[160616] My first poster in Fly GS :)

For all of you who supported me to open the shop, THANK YOU. Lol sorry, but I am really thankful and I can't help it :')

Anyways, I am still going to make blogs whenever I make a new poster. It'll be like a self-explanation for why I made the poster the way it is.


So, my first poster in Fly GS was made for MontyKay, story "Captured". ( OC [Song Hani, EXID] x J-Hope [BTS], check out the story, it's awesome :D )


As you can see, the first poster is very simple. It is basically empty with only story title and username of the author. I like it simple like that, but the author requested specific pictures of Hani and J-Hope. She said it could be a picture with similar expressions like these on the poster, and I did find some. Hoseok fitted well, however the picture of Hani I used was from some photoshoot and the lighting on her skin was too bright. Plus, I had to cut out the picture into .png myself and I died doing so. I could have edited that, but every time I tried highlighting or the other way around, colours would lose quality. Highlighting brown ended up being a pink colour. Ew like bruh

Anyways, I deicided to just use what she offered. She gave me two pictures which didn't cover their whole faces (pictures are originally like that), so I had to come up with something because... How do you put 80% of someone's face onto a picture without it looking weird or horrible? One of my favourite tools in photoshop is Smudge Tool, so guess what did I do. :P

The genre of the story is action, adventure and romance, however with expressions like these, and with pictures only being face, there's almost no chance of making it look like romance. There is a way, but the fact that one of the genres is also action and adventure, it changes things a lot. So I decided to make it just action. It's visible that it's romance as there's Hoseok and Hani, and who would think they could be the worst enemies - everyone will of course think the story has romance when they see a boy and a girl (or am I only like that?).

I used a horizontal poster because of the jail window I used. There's light coming through it and I didn't want to cut it off. It gives a feeling of something dull (at least to me), so I decided to give a kind of dull colour expression to a poster. Can you see the way I used colours? Not to mention that one picture was black and white, so I either had to colour it or change the other one to black. I did the second. (I've tried painting a person, the only one I ever painted was N from VIXX and he so fun to paint lol) I gave the pictures a warming effect.

The text, well, I wanted it to be like something engraved in the wall, but turns out I made the oposite and I like it! I like how I manage to create shadows on the text :D


I have a billion of different designs, but I only showed these ones.


Wow, I actually wrote a lot for a poster haha, and I hope I wrote everything right because it's 4 AM here and I should be sleeping and I am about to go. lol I really need to change my habits...

Anyway, I recommend you the story, if I try saying anything, I am afraid I will spoil. So go check it out yourselves. And good night!


Oh, and I didn't place my username on posters because I thought it would ruin it. 


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