Wtf?!??!?!? FTW!!!

That ing hilariously ridiculous moment when you find out that Dale Earnhart Jr. had a little western town built on his 20 acres with a saloon and a mini hotel so that if his friends are plastered they don't destroy his house and they don't get themselves killed. I think the best part of it is that he had local construction workers, who were currently out of work, build it for him so that they could make some money. :) I love Koreans (or any Asian, really) and southern gentleman. So...a korean American from the south is my ideal? The ? That's like JennaMarbles "what Disney movies taught me"--"ariel was gorgeous. I actually cried because ibqasnt a ginger. Ariel, your genetics are ed up, there's no ing way you have that color ing hair and no freckles. It's genetically impossible. And no one is born with fire engine red hair. That came from a box." I really love Disney movies, I'm a diehard Disney classics fan, but JennaMarbles rants are ing hilarious<3


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LMFAO your randomness is pure victory