10760 KPs

How? Please, someone help me out here and explain how can you get 10760 kps without selling your soul to the devil?

Sometimes this entire karma points thing frustrates me so much because I need truckloads of those thingies to advertise my story!!!

How do you guys gain karma points? I would like to hear your thoughts and suggestions on how to get those things because I just can't get that many.


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stanyou #1
well you can comment on random blogs and stories!
stanyou #2
youre asking the same question as me tho!!
xingmi1004 #3
Just say the word and i'll give you all the points i have! Tho i don't have many...but i'll try to comment a lot and earn as many as i can ;)
I write stories then I work for shops, also- commenting on a story or a blogpost helps. ^_^
natashaminoni #5
I don't know much too I comment
seaspray #6
People can also upvote and subscribe to your stories.
seaspray #7
You can leave comments. That is what I do, but I do it to let authors know what I think about the chapter. I only found out you can get karma by commenting like three days ago. For this comment, I will now get one karma point. Have a good day^^
Write lots to gain subs and leave comments on every story and blogpost you read