This is even more heartbreaking than a break up~~

Life is all about experiencing different chapters, meeting new people, developing bonds with them, creating lasting relationships and loving each other. But, at times, people we love, cherish and care so much about have to go away. It’s inevitable. Going away may include going to a school in another town or country, getting a job far away from home and evenpassing on. Each one of us has gone through that emotional phase once or twice in our lives.Sometimes, those people that we care so much about just decide to change due to some strange reasons that we may never understand. In other times, we fight and disagree and due to that, we may decide to part ways.Whatever the circumstances that may haveseparated you, there will come a time whenyou will be missing someone you love and wish they were close to you. When you remember the good times that you spent together, the memories you created and thepriceless moments that you gifted each other with, you will begin missing the other person.You may feel like you are strong enough to wait for them but missing someone is a very sad feeling. The more you think of a person, the more it hurts and usually, you will end up crying. No one is immune to that unbearable emotion. It will hit you so bad to a point where you can’t even think straight and all you will want to do is be by yourself and cry yourself to sleep.... This is really very sad...Will be missing you always, every day~~T_T


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that's true but every time I think of that person, I don't cry, I feel empty but I miss everything we ever did together n how close we were. I don't know y that person changed, n that person didn't even change for the better; I'd be happy if they did but they changed for the worse. It's been about 8 years since that person n I went our separate ways n it's been about 6 to 7 years since we completely stopped talking n now I don't know anything about that person. All I know is that they moved to another state which means I'm probably never gonna cross path with them again n I never get to express how I felt with what they did
that is true, but even with that you have to be positive. Sometimes you will hit a wall but your job in life is to climb over it.
I've grown passed the point where I stop bonding deeply with people, so it doesn't hurt me anymore.
Not recommended tho. This is not healthy.
This is true. Therefore every moment is worth cheerish
Yes,that's true. But we can just hope that they're happy wherever they are and that we'd meet again at some point ;)
Chocochip-Ari #6
Aww, it truly happens. That's life for you, but you must stay strong and cherish those memories you do have. Nothing lasts forever. Everything is bound to come to an end, but there is always new beginnings in store too! :)