New stuff.

So this is something that I had tried a couple of months back and I am finally compiling everything to be put up into chapters. You see I had held interviews with various authors across AFF. ,non writers of various otps and biases,really it did not matter.

I had asked them the same set of questions and of course the answers varied from one another. I am sure all of you little flower vases would be thrilled to know more about your favourite author and learn more about them.

So here is the link:- x

Subscribe,comment and upvote if you want to! And let me know what do you guys think....

These guys are amazing people and I had a blast while asking them questions.


Now how many of you guys watch Running Man China? Did you guys watch the S4E8? It's so freaking fantastic! It's like a crime thriller! Kudos to the creators of such a show,and Lulu is amazing as usual.

Here is the link:-x

Now to some more pressing stuff at hand.



This album is killing me.

Especially Artificial Lover,what the hell is it?? And why are those buffoons whispering stuff,it's such a turn on.

It sounds as if Daft Punk's gestation period was interrupted by hu hu.No really. It's such an experimental album. The other day I was having a chat with Sifty and she told me that she loved Artificial love so much,I was so skeptical about even listening to it but right now,I'm eating my words. 

Another fave of mine from this album that I have on repeat is the Lucky one. The song is such a jam! And i watched the live performance of it,it's everything that I wanted! The dance was so funky and disco-y and the members were having so much fun.

Let's not even go to the monster's performance,it was the most complicated piece I have ever seen. Incidentally they happen to be choreographed by my fave from SYTYCD NappyTabs.

The lucky one music video is also so well shot,I dunno why isn't it receiving more love than Monster(even though the other vid is enough to transport your ovaries to the Lord). I mean there are such subtle and ingenious throw backs to their past mvs.

Like the shot through space,did no one notice two moons?

Then the the entire mv reminded me of a cross between Bad Romance of Lady gaga and X-men. Not SNSD's Mr mr. there's dearth of pink,everything is too white.


See what I mean?

Then Chanyeol's individual shot snatched me bald.....

Did you see the bronze-ish make up?

And Yixing.......

Da faak??

What is it with that smirk?? Dimpled smirk mind it!

And what was Kyungsoo thinking about? I swear he has one of the sweetest smiles in the entire kpop clan.

Gifs do not belong to me.Full credits to the original owners.




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dulce_soledad #1
I'll work on reading the interviews probably sporadically throughout the week because of my horrible attention span. Thank you for putting those up.
I haven't watched the eighth episode yet ( again my terrible attention span).
EX'ACT. I wasn't sure if I would like it since some of their songs have been either hit or miss for me lately, and I'm still having a hard time getting used to certain voices no longer working together ( though I have heard a mashup or two that have helped with that). But I played it out of curiosity. Artificial love popped out to me, so did Heaven, and stronger, as well as the two title. But I found myself going back a lot and the other songs started to catch my attention as well. I end up playing it maybe three times a day? after binge watching some shows.
I watch Monster more than Lucky One for mainly two reasons. I seem to have an interest in Baekhyun in Monster. Lucky one has a lot of white in the music video and I'm not the biggest fan. It hurts my eyes a bit. Might sound ridiculous but it does. I do still like the song however and end up watching performance videos often.