sung jun na
username : obeliaaa
nickname : ophelia
activity level : 6-7
password : 7 go ahead
lead vocal & lead dancer / oh my girl arin + gfriend yerin
don't do that!
nicknames :
KIDDO; despite not being the youngest (maybe yes maybe not) she's the one who everyone considers as the littler sister, but her mischievous behaviour took it all away from her and seems like she's a prankster sister rather than a cute cuddly bunny
SNUGGLYshe HATES this nickname, she will go into martial arts mode when someone calls her that. it's like a widely known teasing nickname that will sure make her blood boil. 'aww you cute little snuggly kitten let me hug-' 'YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH HUH??? PREPARE FOR MY TIGER KICK'
BRAT; simple nickname, but means a lot, especially coming from her sister. since she and junrae has a very platonic-atomic relationship, calling names is not something that is weird for them. but brat is a more intimate nickname from her bigger sister
PUMPKINthis one is an exception. sure it is a very cutesy nickname and it's a little bit cringey for her taste. but it is a nickname from someone she loves, and she loves it every single time she hears it
birthday & age : january eleventh, nineteen ninety three, twenty three
birthplace & hometown : ansan city, sudogwon region, gyeonggi province, south korea
ethnicity & nationality : korean
languages :
KOREAN; molded since she was a child, her tongue is skilled with this language
ENGLISH; she's pretty much....okay? i mean she got a b+ or a- at her english exams when she was still in school. she could carry conversations quite well but she has limited vocabulary and very raw accent
JAPANESElol she's hopeless at it. she only know a few basic phrases because her bigger sister watch so much anime and she learned it a little bit from the company

height & weight : 153 cm & 40 kg
appearance & style :
junna has an extremely petite however surprisingly nice body. she doesn't have an actual s-line that could be seen when wearing tight clothes but she a really nice looking waist that is not too thin but not too big either. she has longer legs than her upper body and precise arms (it looks cool when she does tutting and waaacking). because puberty works wonders, she a little bust concentrated on her hips and bosom (oh puberty /shakes head/). she loves loves LOVES wearing dark make up, or soft coloured lipstick or lipgloss and eye liner that makes her eyes pop out. but if she's too lazy to put on make up then she stays with her lip gloss. she has a really cute eyesmile that rally brings out the innocent in her facial more. she has a straight slightly wavy on the ends black hair that reaches her back, and she has bangs. she usually just tie it into a high ponytail

her fashion is not really limited to any colour or any type of style but she's mostly towards the comfy-stylish style. she doesn't like wearing things that are complicated or clothes that makes her uncomfortable so she wear things that are quite simple or has a home-like feeling to it
SWEATER SWEATER SWEATER SWEATER SHE LOVES SWEATERS! sweaters are like a blanket to go for her and she likes the smell of fresh laundry that sticks towards the fabric. she likes pastel coloured sweaters or sweaters that has a cute or cool graphics on it. she's always seen with it when going on everywhere; to a restaurant, going on midnight stroll, walking by the beach, chilling on her sofa, lazy grocery shopping, EVERYWHERE
she also like to put on dress that really compliments her upper body, and when i say upper body i mean shoulder, collarbones and her backside. she likes to wear strapless dress, backless dress or...yeah a casual dress
she doesn't really care about fashion really, as long as she's comfortable but still look bomb as hell (though in all honesty, she's more to pastel kei)

sweaters | dress (casual/formal)
upper clothes (shirt, crop top & bralet); works for dorm, practice & casual
lower clothes (pants, shorts & skirts) | outerwear
other essentials (bags, shoes, etc)



aegyo? NOPE

personality :

TROPES pink inferno, vicious hydrangea

Confident → Confidence is her main quality, she has the bravery to do anything and won't be afraid to fail. She's used to be at the stage and in front of the audience. Even though there are times where she will be nervous of what's coming, her confidence usually wins over it. She has a very good optimism and believes in her own instincts. If her confidence says yes, then she will do it. She has no fear for abstract threat, if she think she can do it then she can do it

Cute → junna has a weird kind of cuteness that she doesn't want to acknowledge (because cute is not equal to swag!). take an example of snsd's sunny, she has the kind of natural cuteness that doesn't really show when she's on-stage. junna's natural cuteness only come out when she's off-stage, she doesn't exactly try to be cute. she doesn't even want to be cute, she looks up to the members who are ambitious and have charisma even outside the stage. not the kind of charisma that she only has at the stage. even the way she says that she's not cute and stomps her foot angrily is kinda cute. people find her cute by the way she behave, a diva. she has a nasally concentrated voice and always accidently make an aegyo voice. she always says that she wants a more deeper voice, because deeper voice are y. this kind of quality-but-flaw-for-her always make her sigh

Talkative → junna is a great talker. she is the voice representative for yeoyumoo since she has a great speech ability and has good promoting skills for yeoyumoo, not only promoting towards their singing, dancing and looks but also their variety skills, sports skills, etc. she's a good conversation starter, if she already feels that the atmosphere is awkward then she would break it by asking a random question. just hoping that other people will respond to her. She also a loud voice, sometimes a combination of nasally voice and loud volume is a bit annoying. so she took that not-so-advantage to annoy people

Crazy → even from the way she laughs, you can tell that she's absolutely insane. she has a very wild and aggresive behaviour that came to be a bridge of quality and flaws. she can be very enthusiatic over little things and has a great reaction over something, basically the jester of the group. however there are tendency where she over-exaggerates everything and became absurdly out of place

Mischievous → "YOU SLY FOX!" was the first sentece that describes junna's flaw. trouble always follow you if you became the subject of junna's playful pranks. she's not evil to the point that people around her hates her, it's just really annoying. she could put something on your food, not harmful just makes it more more more distasteful. she won't put anyone in danger, just in a bad temper. a really bad temper. junna just have to know how to get out of the situation

Stubborn → she is the girl with a stone head, she will listen to nobody. If someone told her to do something and she's not in the mood, then she won't do it. she'll bark at you if you keep telling her to do things that she doesn't want to, it annoys her. even with her members that are older than her, she'll stay on her ground. If she thinks it's not urgent or it's none of her business then she won't do anything to help them. she stands on her own statement; if she thinks something is right then she is right, if she think something is wrong then it's wrong. nothing will shake her statement until a real legit proof is given to her. even so, she will be flustered then changes the topic. she could be to the point where she throws an angry fit and a tantrum to them. she's a pain in the arse for the older girls and the younger one will be crying because she will be the main target of junna's shoulder to angry on

Diva → she is SUCH a diva. she's kind of sassy and fierce, bossy and imperious. all of those personality traits are a part of a diva-like. junna is a great example for a diva. she's talented, she's confident and a great talker yet she's annoying, stubborn and fierce. but her diva attitude is what make her loved by her fans, despised by her haters and a burden for her co-workers. it is a difficult choice on whether she should change or not, because she was loved by the fans but annoying her co-workers

Others → despite her cute, delicate appearance, junna is a sarcastic, mischievous, and prideful girl who is easily made angry or upset especially when it's about her visual. she hates when people point out her height or call her snuggly, a nickname she earned because of her petite size. despite her tendency to be aggressive, she is actually a kind person, especially to people she trust. she is extremely loyal, too, as she is willing to fight to protect her loved ones. she is not afraid to speak her mind and is often bad-mouthed because of her somewhat rude attitude toward people. because she is often misunderstood and judged, people don't see her kind and loyal personality. essentially, junna is meant to be a deconstruction of the tsundere, showing rapid mood swings, being emotionally unstable, and making poor decisions based solely on emotions. her steady progress into becoming sweet and kind defies the "bipolar" stereotype of most tsundere characters

background :
junna's father was a kickboxing championship athlete and her mother was a chef, who is also the daughter of the father's coach. both of them met and got married. junna came a year after junrae was born and both of them followed her mother and father's footsteps. junrae and junna both took cooking lessons from her mother whilst also learning mixed martial arts from her father's dojo. it's a crazy life, as if she's living the best of both world's of being an aspiring cook but an even more talented martial arts athlete. her middle school life is filled with these two category, she paid little attention to most of her grades and more focused on being an athlete. but almost everything plummeted down when she has to stay a grade because her marks are so bad. junna refuses to be transferred to an sports based school because she wants to have a 'normal' school life. so she has to sacrifice her dreams on being a young athlete, because it's either cutting off her martial arts schedule for her marks or sports school, she chose the first one. so she entirely dedicated herself on the education given so that she could fulfill her wish on being an athlete

her talent on singing was found when she's at her 10th grade in high school. she's practically trigger happy and itchy to punch something since she didn't get to practice a lot during the 2 year period of dedicating herself to studies. she joined many activities from school to distract her fist, one of them is the theatre club (she didn't join with her own consent btw, her best friend forced her). her school's theatre club is very hardcore, most of them are super talented and super dedicated unlike other clubs in her school. her buried talent in singing was found when she try to audition for the once in a month musical as the main character. she didn't get it, but her seniors said that she has so much potential and thus being trained by them. she was trained on singing and dancing for the whole years of her school, her grades turned normal and her trigger happy fist has calmed down (but she went on a rampage when she went to the ring of course). she joined many musicals from her school and outside the school, sometimes joining choir when she required to.

when she graduated from school, she's actually quite confused on what to do. if she choose to become an athlete then it will take her more time into being a professional mma fighter because she didn't went into an extensive schedule for mma, not to mention the types of martial arts that she will have to learn. it will take a lot of years into being a full fledged professional mma athlete, even with all of her talent. she decided to go towards the idoling world, with the advice from her senior and her ever so helpful best friend. to be honest she just follows her best friend in auditioning and her best friend forces encourages her to keep the both of them company. both of them auditioned to several companies, but they made a promise if one of them didn't make it then they wouldn't go to that company. there's 3 company that they got in; fnc entertainment, jellyfish entertainment and bighit entertainment. fnc focuses more on instruments, so junna said no. jellyfish entertainment gained her best friend's side eyes because their lack of girlgroup. bighit is their biggest shot, since they're allowed to make their own music and their music always turns out unbelievably good. so they got in and got themselves as trainees of bighit entertainment

junna seriously felt she's back at her school days with the constant teasing of her height and multiple people trying to make her their snuggle buddy. one time she had proven how scary she was when she got extremely mad and accidently breaking the wall with her own fist out of anger (which she of course receives punishment for destroying properties and had to pay for the fixing). after that incident she swore to herself to block out any noises that makes remarks about her height, her figure and 'snuggly'. she relies on herself when it comes to socialising, since she's quite of a social butterfly. but she kept her circle small and focuses more on training

trivia :
- she has a habit of lightly jumping before a performance or practice. back in her athlete days, she used to do skipping ropes for 1000 times before practice. now it became a natural habit for her and sometimes she brings a skipping rope with her if she has the time
- martial arts is her way to relax and just self-reflect. so when she needed some time alone, she will slip out to the gym
- she never get along with her sister, reasons as to why is unknown but they never hate each other. only occasional cat fights and arguments could happen when they meet
- her and her sister looks identical
- she was supposed to be an mma athlete, and she still is a very strong fighter
- never EVER be fooled with her innocent face and petite figure. like, ever
- big fan of korean and thailand culinary, so so in love with thai food
- 'when in doubt, eat jjajangmyeon' 
- doesn't have a sweet tooth, sometimes get nauseous if she eats too much sweets
- doesn't mind any type of vegetable
- unbelieveably great in cooking, like her skills will surprise you

- if she got reborned, she doesn't wish anything to change except her height
- got extremely shy and stutters when her special someone says 'don't ever change, you're perfect like this'
- she could maintain a poker face at any type of insults or jokes or flirtings, except for those that has her height as the topic then she'll go hulk mode
- actually aimed to be a soloist but she's okay being in a group (the more the merrier ayye)
- achievement list? full of broadway musicals and mma activities
- top marks at physical education, home economics, visual arts, history and chemistry. others are average
- was somehow bullied and got hate when some people found out she stayed a grade. but she got to explain why when she shows her skills on the ring
- hopeless at rapping, goddess at rhyming
- whines a lot if she's sick, she wants to be spoiled if she's sick
- passionate in shopping sweaters
- passionate in punching and kicking
- she has a very unique voice that doesn't match her voice...at all
- 'a badass girls aren't the type of girl who acts like a 24/7. a badass girls are the types who knows when to be a for herself and her homies, has a sense a pride for herself and has self respect...and knows when to throw punches'
- hates try hards and wannabes. like if you're not destined to be a 'bad ' or a 'cutie patootie' then just stop



i hate you all...

relationships :

i refuse to admit she's my sister : sung jun rae : 24 : lawyer in training : positive thinker, loud and sorta sarcastic
they act like they hate each other, they always have an argument when they're together and occasionally a cat fight if one of them gets ticked off (even with the fact that the both of them are really good fighters). even with all of their fiasco, they both love each other and willing to kill if someone dares to hurt their sister

i hate her... : jeon yeo ru : 22 : bighit trainee : sour faced, cynical and hardworker
junna and yeoru are school best friends and continue to be best friends even after high school. both of them sorta grew together when junna got held back a year and they became so close despite what others say about 'sour faced yeoru'. they're always together in everything and anything...not so sure about being in a group though

i really wish she'll become a singer : lee na um : 25 : broadway singer : kind, motherly and charismatic
naum was her main mentor in singing & dancing and one of her senior. she is the president of the theatre club and a promising musical singer. she's the closest to junna and yeoru when they're a part of the club and took them in as her students. naum's kind and cheerful demeanor had came under the steely skin of sung junna and she had melted under this sunshine. she is able to make her laugh until she topples over and dying over her silly jokes, which is very rare since she could keep a poker face over the silliest jokes. naum became a second mother figure for her as she's constantly taking care of her and coddle her with her affections

my sparring partner : yoon il jung : 23 : mma athlete : dorky, protective and obnoxious
iljung is her sparring partner when it comes to mma, he's one of the 3 people that could match her powers. he's also the really loud one, even louder than her. both of them are so rebellious when being put together and loves to intentionally make her lover jealous. iljung, her and her lover always spends some time together and had been friends since they're together when the training group are formed

my adorable punching bag : kim taehyung : 20 : idol : 4d, sorta weird and hyperactive
whenever taehyung spotted her at the agency, he would go 'NOOONAAAA~~~' then he would run and hug her tightly. how their friendship started is a little mystery. one day they talked and suddenly she's his noona. he's extremely loving and possesive of her, even whining about the fact that she already have someone. junna has a soft spot on this kid but she will never get tired of teasing him and coddling him. she has a chance to act like a bigger sister so why not take it. keep in mind that taehyung and junna doesn't like each other or has feelings for each other, mainly because junna is in love and taehyung has eyes on someone else /coughsyeorucoughs/

halmeoni can i have some snacks please : oh yuni : 25 : trainee : erted, dependable and demure
yuni is one of her bighit friends and she always come to her when she wants to be spoiled. junna always secretly observes her and found herself being impressed by how many stuffs she has in her bag. at one time she fell sick and yuni gave her a cough drop, a heat pack and extra warm sweater. after that, she always go to her when she needs a little love and being intentionally cute to her



smile like you mean it

hopes and dreams for yeoyumoo : in all honesty, she only want yeoyumoo to be happy. i mean sure, fame and recognition is everything in this idol world. and maybe it will bring happiness along the way. but who knows what kind of journey they'll go on with them. they don't know if the fame and recognition is worth of all the happiness and laughters that they'll sacrifice just for it. she wants yeoyumoo to achieve success and happiness that they want from the beginning. she wants to sing their heart out, to dance with freedom, to rap with a meaning, to perform on a stage with smiles on their faces as the audience look out to them with the same smiles, and their loved ones with their proud smiles on the backstage. and when it's all come to end, when they look back, the same smile will bloom as they say 'i am happy'

with hope, love and glory

with a happy ending

love experience :
now if you ask if she's a or not? nope she is not a . but junna has very little experience when conducting in ual activity. she doesn't talk about her ual life that often because she doesn't really pay attention to it. she's only comfortable talking about it with certain people since she's a bit disclosed about it

she is currently in love with the man she has been with for the past 8 years. for her, you won't feel the sweetness of love without the bitter sacrifices to make in order to feel the actual concept of 'love'. love is not a one way thing, you are your significant other's partner and you trust him or her completely with your lives. there are times where you will fight and disagree with each other, but if you do still love each other, it will always be 'us against the world'

love interest : moon seung yi + boxing and mma athlete (seo kang joon)
personality :
people saw him as the cold, enigmatic and stoic person, who rather spends his time being alone with his small circle of friends. but he was pretty popular at his school years, being devillishly handsome and a natural genius in subjects, he was smittened by the girls and got hated by the boys. but he does not let it get to his head, as he paid little attention to the girls and doesn't really care about people hating him. all he cared about, is boxing. you could say that boxing is his actual life and career choice. at the ring, people won't judge you by your personality, they will judge you by how fast you punch and how much of a meaning do they carry. in the ring, he will leave his 'perfect' side and there will be no limit that could stop him

when you get to be a part of his circles, you'll get to see a much more nicer side of him. despite his passive personality, he's actually very loyal and honest. he never crossed out nor betray his friends, that's why he needs to make sure that he has a small circle of friends that he could trust. he's very insightful and sensitive towards what his friends feel about him. he constantly tries to appeal to them and make the comfortable with him. he is selfless and protective, he is willing to distance himself when his friends needed him to but still be very worryful about them at the same time

love story :
they started out with a rocky relationship when they meet at the gym fight at middle school. after seeing her display of strength and determination, young prideful seungyi sees him as a rival. he already thought that there's going to someone far stronger than him but he never thought that it will be a girl. he felt somehow intimidated and turned cold towards her. he straight out ignored her when she needed help and being excessively violent during sparring routine, not giving her any chance to fight back. junna didn't really see it as a problem at first but it is getting annoying as time goes by. at last, she got really annoyed until she knocked him down on first punch, remarking that he's not being serious on the ring
'i'm not your enemy, so stop treating me like one!' she was so pissed that she refused to spar with him again. seungyi realised that rivalry doesn't really matter when you're in the ring, you have to be fair even towards your enemy. he realised his mistake and apologised to her after a month of their incident

what brought them together is when he noticed that something is wrong with her. she's very unfocused and her strikes are weaker than she usually is. he squeezed out the information out of her, finding out that she's failing her grades and is not allowed to graduate from middle school. she's also in despair because she might quit from martial arts to pursue her grades back and she will need extra concentration. somehow alarmed with the mention of her quitting, he offered to tutor her. when asked why he flusteredly said that she looked so pathetic and pitiful he needed to help her. she rolled her eyes and muttered
'whatever'. he is a harsh tutor for her, only because he didn't know it was this bad ('how come you ace physics and chemistry but fail at math? you got 80% wrong!' 'seungyi...nobody really likes math you know...'). she always whine because he was being so harsh and ruthless, but he paid no attention to that. sometimes she wants to punch his skull, other times he wants to drill her brains. yet the results was promosing for her, she was able to gain her grades back while still attending the gym (with limited time of course). but of course, another type of feeling bloomed from them

they're growing teenagers. so when he took a peek of her milky thighs when she sits on the floor with her short school skirt or when she accidently witnessed him coming out of the shower with his chiseled body all wet, a sense of desire conjured from the pit of their stomach. small frustrations could be sensed when they're together, especially when they accidently touched each other on those rare moments. but they are all tamed with him walking her home, their small casual talk, how beautiful she looked like when she's peaceful and how much he's glowing when he smiled and complimented her work. adoration bloomed in their hearts

an incident made him bold, really bold. when a new member of the gym came and sets his eyes on junna, he immediately found his target. he's invading her space and constantly flirts with her, making junna annoyed and the others really pissed. but seungyi was flaming with rage as he observed with glaring eyes. all hell's break loose when the guy said the taboo word "you're such a small cutie little girl" that enough was able to set junna in a very angry mode but what caught everyone by surprise, what made her dumbfounded, was when seungyi charged at him and punched him right on the face
'you don't say that to another person's girlfriend, you son of a ' he seethed with rage as if steam came out of his mouth because of all that fire burning in his heart

after the incident, both of them walk on the lonely night street. him taking her home safely. they walk in silence, only the sound of their footsteps can be heard and the tension could be felt around them. after a whole 10 minutes
"i'm sorry..." he uttered to her. she hummed softly "i don't get it" she said in response. seungyi sighed "i didn't mean to-" "i'm not your girlfriend" "i know junna i-" "i don't remember you confessing to me" "junna please-" "and i don't remember accepting you as my boyfriend, i don't-" "damn it junna i like you" he said it, as he held her small hands to stop her from her tracks. junna turned around, her small innocent eyes look at him, his orbs staring back at him searching for any hope "i like you okay? now i didn't say it earlier because i'm such a chicken. but that guy insulted you and i can't control myself i just-" he could a feel a body against his and a pair of arms wrapping around him tightly, as if afraid that he'll disappear if she lets him go "don't do that again..." she muttered against him. he blinked his eyes, still in trance of what happened "only i can hurt you. no one else in this world will hurt you except me..." she said as her fist balled on his coat "and i will never hurt you..." she sighed softly, her shoulders relaxing as she said what she wanted to say. he chuckled softly as he wraps his arms around her and places a soft kiss on her crown "very well then...i'm yours to hurt"

interactions :
seungyi is actually very naughty around her. he likes to and flirts with her and feeds her with his cheesy romantic remarks, usually worshipping her until she's a blushing mess. he loves to see the apples of her cheeks turns red with embarrassement, he had kisses them many times saying 'it's the same colour as your lips~'. he deeply cares for her, he's always on the look-out for anything that may threaten or hurt junna, and he often saves her when she gets in trouble. he does not care about himself as long as it can help junna and even pushes himself off the limit. he usually stays around her when both of them are not busy. he hates when people have dirty or hateful thoughts about her and gets very jealous when any other guy gets too close to her or draws her attention from him. with that, he sometimes could be childish about her. he only demands for her to give him her fullest attention and he will not allow her to look at other man. like most guys, he is awkward and not very good when it comes to expressing his feelings, so generally reverts to making erted comments and references. the only times he expresses himself clearly are on several occasions when he confesses openly or when he feel so lucky or in love or when they're at their down moment or when he expresses himself through actions such as kisses or tight hugs. with his age, he gets ually frustrated really often. mostly because she's so innocent about it and it kinda turns him on, but he felt a pang of guilt whenever he caught her off guard by pinning her to the wall and got into an endless makeout session to fulfill his desperation for her. nevertheless, he places their life on her hands and will only allow himself to touch her if she allows him to

junna is still her, only upgrade it into a much more romantic and sweet person. for your information, she loves romance in whatever kind of form it is. so her lover is her oppurtunity for her to fulfill her list of doing romantic stuffs, fortunately he doesn't mind at all. she has a love-hate relationship with his teasing. as she doesn't like it when she gets embarrassed but secretly likes it when he says stuffs like that. she sometimes threaten that she will kill him for that but that never stopped the man from making her blush. she doesn't say it out loud but she's constantly scared for him. martial arts is a dangerous sports and he could get seriously injured because of it. but she never doubted him for his dreams so she never said it out loud. she never really cared when someone is openly flirting with him in front of her, she just thinks it's really funny when they realised that the man they have a target on is already taken. but she does get annoyed when he stated the fact but they still purse at him anyway (seungyi loves her jealous, it means another teasing material). like seungyi, she was never really vocal when expressing herself with words. she's fine and comfortable with what they have right now but speaking it out loud really means a lot to the both of them

it's really rare for them to say 'i love you'. but when they do, they really mean it

relationship : lovers for 8 years (he's positive he'll marry her one way or another

trivias :
- she always wear the 
pumpkin necklace and star charm bracelet that engraves seungyi's name on the back of it that matches with his. he gave the necklace on her birthday and the bracelets on their anniversary
- seungyi was quite surpised with the fact that she wanted to be an idol but he supports her all the way
- she has talked about their future together, but it got really emotional and she ended up crying. it was the first time junna cried because of him and he swore it will be the last time
- junna had spend some time with him on his apartment, and both of them wishes she could spend time with him on holidays
- on her trainee days, he always drops off some food for her with a note 'don't work too hard pumpkin. stay hydrated and healthy sweetheart -yours'
- her name on his contact is named 'moon junna' while his name on her contact is '( ˘ ³˘)♥'
- junna has more strength and much more powerful than him. but when it comes to boxing technique, no one could beat him
- both of them loses their ity to each other after she's at her legal age (3rd year of their relationship). they said it was as expected; awkward but magical in the end [lol so cheesy]. it is also the same time when the both of them said 'i love you' for the first time to each other
- even though seungyi is suspiciously good in bed, junna is the only woman he ever slept with
- seungyi encounters more ual frustrations than she does, mostly because he observes her often and more aware of the unconciously y little things she does
- he is a fan of leaving hickeys where only she could see
- both of them rarely have . but when they do, so many feelings are poured unto it. he's very passionate about her and oftenly takes care of her since she has little to no knowledge about it
- remember what i said about seungyi being naughty? he's also a fan of making her ually frustrated at ungodly times, just so he could take revenge for her being unintentionally a turn-on
- being 8 years in a relationship, it is only natural if they fight. the petty ones are when he was jealous of her because she hung out with other guys or when she's being extremely childish and stubborn she just doesn't filter her words. the big fight happened at their sixth year where he accused her of cheating and she got angered because he underestimated her love for him and pointed out that she never accused him of cheating even though he's surrounded with a lot of girls prettier than her. they got into a big argument, until they decided to take a break. for half a year they didn't contact each other until junna is the first one to make contact
'i'm sorry, i'm an idiot for saying that. i will never ever cheat on you and i'll never doubt your love for me. i love you so so much' '.....' 'seungyi?' 'i love you too...' 'i missed you...' 'i need you, can we meet right now?' 'yes we can...' 'alright, i'll wait for you at the cafe' 'okay, i'll see you the-' 'junna' 'yes?' '....i'm sorry, and i love you so much pumpkin'
- seungyi's theme song for her | junna's theme song for him
comments : harrow~~ so here i present to you my darling notreallydarlingcauseshecouldkickasshahah sung jun na~ damn there's a lot of errors happening in here like goddamn. you know what happened? today i already finished all of the sections when my laptop suddenly froze and shut down. when i turn it on again, everything went back to the start so i cri so hard right now ;_; so if it's lacking any detail then i'm so sorry, i will add some things and give a little fixing thus i will inform if i do did that. thank you for reading the app and i hope you will consider her c:

i'm going to read you a poem to show how much i love you owo

' unconditional love

is the one that we seek
we search high and low
for someone
who will celebrate with us
at our highest
and pick us up
at our lowest

we travel distances
from vein to vein
for that one said love

now stop
take a step back
as the love that we seek
has always been there
giving life to who we've become

my heroine

that is you

my unconditional love '

questions : n/a
scene suggestions : n/a (i might add some later)


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