Hongki reminds me of my first love?

so blog...

I remember having one of these back when I was Thirteen... I was like majorly emo back then and complained constantly on it... and while I still complain alot, I've grown up considerably since then (or at least I hope I have) and hope to make this post and any future one's a bit more upbeat and comical... but then again I've never been to good at writing comedy.

since this is my first Blog since I was Thirteen, I should prolly talking about my favorite subject; ME!! I love ME in a non obsessed way, I think I'm a pretty... sane person  I guess... a little ADD at times, but sane^^

I've loved KPOP for about... ten-ish years now but only really got into it until 2009 when I stumbled on YAB and fell inlove with Lee Hongki who is AWESOME!...ok, so the reason I prolly fell inlove with him is because he reminded me of my first love who, sadly, only saw me as my brother's little sister and had no inclination of ever thinking anything other then that... not that I blame him, we've known each other since I was like four (him six) it would be like dating a sister... but my young little heart ignored that.....

enough of that!

I think if I do this on a regular basis I should always have a theme... and while I can't think of one right now, I definitely will if I ever post a Blog ever again!!

but I'm starting to fall asleep now, so I should prolly get to bed

love life^^


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