1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?

what do you mean by this... Do you mean 'do you believe in the 'egg theory'?' Do you mean 'do you align with the 'phenomenalism' point of view in the mind-body debate'? Because then no. Im a dualist kind of person lol. But the egg theory is interesting. (besides how self centered are u if you think that the world could possibly revolve around you hah)

2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?

Depends. If im in an unfamiliar place then it's a 5, if it's a familiar place then it's a 1. 

3. The person you would never want to meet?

Anyone who will make me feel like how i did 3 years ago. 

4. What is your favorite word?


5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?

A banyan tree let me be big, thick, and intimidating.

6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?

lookin good pussycat

7. What shirt are you wearing?

omg it's a bts V's sweater lol what a koinkidink

8. What do you label yourself as?

Salted caramel candy

9. Bright room or dark room?

Dark. like legit i have a bright overhead lamp in my room but i use a super weak bedside lamp as my sole light source.

10. What were you doing at midnight last night?

Chatting with friends

11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?

19. I made lots of friends, i travelled, i fell in love, i fell out of love, i kissed a girl, I KISSED 2 GIRLS ACTUALLY.

12. Who told you they loved you last?

idk someone? mom? probably. It's been a while

13. Your worst enemy?


14. What is your current desktop picture?

White sands and crystal blue waters

15. Do you like someone?

myself, rightnow.

16. The last song you listened to?

2NE1's Cant Nobody

17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?

Donald Trump most probably idk but can i keep until it turns out im living in the dimension where he becomes the president of the USA?

18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?

Nobody in particular

19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?

Can I chance it from slave to friends because slave is a bit extreme eh. I would probably like to go out on a dinner with Daisy Ridley right now tbh she's a ball of fluff.

20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)

My fingernails. (and my hairy thick af thighs lol)

21. If you were the opposite for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?

Just for one day right? then doesn't matter how i look, but i'll surely reach down and see for myself what the heck is that sausage all about.

22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?

Having a talent so secret even I myself don't know it.

23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?

a half above water-half bellow water picture. 

24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.

Chicken avocado with curry seasoning

25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?

100$? ... food, most probably. And not even fancy ones, like, chinese food or mexican, or froyos... 

26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?

The Netherlands

27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM man idk i honestly don't there's like so many things going through my mind right now

HAZELNUT SCHNAPPS (right now) i don't care any brand just give me the alcohol

28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? 

Think whatever you like but treat others like how you'd like to be treated. (aka i know humans are in nature but pls control that so it doesn't overflow)

29. What is your favorite expletive?


30. Your house is on fire, holy ! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?

Laptop (and my phone is an added bonus cause it's mostly in my pants' pocket anyway)

31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?

If I erase it then I won't be the me I am right now. And i'm happy with the me i am right now.

32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool … you can move to anywhere else in the world!

damn... as if being a super powered time traveler cassanova isn't cool enough lol. Hmmm maybe Japan because i want to time travel to medieval Japan and be thrown to the middle of a storm.

33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?

No one. Their time has come, who am I to bring them back? I'll just chat with death lol 

34. What was your last dream about?

Me trapped in like a villa and then i fought with my mom over the fact that I insist that my left foot was my right foot.

35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?

Cat PERSON?! I have no cat right now I'm a bad cat person.

36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?

Not yet.

37. Have you ever built a snowman?

Yes on an ice rink from ice shavings off my ice skating shoes' blade. 

38. What is the color of your socks?

right now, yellow.

39. What type of music do you like?

Chill, cutesy semi slow song, 'the springy gait in your steps' kindda song, songs with sick beats, musicals, regina spektor.

40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

sunrises, eventhough im never awake for it

41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?


42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)

Idk never watch football but my fave actor is an arsenal fan so I'll just tag along.

43. Do you have any scars?

mostly scars from ingrown hairs on my super hairy legs.

44. What do you want to be when you graduate?

Firstly i want to be someone that has a secure job and a nice routine. Then, when I'm happy with myself and ready to move forward, I want to better the society I live in and (even though it might be futile) help reduce the stigma of psychology/psychologists/counselling/mental illness. 

45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

My pettiness.

46. Are you reliable?

Sometimes, when I'm in the mood.

47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?

What happened?

48. Do you hold grudges?


49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?

Isn't that sad, the hybrid animal will be alone in this world and it can't reproduce or meet something who looked like them... but i like combinations of big cats though, they're super cute and fluffy. JAGUAR AND SNOW LEOPARD

50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?

Talking about lamb skewers

51. Are you a good liar?


52. How long could you go without talking?

3 days

53. What has been you worst haircut/style?

a bowly bob

54. Have you ever baked your own cake?

Numerous times

55. Can you do any accents other than your own?


56. What do you like on your toast?


57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?

A blob of thing with anime eyes and blushy cheeks.

58. What would be your dream car?

VW beetle

59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.

I sing all the time it's a nuisance. unusual?

60. Do you believe in aliens?


61. Do you often read your horoscope?


62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?


63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?


64. What do you think about babies?

Annoying and smelly

65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.




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