How I get rid of a break up

When it's come to a relationship, it may last long, for some it may not. Break up might be one of the biggest fear, but going through it isn't a hard time. Well, you may found it . Yeah, you want him/her back, for some you just want them back even if you reject them. Your heart say yes, but your mind said no. These are some tips I did when I broke up with my boyfriend: 

1. CRY YOURSELF AS MUCH AS YOU WANT FOR THE FIRST DAY OR JUST DONT: Treat the tears as the pains, let it out, let it out! Just let it go. You may not  forgot but you may feels better. 

2, LISTEN TO THE ROCK MUSIC BAND/HIGH/HAPPY SONG: I recommend kid song, you will realize you're laughing at some you didn't expected too. (comedian etc should make you feels better) 

3. Forget romance for awhile, even the drama you're inlove with: Give yourself sometime, get rid of the ing dramas, treat it as summer, accept the reality. Romance, broke up qoate sad status on sns only make you sad even more. 

4. Don't force yourself: if you're not happy to meet a new person, or even a small hang out with friend don't force yourself to do, you will feels really tired. Just do something you're happy to do. 

5. Messing around: this is a silly tip, you can ignore it as well. You can get close to any guy/girl if your mind told you to. Remember, you broke up. You can move away! You could take another person as a substitution first if you want to. Prove him that you're still smiling, and you can have fun too.

6. EAT EAT EAT! HAVE FUN: just chilling and eatttt eat eat treat that person as those foods and just eat them up!!! (IF YOU NEVER CARE ABOUT YOUR SIZE)

7. Using a role model as your boy friend/girl friend: now it's time for a replacement, if you're not ready for the real one, why don't you try the option which doesn't hurt you 


 I have a crush on a stranger which is a mutual friend of mine. I have a crush on him and never though we could go this far. He's my first, and I love him as hard as I could. We confess, we've been in a relationship, we both got ignore for personal reason and we broke up. It's hurt as because he's the only guy I love. But I must move on with it no matter what. Thinking about it again and again, it doesn't concern me much as before. I found a plenty of couples which I always thought they would last longer, but still they went through th stage which I did as well. Maybe it's just a love cycle, and nothing would last forever. I love him.


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YuzuruH #1
; A ; i can't seem to moved on