Stealing Other People's Stories

Heads up!

As many of you probably know, there are fanfic aggregators out there that pull content from sites like LiveJournal. One in particular has been aggressively pulling chapters of my fanfics for a while and posting them in their entirety on their website. Here's the comment I left there yesterday:
You know, I was okay when you posted a chapter of my fanfics here and there. I didn't like it, but people still had to visit my journal if they wanted to read the rest of the story. But now that you're snatching every chapter as I post it, and it's possible for readers to follow the entire story by visiting ONLY your site, you've crossed a line. I'm locking my fics down, so you'll just have to snatch content from someone else now.

Or, god forbid, actually put in some effort and create content yourself instead of stealing it.

Now I know why so many LJ writers go dark or lock down their journals. It's because of shady sites like that. I didn't see anything from AFF or AO3 on their site, but if you cross-post to places like LJ, you might want to do a google search and make sure your fics aren't being stolen by sites like that. 


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really bad s a mind and i don t like you fightiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing :)
Filialim #2
That's really awful ... Don't understand why someone have to steal other people hard work. Stay strong Mira ... I thank you for allowing me to read your stories and hope you won't get too upset. Is there a way to report that "thief" into the site admin?
Mira so sorry to hear that ... And ita really awfull =( ... Glad u lock your LJ account ... I really hate plagiarism ... Admit someone works really un tolerate ... :(
Hi! Just read this blog since I was away for days >.<
That's awful. Have the plagiator (is this the right term?) replied your comment?
And I hope I'm not one of the 16446 silent readers :3
claire_yj #5
It must be so frustrating to have your hard work stolen like that. This unscrupulous person has certainly crossed the line. What nerve! Plagiarism is wrong... there is no excuse for it.

I sympathize with you so much on this matter, because I, too, have watched my sister fighting for her rights, as original translator on youtube. She spent ages translating videos and it got stolen in no time.

If there is a bright side on this, it means that your fiction is beyond amazing! However, I agree that you should take drastic countermeasures to stop that scoundrel's wrongdoings.
Ya know they can simply get a translator or something if they can't write in English. And there are sites where plots for figs are provided. so if they like can't think of a plot of their own, they can get help there.
But they won't 'cause they've actually too low scores on the "moral" department.
And I'm starting to think that these "precious" persons are actually your regular readers, hence they're able to keep track of your updates.
This is so sad . Those people should learn to have some dignity and moral values. This is so wrong. I hope they realized their mistake and stop it.
why steal a story..?? why not be thankful for reading it...of course the original author will get mad..they work hard for thinking a wonderful story putting a lot of effort....hhhaayy.. friendship i feel bad for what happen to you
sometimes i wonder why people don't have a problem with themselves when they steal someone else's story. nothing like 'wow i'm doing some sad right now' or 'i feel horrible for taking credit for someone else's hard work'.
some people
phinea2009 #10
How can I help you Mira?
Wow, it's 2016 and they still have the nerve to do this. Can't the account be reported?