Results Of My First Poll

It's been a week since I posted my poll. No surprise, most people want me to post my unfinished stories. I got 33 votes: 23 votes for "Do it!" and 10 votes for "Don't do it..."

I forgot to add "Tell me why in the comments" to the poll question, but whatevs. I did get one comment, and she said I'd get more inspiration from commenters...Which I don't believe I would. I think I would be encouraged more, and feel a little more guilt ridden, but not more inspired. No offense <3

Well, the poll was for opinions, and I got them. Now I'm going to disregard them completely and just leave my unfinished stories on my desktop XD XD XD

Like I said in my "Answer Please?" blog post, I want to know when the end will be before I start posting (even though I don't know when "Variety Royalty" is going to end...I'm horrible)/I want to finish a chaptered story before posting another (even though I already have two incomplete ones going on right now...I'm still horrible). "Internet Friends" will probably end before "Variety Royalty" though, jsyk.

That is all. I'm going to loiter on the site more and probably go to bed at 3...Peh heh ^^


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lilith9999 #1
Comme tu veux très chère !
What is important it is how 'you' feel complete!