"You're my student, is it?"

That moment when you realized that you're being too quiet, too the corner, too inactive, in class...


Last two days, my Physics teacher gave us a group task. I was put into a group which consist of a bunch of kids who... I didn't friendly with.

I had no desire to ask them to do things, no desire to cooperate with them, and even the desire to talk to them about the task. I don't have the power of leadership even though I am not the leader. I am very bad/weak/loser when it came to group work. 

I decided to do the work on my own without discussing anything with teammates. What's important now is my marks and that's all i could think. I need to do it without help, because I could predicted when is the work going to be done. Probably, next two years.

When the task was done, I quickly went and meet my Physics teacher to submit the work. 

She asked for my name and my class, and I told her. 

It was common if a teacher can't remember his/her students' name because he/she had a lot of classes. It was also common if this particular teacher didn't even recognized me because I am very quiet and inactive in class. Sitting a the very corner and the very back of the class might be another factor.

But as much as someone says "I'm okay", there must 0.0001% of thoughts that claimed "I will be happy if you are concerned over me"

As much as someone says "I don't mind", there must be 0.0001% of thoughts that claimed "It will be better if you listen to my opinion too"

As much as someone says "I don't mean it", there must be 0.0001% of thought that claimed "I do mean what i said just now"




And as much as i know it is common to know that a teacher don't really recognized me, it still hurt when i got to listen to it right into my face.

"Oh, so...you're in my class. I don't notice you, though,"


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Maybe you should try to open yourself more. Slowly participate little by little. You can also volunteer tp help the teachers amd be good with grettings. I'm sure you will be noticed somehow :) Dont be sad k everyone bloom differently. I myself was and still am a late bloomer. You'l have your time to shine just as long as you dont lose hope and not give up