유착 Coalesce / Miss New Zealand has arrived!


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  faye valentine  

birthname. kaimana waimarie kahurangi

other names. 

• faye darling valentine + given english name
• shin ga yi + korean name


– kai :: before having her name as faye, people casually call her as 'kai', which is a shortened version of kaimana
– fae :: short for faerie and the origin for her name faye. parris calls her faerie all the time or 'fae' in short
– val :: short for 'valentine', her lover has a deep interest in her last english name. so he called her valentine or val a lot

date of birth. april 11th, 1993 (23 years old in 2017)
birthplace. honolulu, oahu, hawaii 
hometown. honolulu, oahu, hawaii (7 years) --> manurewa, auckland, new zealand (11 years)
ethnicity. māori/samoan-korean
language spoken. 

– english :: the language that she was born with and the most familiar with her tongue. she speaks in a decent accent but sometimes her hawaiian accent or her hawaiian pidgin comes out out of accident :: native
– korean :: her mother speaks in korean with her a lot so it had become a fluent language for her. plus speaking korean is a requirement from pledis :: fluent
– māori :: faye's grandparents taught her the māori language and because her grandmother is a pure native māori, she's able to pick up and speak the language just fine :: semi-fluent


  Lets get to know you 

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personality traits.  silent, kind, wise, friendly | perfectionist, insecure, cautious, destructive


kind. even though most of the time she spend her time with a straight face and always so silent, she is actually the type that gives a good vibe to the people. she's always smiling whenever someone greeted her and polite to strangers, helping to those who are in need. softspoken and uses formal language to everyone except those who she's really close to. she showed patience and kindness to all, the 'perfect' kind of girl

friendly. people seem to pick up the wrong vibes towards her just because she's so quiet, but she's surprisingly very friendly. she always keep up a good social towards people by of course being nice. she needs to socialise obviously, but she's also introverted. doesn't really mean she closes every single detail about her but she only shares what is safe to share in her opinion. she tends to forget that there are other people that helped her with life and because she's not allowing them to do so. she's the weird-mother like type of friend you view as 'perfect'

wise. faye is wise, and it comes when you least expected it. if you're telling stories with her or simply pouring your heart out, you'll expect that she'll say stay silent and listen to your stories or just comfort her. but much to that person's surprise, she actually gives a rational and logical solution towards the problem. and well, it surprises most of the people because she always gives out advices when they least expected it. faye herself doesn't even realise that she said something incredibly big and sometimes say that she got 'carried away with her words'. she's always surprised when she's in the middle of being 'carried away with her words' and then the person is just like 'OMG FAYE THAT'S IT!!' '...what? what is it?'

perfectionist. may seem and sounds nothing at first as a bad trait, but it will show when she sees even one book out of order or pencils not aligned in a tidy manner. she could let it go when it is messy by accident, but you could see her twitching when someone left something messy. she has a very good patience, she often told them that they should keep it clean and neat then showed them how she tidy it. but if they don't care and make the second mistake, you could get a scold from her. she could be really upset when something is out of order or messy, her hands are itching to tidy them up and maybe slap you across the face for making the same mistake

insecure. faye puts up a kind and strong person as a front, but she's never the kind of person that is strong against criticism. she'll instantly crumble down when someone makes fun of her or mocks her in a serious way, she's actually a sensitive person from the heart. but if someone asked her if she's okay then she'll laugh it out saying that it only 'pinched her a bit' (as in pinching her until her skin came off and she's bleeding). usually she puts the words seriously and rather make a bit sarcastic towards it. there was a time when someone said that she 'failed as a human being' because she couldn't move on from her first love. it hits her so hard that the next day when the same person called her out because she couldn't finish an advanced equation (in which that person can't solve by the way), faye said 'well i'm sorry, i failed as a human being remember?' or 'oh why don't you try to solve it, mr.i-am-the-most-perfect-human-being-ever'. she doesn't really cry much about it, but when she's tired or upset, she either ignores it or took it harder than before

destructive. faye sometimes put her emotions into her works, and that is something that's really destructive. her kind and friendly attire not to mention her perfectionism is what makes her a leader, but her honesty and her serious side was also what made her a leader. despite being like that, sometimes she just took it way too far. remember how she's insecure? piss her off enough then she'll really put her emotion into her everyday life. the bad thing is that she let it get over her head, and even though it's a rare event but once it's done then it's really bad. she's stlll trying to control her emotions but she's afraid, now that she's appointed as the leader, she could be responsible if a conflict happened between them


kaimana waimarie kahurangi; in literal translation her name would be 'diamond, good luck and noble'. in hawaii, it was said that a woman with the name of kaimana is not someone that you want to mess with and was said to be a walking goddess. however, kaimana doesn't believe in that, she's just a normal human being, she dislikes the meaning of her name. kai is a beauty the moment she was born to ths world, so it does cover the meaning of a goddess. but her mother had another plans for her name. as a child, kai is silent and well-mannered, a young girl who has a calm exterior. and that reflects the calm of the ocean, that is the alternative meaning of kaimana that is 'ocean'. from that forward, she had been in love with the ocean. she spent most of her time on the beach, swimming and surfing. the ray of sunlight radiates to her glowing skin and her toothy smile, giving her a brighter day. she was also interested in ocean life and ecosystem, she had done a lot of volunteer work in preserving and saving the nature of the ocean. she was kaimana waimarie kahurangi, the princess of the waves

at the 7th year of her life, her family decided to move to new zealand where the work place is more convenient for her parents. she will miss her birthplace, but she will yearn the ocean the most. granted her new home is near the beach but it is not as near as the beautiful blue ocean of hawaii. she misses the waves, she misses swimming unto the blue waters. she misses the ocean, it was a part of her. but she had little to no choice than to oblige to her parent's wishes. at the 10th year of her life, she met the person who'll change her entire life; parris goebel. parris was her seatmate at school and the first person that befriended the girl. they spend a lot of times together, one of those was when parris introduced her to hip hop. the samoan descent girl took her into one her hip hop courses and told her to give it a try. she was stiff at first, but with the encouragement of her friend, she became used to it. she wasn't really interested at first, she was just doing it for parris; but as time goes by, her body got used to it and she felt some fun as she does the dance moves. it was something that she hadn't felt in a long time since she had moved, and she might want to stay with this one for a long time. kai was one of the four friends that parris selected to be the first generation request at the year of 2007. she became the first generation and founding mothers of request, following parris around the world in expanding their family into what is known in the future as the royal family

at the 20th year of her life, parris had given her an english name. faye darling valentine, and it was a funny reason as to why she gave her that name. parris had always thought that the beauty that she radiates is surreal and gives off a mythical feeling or as she quotes 'like a faerie queen'. while valentine was the date that the two of them met and darling is because she's such a 'darling'. the name made her chuckled, but she acknowledge the name. not long after, her family visits the korean side of her father which is like a family tradition every year. when she was walking down the streets of hongdae with her cousin, she felt a tap on her shoulder. she knows a little korean at that time but she understood what the person needed from her. apparently her visual is so eye-catching that the person wanted her to be in the entertainment industry. in short, they scouted her to be an idol. she was curious at first and tried to do an audition to the same company that scouted her since there will be some pre-audition before entering the company. the scouts and judges was baffled by her talent in dance, failing to realise that she's faye valentine of request dance crew. she was immediately accepted and that's when the confusion started. she never really consider herself to be an idol and she knows little about kpop except for parris working for some companies to do choreographies. but she founds excitement and even more curiousity in it, what if she performed in an entire different kind of stage? she consulted parris, thinking that she will not agree with it. but surprisingly, parris nodded and encourage her to train under an idol company. whether she wants to continue as a real idol or not is faye's choice, training under a company will be a whole new experience for her

alas, she finally made up her mind

to join bighit entertainment as an idol

   Tell us more

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– ocean; without any doubt, this is one of her most favourite things. she is one with the sea and merges with the waves
– morning; even though she values sleep too, mornings are always her favourite time of the day. she loves to take morning walks down to street and just breathe the fresh morning air
– surfing & swimming; anything related to an water sports she will like tbh
– contemporary; although not really skilled and still training in this genre, she enjoys the freedom that she gets when she do contemporary
– sounds of waves; sometimes it lulls her to sleep
– blue; any type of blue is her favourite colour
– warm coffee; who doesn't like it really? (except maybe for those who doesn't like coffee) she's a bit of a caffeine addict really
– the feeling of wooden training floor; something about that wooden training floor makes her very comfortable when she sits or lay down on it
– dolphin and whale; probably faye's number one favourite ocean animals

– mushrooms; she loves to eat mushrooms, any type of mushrooms...no not the type that makes you high as the sky that's the dangerous type


– the concept of fan-idol intimate relationship; it doesn't really bug her as much, but according towards her theory, a fan's love towards an idol is a different kind of love. it is not something that is based on a personal and up close experience that shows the true colours of that idol. but i mean, hey if you're lucky and you get to know your idol better then sure. it's just the concept that bugs the hell out of her
– drama; drama gives her headache and it makes her tired. why does everyone likes to have conflict when a simple problem could be solved really easily and just apologise?
– being called arrogant; being quiet is not equivalent with being arrogant
– shellfish; she can eat seafood, just not shellfish. it doesn't agree with her stomach
– rainy days; bring back the sun please so she could swim in peace
– loud places; this could be a problem since she couldn't handle a place that is too loud or chatty but she tries to cope with it for the sake of her job
– people that has no respect for the ocean; SHE WILL KILL ANYONE WHO DISRESPECT THE OCEAN'S NATURE
– being emotional; the challenge of her life


– turns really sour-faced when she's sleepy
– would cross her arms when she's trying to make a statement or a point
– sighs really heavily when she got annoyed
– has to use 2 blankets to sleep
– counts the seconds before a show if she's nervous


– she's the honorary member and alumni of request and royal family dance crew as one of the founding members
– unlike her dancemate parris, faye had to maintain her education and dancing all at the same
– she's a science majored student, currently taking marine studies as her major in korea maritime and ocean university
– if she's not an idol, she would like to be an ocean biologist or an animal doctor that specialises in maritime and marine animals
– she's very athletic; she can do surfing and swims greatly
– she has her own youtube account [azurelyfaye] and was famous for making her own choreography back when she's still in new zealand until she came to korea. she occasionally do vlogs but she rarely talks
– all of her social media are named fayemana [instagram, snapchat and twitter] except for her private line, kakaotalk (both named kaikahurangi), 2nd private instagram (cyanovalentine) and her private blog that she named under her pen name aquatic fairy
– she rarely writes anything in korean on her social media except if it's an important announcement or promotions
– she likes to post pictures of sceneries and goes on a wild spree when she's on a beach or anything related to the sea

– if she feels under pressure, she likes to type stories or poems for stress release. and she places those on her blog where she remains anonymous as aquatic fairy
- she's rarely called by her korean name which is gayi, usually only her grandparents of her father side calls her that



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– mother :: rangi amiria kahurangi (54) / retired biologist, housewife / kind, calm, wise, talkative, protective / faye is not at all close with her father, but you could tell that she is her mother's daughter when you see it. despite inheriting the silentness from her father, she definitely got the beauty and the calmness from her mother. rangi is the typical wise and caring mother who would do anything to protect her child. she is the first person that taught her about the ocean and the things in it

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– soul mate :: parris goebel (24) / choreographer, dancer & actress / confident, creative, active, articulate, funny / ahh...parris and faye, the soulmates since they were still little girls. they had been through a lot of stuffs together and they've seen the worst and the best out of each other. they understand each other well and no one could ever see the chemistry between two people so well. if you think cl and parris are like best friend, then parris and faye are more towards sisters. it is the type of love they share as a family, they're more than just a friend; they're family
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– faye's 'squad' :: brooklyn 'brooke' ardantia lewis (23) / fashion designer / cocky, cold, confident, fearless, determined / faye's 'squad' was formed because the 4 of them met around in a cafe where they shared their stories before eventually became friends. at that time, brooke was a design student with a heart of steel. and now, she is a top fashion designer that has her own fashion line 'ardantia' with a heart of steel. brooke's personality was more of an aggressive one between all of the 4 of them, as if she's the father of the squad. she's always the one who criticises them if they've done something stupid and makes a hurtful remarks. but faye knows that she's actually a good person, she just couldn't filter her words
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– faye's 'squad' :: wen tian zi (22) / model / gentle, meek, sweet, enthusiastic / you could say that tianzi is the sweet and gullible daughter of the squad. she's born from a wealthy family and had been fed on a silver spoon since she's a fetus, thus being with the squad gave her more experience in a more 'exciting' things. faye sees her as a place where she could place her motherly skills. faye secretly and silently babies her and treats her like her own daughter while tianzi just happily succumbs to her loving gestures with a dorky smile
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– faye's 'squad' :: moon joo hyun (23) / guitarist & underground musician / warm, playful, easy going, humourous, caring / you won't really call him the son or the brother when the brother is dating the sister right? no, he's tianzi's boyfriend and thus considered as the in-law of the squad. he's the one that brings the lighter and humourous mood to the environment. he's the one that counterattacks brooke's critiques with jokes, teasing faye for being carried away with her own thoughts and showering a giggly tianzi with cheesy pickup lines


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( Miss 1 + leader, main dancer, vocalist ) 

   Talent Twins

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Singing Twin.  twice jungyeon

Dancing Twin.  koharu sugawara

Rappint twin.  snsd seohyun...with a little bit of suho there

  Company + trainee life

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3 years in bighit entertainment

she didn't really waste much time in her 3 years of training. already being a professionally trained had given her a headstart of her training years. although not doing much but her voice are sculpted and trained to be a decent vocalist. the rest of her training days filled with learning different genres of dance and how to adapt to a certain concept time by time. not to mention idol 101 and 'how to take care of 6 children without really f-ing everything up'



   Just a few questions

Why do you think you were picked to take part in this global project? /shrugs softly/ because i'm only a quarter korean? i mean the target of this project is to have '7 girls of different ethnicities to complete the global project' and bighit was asked to choose their most formidable, non full korean, trainee /smiles softly/ and i guess i am that trainee

What makes you different compared to the other 6 girls? /blinks then shrugs/ i'm not any different from them, but we are all unique in our own way. the only thing that makes me different is the fact that i use urban polyswagg as my dance technique and i have been training myself to adapt with different concepts /fixes the hem of her skirt/ and i like ocean so yeah...

What can you bring to Coalesce? choreographies and critics. i can bring open minded judgement towards them and make sure they hear it as a critic, something that is useful for them. my job is to keep them safe and content with their job, and our job is to entertain our fans

What does Coalesce mean to you?. /blinks then laces her fingers together/ as a leader, they're my teammates and my children. as a person, they're my friends

Do you think this is a good way to get foreigners to join kpop? /smiles softly/ kpop has contributed so much to the world /leans forward a bit/ why not bring more of the 'world' to kpop?

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  han moon jun  

back up. fc; nct taeyong (bts jimin)

– people saw him as the cold, enigmatic and stoic person, who rather spends his time being alone with his small circle of friends. but he was pretty popular at his school years, being devillishly handsome and a natural genius in subjects, he was smittened by the girls and got hated by the boys. but he does not let it get to his head, as he paid little attention to the girls and doesn't really care about people hating him. all he cared about, is the modelling world. you could say that modelling is his actual life and career choice. sure, maybe the lifestyle of a model is all fancy schmancy and full of sparkles. but moonjun takes modelling very seriously and aims to be the best out of everyone else

when you get to be a part of his circles, you'll get to see a much more nicer side of him. despite his passive personality, he's actually very loyal and honest. he never crossed out nor betray his friends, that's why he needs to make sure that he has a small circle of friends that he could trust. he's very insightful and sensitive towards what his friends feel about him. he constantly tries to appeal to them and make the comfortable with him. he is selfless and protective, he is willing to distance himself when his friends needed him to but still be very worryful about them at the same time

love story. 

– we all know the lovely wen tian zi, the chinese sweetheart of korean modelling world. tianzi so happens to be good friends with the jack frost of their modelling agency, han moon jun. moonjun thinks of her as his own little sister and took care of her inside the agency. of course, as a bigger brother, he should know who his little sister is hanging out with outside of the agency. he knows her boyfriend, moonjun was so glad that she's dating a person who can actually protect her which is so far so good. the girl named brooke, goodness she's just too cocky and too annoying for our jack frost. but at least tianzi seems to enjoy her presence even when brooke constantly teases her. while the last one...damn, our jack frost has melted in front the sight of a goddess in a flesh. it was not a lie that he was starstrucked when he first laid his eyes on her, probably the most beautiful woman he had ever seen before. the goddess goes by the name of faye valentine, what a pretty name he thought. he found himself speechless and unable to say anything when he's in front of her, and she's not even doing anything. she just sits there, listening to the conversation...while moonjun oggles at her beauty. faye was a bit oblivious when they first met but his behaviour became more evident after a couple of meetings that it makes her notices him. faye couldn't help but caught the sneaky stares and the shy slight touch of their skins, in which he blushed and immediately took off from her. she thought that maybe he's uncomfortable with her, so she steps away from him for a while. but as she does that, a hint of disappoinment was seen on his eyes and she could feel herself feeling guilty as well. she was confused alright, what the hell is wrong with her? so she consulted with brooke (which caught brooke off guard btw because faye never ask for advice from her) in which she scoffed 'he has a crush on you idiot! and i thought you're the smartest one between us!'

moonjun officially panicked when he found out that, he actually has a huge crush towards the beauty that is faye valentine. he relived what might be something like a high school boy in love, the difference is he's not in high school and he fell in love with a full fledged woman. considering that she is a goddess and she's going to be an idol soon, there is going to be a lot of competition for him. that's when he realised he couldn't lose her, and he couldn't lose. he should man up and ask her out, yes that is what he will do. so with a puffed chest and head held up high, he knocks on her door to the apartment. but the moment he gets a glimpse of her ginger auburn hair and those soft looking eyes, his legs felt weak and wobbly. he cleared his throat when he went into a slight trance, he could see the worry in her eyes when he shook his head to get his head in the right place. he asked her out for a date and dinner the next day, stuttering his words out. she straightened her posture and he panicked again. he spewed out words upon words of apology because he's so scared that she'll reject him. he bites his lips and apologises over and over and ov-
"sure, i would like to go out with you"
"yes silly i would love to go out with you"
she leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek
"you can pick me up at 11 tomorrow"

and that's how the tsundere jack frost han moon jun came to date the leader of coalesce faye valentine

status. dating for 6 months
ending. wouldn't it be sweet if faye ended up with her first love? owo nah, it's all up to you. if you want to end it on a happier or sour note, it's up to you and what's beneficial to the story (did i mention bighit doesn't have a dating ban? owo)


last words.  btw moonjun is totally the type to look at his lover's snapchat all over and over again and make her send him selfies of her

face claim; kara gyuri [jessica jung]

scenes requests.

– augh later i need sleep now cry

password.  x x x


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