【 Idol Academy ✧ 】MIYUN BEAUMONT + Half-Blooded Tiger

Miyun lysa beaumont + 미윤 라이사 버몬트




Mayo/Mayonnnaise; 마요/마요네즈 She is called this because of her fair skin and her Korean name almost sounds like Mayo, give or take a few letters. She is called this by her friends and sometimes by others around school.
Mini-Horangi/Horangi; 미니-호랑이/호랑이 People gave her this nickname ever since word got around that she had a lot of anger trapped in such a tiny body. Horangi means Tiger. Although she has no problem with it, she does make a "Grr" sound whenever someone does call her it. 
→ Honhyeol-ie/Halfer; 혼혈이/하파 ⋮ She is called this by her close friends. Honhyeol means half-blooded in Korean and refers to her being Half Caucasian and half Korean.

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ July 18, 1998
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Los Angeles, USA
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Gyunggi-do, South Korea

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Caucasian/Korean
⟪ NATIONALITY ⟫ American/Korean


→ Korean (fluent) ⋮ Raised in Korea since a young age
→ English (Conversational) ⋮ Born and lived in America till the age of 6, She doesn't remember much, but she continued to learn it at school in Korea
→ French (Advanced Conversational) ⋮ From French descent and was taught French at a young age and continued learning at school and at home. She uses it daily at home with her father. 


→ Yes ⋮ She is scouted by CUBE Entertainment after performing covers of Jay Park ft. Okasian "You Know" and Okasian ft. Play$tar "No Flex Zone" with Choi Junhong and a dance solo that mixes interpretive and pop together in a well balanced choreography.

⟪ BACK UP ⟫ The ARK's Halla

⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 43.6kg, 160.7cm, every number counts

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Just about anything that is found on Tumblr is what you will find in her closet. She likes to follow the latest trends and tries to go for more of a "hipster" style. She prefers jeans and shorts over dresses and skirts, but doesn't necessarily hate them unless they are super long. She owns more pairs of shoes then she does outfits. Every once in a while she will try to go for a street syle "swaggy" look with an OBEY beanie and some Timberlands. Her style is a mixture of Korean and American trends. 1 2 3 4

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ Miyun is a bit on the shorter side, but not by much unless you compare her to the rest of her family. She does like to keep herself toned by doing cardio and slight muscle workouts, but nothing too major. She also has a good S-line. Her short stature and cute face may trick you from what is underneith the aegyo filled exterior of hers. Her hair occasionally changes from a bleached blond/white to a tiger's fur orange/maroon and to a silvery-grey color, surprisingly her hair hasn't died and fallen out. She also has a cartilage piercing on her right ear and two earlobe piercing on each ear. 



 Positive? Determined, Trustworthy, Active
Negative? Stubborn, Aggressive, Introvert
Neutral? Explicit, Irreverant, Unfathomable 

Miyun has strong determination that can not be persuaded no matter what. Once she has her mind set on something, she will follow through with it to the very end, no matter what people say. You've gotta be pretty special if you're able to changer her mind because so far in history it has not been accomplished. She is willing to go through any hardships that are recquired with whatever she plans on doing. She is also a person of honor and trust. Miyun is not a person who loses someone's trust. She is a reliable and dependable person who many can agree is also honest as ever. She will rarely ever tell a lie, and I mean rarely. She is also a very active person, whether it be athletically or standing up for someone. She enjoys working out and being active typically more than others, but too a certain extent. She is also active in community events that need volunteers.

Miyun is a highly stubborn individual who has no means of letting someone change her mind whatsoever. She is hard-headed and won't be a softy without a spine. She has no trouble with saying the word "no" and can withstand any sort of bribary or puppy-dog face, for the most part. Even though she is small and has a cute stature, she will tear you to shreds in seconds. She isn't afraid to throw a few punches or get aggressive with someone, but won't swing first. Her personality is slightly barbaric in a way because she believes that sometimes violence can be the answer which is then proven to be very wrong. Surprisingly, maybe, she is also an introverted human being. She prefers to keep a low profile, although with her reputation around school it is nearly impossible, and enjoys her alone time without feeling the need to have a conversation with someone. She doesn't find the need to go out of her way just to try and befriend someone else. 

Because Miyun is an introvert, whenever she does end up talking to someone, she is very explicit. No details are left out. If someone asks for her opinion on what they are wearing, she will be very detailed, in a short response of course, and be straight-forward. If she thinks it's hideous and makes the person look like they just ran over and put back together with kids glue, she will tell them exactly that. She's also Irreverant. She likes to take typically serious situations and make some sort of humorous entertainment out of it. If it doesn't relate to her future career plans, she will often times not take anything seriously. Miyun is an unfathomable person to those who don't have the chance to get to know her. People always assume certain things about her because "they can tell", but in reality she is a person who is incapable of being fully explored. Normally people could tell what a person is thinking or feeling by looking in her eyes, but with Miyun, it's very rare to be able to do that.



Miyun was born in Los Angeles, USA and lived their until the age of 6 along with her younger twin siblings. They moved to their mother's hometown, Gyunggi-do, because their mother wanted to be close to family and be able help her own parents. During the time through Miyun's birth to present day, her father had spoken French daily to her so that she could learn the language of her other half. Every once in awhile, the Min household would also speak a bit of English, but not much. 

Being a halfer in Korea wasn't as bad as people thought it would be, but it did have it's negative moments. When Miyun was young, many kids would ask her why she looked different but that was all. As the kids got older, they were able to learn more slang words and began calling her and began calling her things like half-breed, whitey, alien, etc. This is when a switch went off and she slowly but surely began to form into the aggressive person she is today. The first time she hit someone was in her first year of middle school and she finally blew up after being called an alien for like the 10 billionth time. Ever since then, people started to call her Mini-Horangi and knew not to get on her bad side. She only had a few more incidents where she would get detention, but nothing major.

In her last year of middle school, Miyun discovered the art of rapping and dancing. She stumbled, literally stumbled because she fell off her skateboard, upon a crowd of people who were having a rap battle near the skatepark. She was immediately intrigued by the way words flew out of their mouth like nothing, but stil keeping up with the beat. After watching for a few more minutes, one of the people in the group noticed the little girl and told her off. "Yah! This is no place for a little half-breed girl like you! Hurry and leave." Frightened by the power in his voice, she quickly grabbed her skateboard and ran home. When she got home she immediately looked up rap battles on YouTube and stayed up for hours watching different videos of underground rappers. Her phone became filled with hip hop songs and began learning the lyrics and would quietly rap along with the song. She then found a dance cover to one of her favorite songs and automatically wanted to learn the choreography. She then asked her parents if she could take dance lessons, in which the happily obliged. 

In high school, Miyun was a part of the school's dance team and joined the hip hop club. She quickly got into the advanced dance team in her first year and was known for spittin' bars in the club. After her first school performance, where she both danced and rapped, her parents were not too happy about the fact that she had joined the hip hop club. They tried forcing her out of the club but found no use because of their daughter's stubborness. Whenever she had a performance, they chose not to attend but gradually they accepted the fact and began supporting her. Believing that rapping in school was just not enough, she began to sneak out at night and join cyphers of freestyling battles. This improved her skill by a ton and even got her some friends outside of school that showed her how to properly throw a punch, for emergency uses only. After a while she began to make her own beats/lyrics and downloaded it to soundcloud. They weren't exactly popular, but a good handful of people liked them.

In her last year of high school, someone had recommended her to audition for Sesang Idol Academy and she figured why not. She auditioned among many, many, many other people with her own rap and freestyled dance with music provided by the faculty. Being unique and definitely one of a kind was what won the judges over and she was accepted to attent Sesang Idol Academy. After getting the news, Miyun spread the word very quickly and got praises from everyone. Her family congratulated her and decided to always support her.




-Spicy Food; She absolutely loves it and sometimes likes to order the spiciest thing on the menu

-Kids/babies; Her ultimate weakness is the cuteness that is called children

-Skateboarding; It's her way of getting around town, it's fun, and the skatepark is right next to her rap battle area

-Night Time; She thinks the city is more beautiful at night with all the lights

-Cold Weather; She likes being able to bundle up in warm blankets instead of sweating off clothes

-Strawberry Milk or Strawberry flavored anything; She just likes strawberries, yknow?

-Alone Time; She likes being able to hear herself think and can have more focus on writing lyrics 


-Being Short; It makes people think she is cuter along with her baby face as well as many short people problems

-Taking Selcas; She feels the need to cringe if she takes a selca and doesn't like taking selcas with other people either

-Being Made Fun of for Her Ethnicity; She thinks it's an asbolutely stupid reason to make fun of someone or make fun of someone in general

-People Popping Her Personal Space Bubble; She hates when people press themselves against her and highly dislikes skinship

-ist Human Beings; She hates when people say "you can't do that because you're a girl/boy."

-People Believing She is a Stone-Cold, No Hearted Person; She's not a horrible person in reality and she doesn't like when people make assumptions about her without even knowing her well

-Liars; She doesn't see the point in lying


-When she raps, she uses a lot of hand motions

-Has a short temper and often raises her hand at someone to threaten that she will hit them 

-Always has to lay/lean her head on something when she is sleeping and sometimes will be open

-If she is listening to a song with a good beat, she will start dancing slightly in her seat or wherever she is


-Aegyo and stuffed animals are her other weakness

-Sometimes she will sneak out of the dorms at night to go skate, have alone time, etc.

-She always stays like 30 minutes-an hour later after dance practice to practice more

-Her go to meal is ramyun with cheese

-Before class starts, you can always see her secluding herself from the others with her earphones in

-Coincidentally, Tigers are her favorite animal

-She doesn't like girl rappers that have the typical girly girly tone in their voice

-Her Instagram is @BeauMayo

-She looks up to Jay Park, Okasian, Jessi, and Childish Gambino

-She is really awkward when it comes to comforting people

-She's never been in a romantic relationship nor had people confess to her and vice versa

-She is absolutely stupid and clueless when it comes to non-family-related love and emotions in general

-She is a big fan of 4MINUTE and 2NE1

-People in Korea often pronounce her English name wrong if they don't read it in Hangul

-She has a part time job at a bubble tea shop

-She's known for her fast rapping





Father, Carlisle Beaumont ⋮ 38 ⋮ Business Man ⋮ Carefree, Friendly, Punny ⋮ Miyun and her dad make all kinds of cringeworthy puns, but they always have a good laugh together. They will often speak French to each other just to annoy her mother. Miyun and her father are like a troublesome duo against their mother. Miyun definitely got her rebellious side from her dad, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Mother, Kim Sujin ⋮ 38 ⋮ High School English Teacher ⋮ Worrisome, Warm-hearted, Strict  ⋮ Miyun's mom is very protective over her "big-baby." She loves hugging her mother the most and it's what she looks forward to the most when she visits back home. Although her mother worries a bit too much, she wants the best for Miyun and always sends her little texts or voicemails of cute messages of encouragement.

Sister, Lauren Minhye Beaumont ⋮ 8 ⋮ Student ⋮ Bubbly, Sassy, Jumpy  ⋮ Miyun loves the twins with all of her heart and loves hanging out with Lauren and listening to all the "drama" going on in school. Lauren's happiness is always contagious to Miyun and she immediately feels happy whenever she sees her sister smiling and making fun of how short her unnie is. When Miyun visits home, Lauren will often make Miyun do her hair or play with her.

Brother, Leo Minhong Beaumont ⋮ 8 ⋮ Student and Annoying His Sister ⋮ Noisy, Disobedient, Annoying ⋮ Miyun adores Leo because he's the only boy, aside from her dad. She likes to ruffle up his hair and pretend to fight him. She's like the typical older sister to him, always asking about girls at school or pretending to be a winggirl for him. He always looks forward to when she comes home and immediately wants her to rap or dance for him.



→ Rap fam, Min Yoongi ⋮ 23 ⋮ Student ⋮ Weird, Sweet, Lazy ⋮ Yoongi welcomed Miyun to SIA very quickly. Whenever there are partner projects in the rap department, these two will most likely be paired up. The occasionally hang out and sometimes he visits her at the bubble tea shop just to make fun of her uniform. They treat each other like they are related.

Rap fam, Lee Dongheon ⋮ 22 ⋮ Student ⋮ Reckless, Certified Pabo, Jokester ⋮ These two are the kids who turn up whenevr someone plays a good song or beat. As soon as they here a beat, all they have to do is look at each other and dab in sync. She'll often accompany him when he goes to Cyphers. He also knows how to push her buttons and always throws her under the bus, metaphorically not literally.

 Dance fam, Byun Sungjoo ⋮ 18 ⋮ Student ⋮ Boy-Crazy, Talkative, Sassy ⋮ Being in the same bracket and same age, they were bound to be friends. They are like polar opposites, but that is exactly why they make such good friends. She looks out for her and tries to stop her from doing stupid stuff that will get her detention and Miyun helps be a winggirl for the boy-crazy pabo that can't even say a word in front of a boy. 

 Dance fam, Bae Joohyun ⋮ 25 ⋮ Student ⋮ Smiley, A Bit Shy, Super Sweet ⋮ Joohyun is a part of the dance trio with Miyun and Sungjoo. Joohyun is like the older sister that Miyun can tell anything to, which isn't often but it's the thought that count. She visits Miyun at work many, many, many times and always tries to get a discount that she will never recieve. Miyun often jokes around and likes to call Joohyun her "umma."

 Childhood OG, Kim Dahyun ⋮ 18 ⋮ Student ⋮ Hardworking, Jokester, Trustworthy ⋮ Miyun and Dahyun have been friends since they were 8. In Gyunggi-do, they both worked hard to try and fulfill their dreams and planned to audition for SIA together. Luckily, they were both accepted. Ever since their high school years, they hang out at some point everyday even to this day. The two are super close and it'll take a lot to break their friendship; meaning it'll never happen.




 Halfblooded Tiger

⟪ STYLE ⟫ Hip Hop orientated like Jay Park and CL


Rapping Twin; Jessi
Dance Twin; 4MINUTE's Sohyun


"I want to be the idol that changes people's views on female idol rapping. I wish for people to stop underestimating female rappers." *insert smile here* "My dream is to show Korea the skills of a mixed rapper, whether it be as a solo artist or in a group. As long as I have a lot of support and many fans that appreciate the effort I put into music." *erase smile here* "Oh, and please refrain from calling me a kid. I am an official adult now." *drops mic, crosses arms, dramatic exit*

Kwon Yeseul

⟪ BRACKET ⟫ Rapping ⟪ AGE ⟫ 18
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Choi Yoonsun ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Shin Jimin


⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ Yeseul is that one girl in school that's really friendly and talkative and has no flaws and everyone seems to like her. She is indeed very friendly, but too friendly to the point where it seems fake and too sweet. She is the exact opposite of Miyun, much like the Angel and Devil concepts. She knows how to befriend others quickly and has a very aegyo and innnocent appeal to her.

She believes that good looks and your popularity status are what's gonna get you into the entertainment business. She doesn't work as hard on her skills as other kids do, but that doesn't mean she is the laziest. Yeseul likes attention and the saying "all eyes on me" really fits her. She is known to boast a lot and has so much self confidence that sometimes she can get very egotistic.


⟪ WHY ARE THEY RIVALS? ⟫  Miyun and Yeseul are polar opposites that don't real connect well. They're styles are completely different as well as their reputations around school. Mostly everyone prefers Yeseul's sweet and cutesy rapping over Miyun's hardcore "gangster" rapping and they always seem to compare and contrast the two. Yeseul and Miyun have been rivals ever since the day of SIA auditions where Yeseul tried to befriend her but then made it very clear to Miyun that a halfer didn't belong in the entertainment business. 

⟪ INTERACTIONS ⟫ Miyun and Yeseul are in many of the same classes and if they make eye contact with each other, which is very likely to happen, they always shoot glares that are so sharp if someone would walk in the middle of it they wold get injured. In class, Yeseul low-key targets her comments towards Miyun, but Miyun just brushes it off until it's time to rap and then drops a diss track. Miyun tries to just let the fire burn out, but Yeseul just likes to keep adding to it and will try to cause drama with her outside of class. For the most part Miyun just ignores her, but as her motto goes she would slap a b**ch if she had to.

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ Bruh 


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NAME: Choi Junhong (Backups; Choi Hansol or other applicant)
AGE: 20
BRACKET + TALENT: Performing + Rapping & Dancing


Junhong is a boy who is very shy at first and then just explodes as soon as you get to know him better. He's shy around certain people, but if it's people who are shyer or introverted he will have so much confidence and you wouldn't even know that he was shy. After getting past 1st stage shy yet badass Junhong, he is a very playful and smiley kid at heart. He always tries to be manly and tells people he's totally a man, we all know otherwise. He likes to joke around a lot, but can be serious when he has to be. He is very good looking and he know that very damn well. He can get very cocky often, especially if it's about his looks or performing skills. He likes to flirt and make sweet comments, but after he does he always gets embarrassed and cringes. Overall, this giant baby is a joking sweetheart on the inside but a wannabe-manly flirter on the outside.



Standing with a 187cm and 160.7cm height difference, Junhong and Miyun are like Tom and Jerry except Junhong is the mouse and Miyun is the cat. Junhong loves to annoy the hell out of the mixed rapper and enjoys seeing the many expressions of anger and irritation on her face. Miyun loves punching or injuring the tall baby in anyway and enjoys the feeling of success after she gets him to stop bugging her. He knows how to push her buttons and is often the reason for her moods. He always teases her or makes flirty comments that she either makes a snarky reply or hits him in return. He always likes to make fun of her height and often puts his elbow on her head to lean on her.

Junhong also invades her personal space and forces her to have skinship with him, even after the multiple times she has told him not to. Whenever Miyun is telling him off, sometimes, she will grab him by the ear or cheek and yank his face down to her eye level, but she rarely does that because he always ends up saying another cheesy pick-up line instead of listening to her. Somehow Junhong always knows where Miyun is, whether it be in the back of the classroom to the right with her earphones plugged in or up in the 3rd tree on the left side of the school. He is the only person that actually invades her alone time on purpose, much to her dismay. If she's ever in any kind of trouble, coincidentally, he'll show up and help her even if she doesn't really need it. 

He visits her at work, which he got the information from a very (non)helpful boy crazed Sungjoo, everyday and it even got her co-workers believing he was her boyfriend. Junhong will get very jealous if she is not paying attention to him or is with another guy and will most likely just appear right next to her while she is talking to a guy. Miyun doesn't know exactly what jealousy feels like, but all she knows is that she gets a weird feeling in her chest when Junhong is not bothering her and is off flirting with another girl. He will also accompany her on her late night adventures or over time in the dance room. He likes to wait outside of the practice room, if he's not practicing with her, with a drink and a little snack to reward her. Sometimes he falls asleep while waiting for her and she'll end up giving him a lap or shoulder to sleep on as she tries to hide her tomato face while munching on the snacks.

No one really knows why Junhong picked Miyun to bug and annoy since no one has ever questioned it, not even Miyun. Miyun just thinks it's because they're both in dance and rap departments, but we all know why.



Over time, Junhong begins to confess his love for her and tells her everyday, but she just thinks he's joking and trying to toy with her feelings. One time when Junhong comes in to save the day again, but this time it was a much more serious arguement. Noticing something was off about the short girl, he wrapped his lanky arms around her and told her he would be there for her and loved her. Snapping back to reality, Miyun pushed him away and told him off, "I'm tired of your stupid jokes. Go tell someone else that you love them and leave me alone. I don't need your help, Junhong." Thinking she went to far this time, he decided to do just as she says. Weeks later, Miyun has had no interaction with Junhong whatsoever but always sees him in the halls flirting with a group of girls. She decided to go apologize for her misbehavior, but he always ends up ignoring her and talks to a girl standing next to her. She was finally able to spot him alone while she was riding her skateboard. She then rides her skateboard next to him and begins to apologize, but he still ignores her and keeps walking. Suddenly, but very stereotypically, she falls off her skateboard. When she notices he keeps walking away, she quickly stands up, ignoring her bleeding leg, and tries to run after him but a sharp pain shoots up her leg. She decideds to just yell, "I love you too, JUNHONG YOU PABO!!!" This gets him to turn around and walk back to her. Long story short. after a bunch of rambling, a wide-smiled Junhong is giving a piggy-back ride to a very flushed Miyun. From that day on Tom and Jerry are seen holding hands and bickering, but out of love. (A/N Agh *cringe* its soo fluffy and cringeworthy *cringe* blargh lol)


I hope you like Miyun and her odd life! Sorry if it was too long ㅠ.ㅠ- 




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