my in love with the love

i found love really beautiful because,

i always experience a concisement of taunt and like through my brain and my heart.

when you realize you own love, you will realize that your mind were full of flowers known as the undescribeable feeling,

But your heart were fulls of fight, enthuism, and your conquerement toward your love.

I have no idea who invented all of the sadness, the feeling of losing, and happiness which we called love,

but all i know is the feeling of attraction between myself toward a person which i found him/her perfect in everyway he did.

that person was a crush of mine, i could barely describe him. But if i could, i'll say he's everything i could asked for, he's intelligent, passionate, and a perfectionese. I always feels like i'm under his spell, the feeling of love, the hate, the jealousy side of me and everything which i couldn't resisist on saying no. I can't denied my obsession and admiration toward him, and if somebody were about to asked me why i'll just say he's everything i need and could've asked for. 

When you found somebody which you truely love, you'll realize you're no longer you, and you could sascrified what you have just for that person. Your eyes, your souls found him/her as a perfectionese and your friend expression may look like this:

"oh hey nigga, he's a boy he girls heart"

your answer: " SHUT UP!"

"he's ugly only a dumb like you would found him that way i found nth perf abt him" 

your answer: "K"

your friends will mocked around and you'll find him even more perfect, Then you will realize you're in LOVE. but when the love gone, the hate come, chronically with no cured, unless you already found a replacement or a substitution of your crush. 

To be continue.....


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