Multi-Chapter SHINee Fic Recs?

Hey guys! So I'm a for SHINee and I'm a for multi-chapter fics. One problem! I'm out!

To be honest there aren't many that I can name that I've read, but I've read all of Mikssi's fics. XD Honesty I'm open to any pairing, any genre and rating, but I need as many recs as you can give me! I'd really prefer them to be 10+ chapters, but if they're long/you think it's worth it then still feel free. I'd prefer they be completed for regularly updated.

Thanks for your help in advance. ;_;



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One of my favourites is "Omega." It's at has a list of all his fics. Fabulous writer!
"To do list-all check" by mongsenpai. I love this story and I can't ever forget it. I think I commented it on one of your fic recs. I don't know if you'd like it even a bit,but give it a try.
The only one I have that's 10 chapters is Last Train To Wherever, which I haven't read yet (because it's so long lol) but it sounds extremely good. ;;
littlestmousie #4
Have you read Inferna? It's Shinee meets greek mythology. It's probably my favorite Shinee fic at the moment and it's long.