Answer Please?

I haz poll...Please give me your input ^^

The reason I'm asking is because, as a reader, I don't like it when a story is posted and updates aren't as regular as I'd like them to be...I'm already guilty of this as a writer (I haven't updated "Variety Royalty" in like, a month and a half), and I'd like to know what other readers/people who happen to find this poll think.


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lilith9999 #1
I see many comments on fanfics that I read about demands "update soon" and all. So, readers get a solution to ask the next if they want it quickly!
If nobody asks you, nobody is in a hurry... So, author can use all the time they want... By the way, you are the author, your story is yours. Readers feedbacks are wished but without them, you can work as you want...
kiba_phoenix #2
I'm indecisive lol~ If you want to post them go for it, but if it makes you uncomfortable hold off on it.
Jazmin8Sarina #3
I feel like you should finish writing story before post it and you can post it like every week or everyday. That way reader don't have to wait for half a year for another chapter.