( the royal arsana。) lee yejin, of scorpio


replace with faceclaim ( keep height 355px -- or, 200px by 340px~360px )
park sunyoung
Although she sometimes does funny things to her hair ("It's blue!" "actually it's medium blue"), Yejin is a pretty woman. Not exactly 'miss Zodiac' kind of pretty, but average in all the positive aspects of the word. At approximately 170-ish centimeters with a slender build and a too big obsession with dark purple lipstick, she's the kind of person who finds comfort in making people stare because she dresses in a way that isn't exactly ordinary. 
kim hyoyeon
Yejin Lee / (이예진)
Jinjin; More or less affectionate nickname given to Yejin by her best friend, because, as she put it "she needed something cute to call her to make up for her best friend's lacking cuteness". Shen also calls her this from time to time, although only to annoy her. She doesn't openly hate the name, but it's evident that she doesn't like it very much either.
Serpent; Quick, efficient, mysterious - apparently, that is how the world sees Yejin when she's got her whips in her hands. Given to her by a family friend after he saw her knock down a capricorn boy twice her size, the name has kind of stuck to her, and she sometimes jokes that if she was a superhero, that would be her name.

Chinese; Is there a level below novice? Because if there is, that's where Yejin is at. She knows a handful of phrases of varying importance, and she's never practising, but having been around Shen for so many years has made an impact on her, and to be honest he's the only reason she's even trying. 

today's horoscope
( personality )

( pos. ) Brave, resourceful, loyal, dedicated
( neg. ) Violent, secretive, impatient, anti-domestic


In her 24 years of living, Yejin has never been told she acts much like a lady, and she knows for a fact that she's given her mother a heart attack by actually finding someone of the opposite she likes to spend time with, but before NAME came into the picture, Yejin was the most eligible bachelorette in the entire water zone of Arsana. But that doesn't necessarily mean that she's without any good qualities. 

For instance, one would have to search high and low for a long time to find a more loyal scorpio - a feature they're not exactly known for having. But to Yejin, loyalty is everything. She's not the most social person on the planet, and she knows it, but she has never once said she prefers being alone - she needs people around her, as any normal human would, but she's scrutinizing every person who gets close to her for the sake of ruling out those who, in the long run, won't prove to be loyal to their friendship with her.  She needs someone to go on an adventure with her, although her bravery towards new things and exciting adventures rarely end well for all parts. She'd never back down from a bet or a dare, how stupid it may be, and although not all condone her behavior, they'll have to give her that it's at least pretty dedicated of her to stay on track no matter what comes at her. Her resourcefulness is what keeps her going 9 out of 10 times, and her ability to think outside the box has saved her behind more times than she'd care to admit (but is still reminded of every time something goes sour). 


Yejin's most distinct feature is probably her impatience. She hates waiting for things to happen, and if nothing exciting is within reach, she sees no problem in going out of her way to find some herself. She doesn't care much for why the human mind works the way it does - in fact, she thinks psychology and philosophy are the most boring things on earth - she just wants to be able to do her thing without excusing her actions with fancy terms. A brick is a brick; it's as easy as that. 

When things don't go the way she wants them to, she does however have a boring habit of using her fists and circle kicks instead of her reason to make the other party see sense. It's a reflex, and she's a hothead alright, but she'll deny that it's a problem any day, although there are probably a handful of people who's ready to disagree with her. This hotheadedness sometimes makes her stop and praise whoever rules everything that she isn't a mother. It's not that she doesn't like kids, but imagining her as a mother with a little house and a family is about as impossible as imagining trees or animals talking. In some ways, it's as though the 'mother gene' has completely evaded her, as she doesn't know the first thing about cooking or how to be a suitable housewife (or wife in general, actually), a lack in skillset that has previously made both her mother and father, surprisingly enough, worry for her future - after all, she couldn't stay single forever. Maybe it's her brutality and her 'brawn over brains'-thing (no, wait it definitely is). 

As it is with everyone, Yejin has her dark sides (or, you know, darker) she isn't too fond of. This does mean, however, that she shuts up like a clam when things get too touchy-feely and mushy, because her secrets are her secrets for a reason, and she's not about going against her principles just for the sake of female bonding time. No thank you. 

(and everything nice) 

To sum Yejin up, the best word to use would probably be hothead. She comes off as aggressive and unforgiving, while the reality is that she's the most loyal friend anyone could ask for, and never afraid of showing that, although her actions are sometimes very... Questionable, to say the least. 

She's made of good and bad traits, some more pressing and notable than others, but she's not an all out bad person, and she's pretty happy about the way she's turned out, everything in between taken into consideration. She's Yejin, and Yejin doesn't need to change. 


× Respect
× Unhealthy amounts of strawberries
× The colors blue and purple 
× Spending time with her friends and family
× Smalltalk
× Swimming 
× Foxes and ferrets 
× Catchy beats
× Stories and legends 


× Sitting still for too long
× Philosophy and psychology
× Vain people 
× Science as a craft. It's way too complicated for her
× Classical music
× Wearing dresses
× Being wrong 


× Not being heard 
× Dying alone 
× Her loved ones getting hurt


× She likes working out, but she's actually a pretty lazy person in general
× She'd much rather be too cold than too hot. If she's cold, she can put on a sweater, but if she's hot, what's she supposed to do? Peel her skin off? 
× She's surprisingly good with children despite her total lack of anything remotely close to a domestic gene
× She likes to read, but doesn't do it very often
× She has worn a dress one time in her life, and that was at her own christening. She doesn't plan on wearing one ever again
× If she could, she'd travel to unknown realms and learn all of their secrets
× She's really bad at sharing things
× She really can't dance. Like, at all
× She has a pet ferret called Pan
× She prefers winter over summer
× One time she ran all the way from her home to the forests by the leo zone in the northwest. Needless to say, her mother was furious when she returned
× Her younger cousin Byeol is practically her little sister, but other than her, Yejin has no siblings
× She studied urban legends at the Arsana University for about 10 months before she dropped out. Now she works as a kids' trainer at the water zone training center

yesterday's horoscope
( background )

elaborate here. remember to include family and their living style. as well as relationships with family and so on.

(i came)

Yejin was born as the only child of the taurus woman Youngjin and her husband, the aquarius Haesol on an early november morning where Mother Nature decided to go all out on bad weather and potentially hazardous conditions. From what she's heard her birth was a particularly straining one, but both her and her mother were in their best health afterwards, her parents ecstatic about finally succeeding in having a child. 

She grew up in a home that had the best of both worlds - domesticism, love and nurture from her mother, and adventure, inventions and all out fun and games from her father, and even if she had the chance to go back in time, she wouldn't change it for anything. During her childhood her father worked for the Scientific Institute in Arsana, working on everything from improved x-ray machines to time travels, while her mother was a pre school teacher for the earth zone's children. Yejin was showered with affection and love from both her parents and the rest of her family, even though her quick wit and anger issues probably should have gotten her into more trouble than it did. 

(i saw)

Aforementioned anger issues were written off as charming when she was 6, but during her adolescent years her parents - especially her mother (and her aunt) - started genuinely worrying about her. At age 12 she was taken to see Dr. Lim, a very charming and competent young man who ascertained that her fiery temper wasn't because of a mental health issue, but a validpart of who she had developed to be. And the cure? Physical strain. Her mother then, without further ado, enrolled her daughter boxing classes, thinking that Yejin finally had a chance of letting off some steam - well, until she was contacted by the teacher two hours later, stating that Yejin had supposedly bitten another student. The teacher gave Yejin an ultimatum: Keep up with her attitude and get kicked off the team, or showing some will to learn to use her anger to something productive, and be able to stay. She chose the latter. 

(i conquered)

Now, 12 years after the bite incident (that only repeated itself about two more times) Yejin has somehow learned to keep her anger and violence under control, and mainly communicates with her body language instead of her voice and intellect. She has lived in the water zone for close to 7 years, has a stable income as a trainer, and even tried attending university for a short period of time. Studying, as it turned out, wasn't really her thing, so she went back to the gym and got a job there, which she hasn't thought about leaving since. She lives in a nice house with Shen, contemplates buying another ferret (or a cat, who knows), and tries to get her mother off her back about getting her some grandkids. 

how to attract a scorpio
( relationships )

Mother. Kang. Youngjin. 51. Taurus. Practical, loving, reliable.
Ever the traditionalist, Yejin's mother is the most loving person she has ever met. Although they don't always see eye to eye on certain matters (marriage, for one), there's no doubt that Youngjin loves and cherishes her daughter, and only wants the best for her. 

Father. Lee. Haesol. 50. Aquarius. Quiet, smart, inventive.
How on earth her mother fell for the inventor and ery special man that is Yejin's father will forever be a mystery to her, but nevertheless she's very glad her dad's her dad. He's not good with deep conversations and feelings, and neither is she, so they get along just fine talking about the weather or his latest invention. 

Cousin. Heo. Byeol In. 20. Gemini. Fun-loving, curious, aloof.
Ever since Yejin laid eyes upon her baby cousin (and she continues being the baby cousin, no matter how old she gets), she loved her. Byeol In, or just Byeol, is everything Yejin wished she herself was, and she's proud to call her family. 

Best friend. Kang. Myunghee. 23. Cancer. Sympathetic, clumsy, lovable.
When Kang Myunghee came flying - quite literally - into Yejin's life, something clicked, and the two of them have been together ever since. She's polite and too apologetic for her own good, but she's an excellent listener and the best advice giver Yejin can think of. 

Best enemy. Hwang. Boram. 24. Capricorn. Stuck-up, stubborn, priviliged.
She doesn't even remember why anymore, she just knows that Hwang Boram has been giving her the stink eye since they were 16 years old. And okay, maybe Yejin's been giving it back to her - but it's justified! The two of them are all bark and no bite, and their fights never evolve to anything further than just spitting venom at each other, but it's honestly nice to get to be a sometimes. 

scorpio in action
( combat )
weapon: Leather whip
secondary weapon: Hand to hand combat

style: When all comes down to it, Yejin has no idea where all her apparent rage comes from, but it's damn effective whenever she's training or fighting. Her whips are probably around 60 centimeters long, and she's been using them for so long they've almost become her prolonged arms. These whips are good for inflicting smaller injuries from afar and not all bad as a way of forcing an enemy to his knees, but for them to come to their full potential, Yejin has to be pretty close to her target, taking some of the surprise momentum off of her routine. 

When her whips won't do the trick, Yejin has time and time again proven herself to be a very skilled close combat fighter. She's not that heavy and thereby easy to throw around, but her small body also means getting in and out of tricky situations by outsmarting her opponent and then finishing the job with a swift kick to the head - her favorite trick. 

In all honesty she doesn't prefer one weapon over the other; she uses both of them equally, and then switches as she sees fit when the time is to it. 
scorpio with career and money
( stats ) 

p h y s i c a l________________________________________

m a g i c a l________________________________________

s t a m i n a________________________________________

a d g i l i t y________________________________________

s t e a l t h________________________________________

scorpio compatiblity
( interactions )
   Out of the few aquariuses she has met throughout her life, her initial response is that she likes them just fine. They're good people - and that's not just something she says because she's related to a few of them - a little too pracitical sometimes in terms of having fun, but all in all, she gets along with them just fine. 

She's torn when it comes to pisces people, because either she wants to protect them from all evils of the world because they're too pure and precious for the real world, or she wants to slap some sense into them - there's probably a 40-60% chance of her doing both. And it's not because she wants to act like a , but everyone has their limits, and pisces people make Yejin find hers pretty damn quick. 

She never thought she'd say this, but aries people kind of scare her. They're so... passionate sometimes, she swears they take the 'fire sign' thing too seriously. She hasn't had a longer conversation with a aries person, but her overall understanding of them is that they're probably fine people. 

She would trust a taurus with her life. She knows tauruses are a 100% real in everything they do, no-bull-kind of types, and honestly, Yejin can roll with that. The only downside to tauruses (tauri?) is their stubbornness. Granted, Yejin can be a bit of a mule herself, but jesus god it gets annoying. 

Geminis are like small children - and she means this in the best way possible! Small curious creatures, Yejin can't say she knows much about the air sign in question, other than the obvious: That they're restless and sometimes too curious for their own good. 

She respects cancers for their never ending synpathy towards other beings, both human and animals, but she has a hard time with their insecurities and constant need for affirmation - it's not that she doesn't want to give it to them, it's just that she gets too irritated about telling them the same things over and over again. 

She should probably watch her tongue on this one - but bullting aside, she kind of admires the leos for their aura of authority, whether it's granted or not. And although very hotheaded and sometimes a bit too arrogant, when all comes down to it, leos are probably the ones she gets along with the best not counting her own sign. 

If virgos were animals, Yejin has a strong inkling they'd be dogs. Loyal to the bone, protective of those they hold dear, not too find of strangers - it's almost painful how obvious it is. That being said, Yejin doesn't think very much of them, mainly because of their thing with holding back and analyzing every little step they take; she can't wrap her head around that way of mind at all, which is why she stays as far away from them as possible. 

What even are libras. Like, for real. One minute they're social butterflies, the next they're mad at everyone for no apparent reason - they confuse the living daylights out of her. She's sure they're okay people once you get to know them, but Yejin doesn't particularly like their ever changing moods. 

It takes a true scorpio to know one! It probably isn't all that weird, but Yejin would go through both ice and fire for her people, truly believing that they're the ones who has grasped what everything's really all about. Not that she's boasting or anything, it's just that - have you met a scorpio recently? What's not to like? Exactly. 

Saggitariuses are toeing on the line between seriously annoying and hella fun to be around. They're party people through and through, but if you're looking for something stable and honest, it's not them you need. That's not a biased opinion, that's a fact, an you can fight her about it!

Capricorns are the walking epitome of grace, honor and an only partly justified holier-than-thou attitude. Partly. She doesn't have anything concrete against them, not as far as she's concerned anyways, but something about their attitude just annoys her to no end. 


scorpio in and love
( love interest )
Li Shen  / ( fc: Wu Yifan )

Babe; Neither Yejin nor Shen are very good with cute nicknames (or cute stuff in general), so imagine the surprise when Yejin accidentally called Shen 'babe' when she came home one day. In their defense, it isn't really that cute a name, and so it has stuck as the most affectionate thing Yejin has ever called her boyfriend. 

sign: leo

( pos. ) Creative, outgoing, charming 
( neg. ) Stubborn, short tempered, materialistic 

personality: Whoever came up with the term "dream of the in-laws" must have thought of Shen while doing it. He's basically the poster boy of a perfect human being - well behaved, helping those less fortunate than himself, charming enough to get his way with everything and everyone - it's almost annoying how many good traits he has. He's a people person through and through, loving the thought of having a lot of people around him at all times, no matter their age and relation to him, and never running out of things to do or start doing. He's a good man with his heart in the right place, and he knows it, and that's almost the worst part. 

On the other hand, growing up in one of the most privileged families the fire zone has to offer, period, leaves its scars. He won't ever openly admit it, but he's terribly short tempered, especially when things don't work out the way he wants them to. He rarely means it when he gets angry or irritated and lashes out at people, however, and he's usually good again after a few days. Being naturally well off means that he has a knack for being materialistic, although it mostly comes to show in the little things, like buying his mother or Yejin something a bit too expensive, and wanting only the best of the best when he has an opportunity to chose, which sometimes causes very long and very tiring discussions between the two of them. 

(you and me)

When Yejin was 17, going on 18, she met Li Shen in her most unflattering attire ever. She were on a 7 day trip to the northern coast for a training camp in the fire zone, she hadn't seen a shower in as many days, she was pretty sure her nose was sunburnt and most of all, she was so tired she was absolutely sure she could fall asleep on her feet. And so she actually did, with a bowl of food in her hand which she effictively spilled all over the unlucky idiot who walked next to her. The person, who turned out to be Shen, took it surprisingly nicely, though proceeding to about it for the remainder of the camp. On day seven, just before she and the rest of her team were about to go home, he asked her out (timing was never really his friend, he said. Yejin agrees). But he apparently meant it, because not two days later he was standing outside her house in the water zone, and things pretty much run themselves after that. 


Currently, after (and this is not a joke) an estimated period of no less than three years, Yejin and Shen are living together comfortably in the water zone, close to Yejin's workplace. Shen claims he can work from anywhere - he's a teacher too, would you believe that? -, and although he wasn't too fond of the idea at first, he eventually caved in and agreed to move down south. 

Once in the south, Yejin and Shen fell into what Myunghee (and Boram, but nobody listens to Boram) would describe as a perfectly boring routine of Mr. and Mrs. Perfect. Yejin doesn't think she agrees to that, because her and Shen aren't boring people just because they're comfortable in each other's company without necessarily doing something new every other day. Although they have been living together for a very long time, neither of them feel the need to validate their relationship by getting married or engaged (to the great disdain of both Mrs. Li and Mrs. Lee, but what is there to do?)


No one was more surprised to hear of the Arsanan-Ophiucusian war than Yejin and Shen, and no one was more surprised to hear that Yejin was the one who was summoned and not somebody else. It's not that she's scared - okay yes, she's absolutely terrified at the thought of actually fighting someone when it actually counts for something, and if it wasn't for Shen and his damned skills of persuasion, she would have defected the moment she got the notice. And from the moment she leaves to the moment she comes back home, all she wishes for is that nothing has changed: Shen is still there, their home is still there, her family is still alright, and she's - hopefully - not badly injured. It's foolish to think that she'll get through a war unharmed, so she'll live with the damages, but if anything happens to Shen, she won't know what she's going to do. 

tomorrow's horoscope
( last words )
questions: WHAT'S YOUR B AYY P (i'm so sorry). No but for real tho who's your fave member of f(x)?
comments: OH BOY AM I IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY ALREADY. Uh, I hope you like Yejin - I actually pondered making her a him because I've only ever made two male applicants before, but then Luna happened and I'm not sorry ^^v 
concerns: I reeeeally want to say 'leo' because of your female leo character, but that would almost be too easy... Maybe you're a gemini? (I'm going to mad at myself if you turn out to be a leo)
royal arsana


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her cousin is called byeol! i can't even, keeks
i kno, i kno, she's not related to my character and all
but i was like "yoooo, my byeol could be her byeol" but i mean, your byeol is 20 so obviously not
but i was getting feels, u know, feels!!
also also - plural form of taurus is taureans xD
hooooooo booiiiii
i love it!