Xiumin's Indonesian fan page dedicates thousands of dollars for EXO's new album


Fans in Indonesia are showing much support for EXO's Xiumin!

On June 9, Xiumin's fan page 'XIUMIN UNION INA' shared some exciting news about their album purchases. The sales confirmation states that the fan group purchased a total of 1977 copies of 'EX'ACT' adding up to over $20,000 USD!

Even the fans in Korea are amazed by the great support from EXO's Indonesian fans as they commented, "Wow Indonesia? TTTT thank you so much", "Xiumin's popularity must be crazy in South Asia. Thank you Indonesia for loving K-Pop", "It's probably more expensive in Indonesia too. Wow", and more.

Xiumin's lucky to have such wonderful fans all over the world!




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Good job to all Xiumin Union INA fans! I'm sure our dear baozi felt the love! So proud of y'all