annoying' when she tries to console him at stressful days. she messed up when she blatantly ignores him when he makes a petty mistake. but they always end up huddled on the couch together, embracing each other and caresses each other's cheek as they mutter "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry" with a apologetic kiss and a plead for amends. until that word come out, that word come out of it. she was crying, he was on the verge to cry. he hold her close in his chest, she held unto him. he felt guilty, she felt miserable. he said "sorry" she said "it's alright" and then he said
"i love you so much"
he contemplated if he made a mistake by saying that because he was met with silence and his lover tensed in his arms. he sighed and was about to apologise before shigure pulled him down for a kiss. he was surprised but returned it, tightening his embrace around her. she pulled back, their eyes looked at each other with only raw emotions of love. she smiled that lovely smile of her that he always admired and said those words
"i love you too..."
relationship dating in secret, probably coming out in the future
the end in my opinion, jihoon deserves a happy ending to their story. but i prefer it if they have a rocky process through the happy ending

misc. couple trivia
— both of them love to spend time more in the studio rather than going on an date outside, but sometimes she has to drag him outside for a breath of fresh air
— he values her opinion so much when it's about music so when he produces something, he always let her have the first listen
— he often calls her at ungodly hours when she's not beside him
— she often goes to pick him up from the studio herself and drops him at his dorm just to make sure he's not overworking
— jihoon could get protective of her without really knowing about it. even if someone just lightly pushed her out of accident he'll be like 'yOU TRYNA MESs wITH MA GIRL?????!!!???'
— shigure still tries to make him play the piano and sing for her so she can dance to it
— little did she know, he has a pile of notebooks just lyrics and song about and dedicated to her
— jihoon could be weirdly cheesy on a daily basis like thinking her kisses are his good luck charm like stahp man
— jihoon is not brave enough to do public skinship just yet, even he only caresses her hand and sits really close whenever there's their members. they must be gone if he wants to hug or kiss her

— shigure on the other hand could always kiss his cheek in front of the members and he'll be like ???!!!???!!!!
— jihoon put their chat background with a picture of her holding her birthday cake that he bought for her with a goofy smile. while her background is a photo of him playing his guitar with a very serene look on his face and she's just like 'damn boi u gorgeous'
— jealous jihoon is real peeps
— jihoon falls in love with her more when he sees her wearing his sweater and he was all 'you took mah breath away'

— they talk about their problems only when they're with each other and alone. they do not like talking over phone or being disturbed by other people
— shigure is really honest when it's around jihoon. she could never lie to him
— saying i love you make him nervous and scared, but when it came out it was natural and real...everything is real

love statement 
I appreciate the little things that you have
The move of your hands, the soft locks of your hair, the beautiful melody of your voice, the cute crinkles of your eyes, the bright smile of your lips and many other little things that I came to love
But the most important thing for me is
I love your existence beside me
- shinozaki shigure 

I know it's hard for you, I'm aware of it
I've been too harsh on you for no apparent reason
And I know you've been through a rough time and i was not there for you
But baby, please know that I do think about you every single day
You're in my mind 24/7 that the songs that I make mostly is about how much I miss and how sorry I am for yelling at you
Please bear with me, please stay with me
I need you beside me, I don't know what to do without you
I want to be selfish and have you all to myself
- lee ji hoon 

“If someday, I were no longer a human,
would you still love me?”
The truth I feared left unable to be told,
I softly pluck the final feather alone…

“Of course,” I say, smiling
I promised I’d embrace you when you lost your wings
And that crane which had beautifully taken flight that day,
I’ve never forgotten, and still remember, even now

And just like always, I love you
shinozaki shigure lee jihoon
feathers across the seasons
idk anymore tbh
comments fun fact; shigure was supposed to be designed only for valiant owo
questions jihoon why?
concerns my concern is the fact i cannot make a moodboard ;w;
scene reqs me ish tired i'll do dis later okai


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