


Ardene Kim(Miyeon)

HyuuuunMi-AHH + Gee



ardee ; mostly used by everyone she knows, shortened version of her first name
dean ; from her first name ardene, just the spelling is different. her korean friends usually used this since ardee is a bit difficult for them to pronounce.
tater-tot ; she's like a couch potato and for her brother, she's quite small. her brother uses this

BIRTHDAY ☆ March 12, 1995
BIRTH PLACE ☆ Auckland, New Zealand
HOMETOWN ☆ Auckland, New Zealand (1995-2009) ; Seoul, South Korea (2009-Present)

NATIONALITY ☆ New Zealander


Korean ; her parents are both Koreans and they use it in their household back when they were still living in New Zealand. It became an everyday language for her when they moved back to Seoul. she also talks a bit more slowly and people would
English ; she was born and raised in New Zealand and it's her mother tongue. After moving to Seoul, she enrolled at Yongsan International School of Seoul so that she won't forget her English

FACE-CLAIM ☆ Playback's Hayoung
BACK UP ☆ CLC's Yeeun

GROUP-CLAIM ☆ Melody Day
BACK UP ☆ Bestie

FASHION STYLE ☆  she is not a girly girl. she's more of an edgy and street kind of girl. she prefers wearing sneakers than heels. to define her style, it's edgy casual girl. at home, she likes wearing oversized t-shirts or sweaters with boxer shorts plus socks to keep her feet warm. she feels comfortable wearing briefs too. for formal occasions, she would still wear sneakers she wears colored contact lenses, not only for fashion but because she's blind as a bat. she can't use colorless contacts because she's a dimwit and might lose them. outfit-wise she isn't girly. but when it comes to her nails and face, she is. her everyday make up consists of.mascara, on both her upper and lower lashes, bb cream, eyebrows should be on point, red lip tint and a bit of blush. she also needs to have her nivea strawberry lip balm. she likes to get her nails done with designs mostly in dark colors. she plans to get a tattoo on the back of her upper left shoulder with the quote "it is in the dark where light shines the brightest." and also a tattoo on her right side forearm with the word "overcome", her favorite word.


Me, Me and Me

Ardene is in the house


(+) her confidence is one of her strongest traits. she's confident on both on and off stage. it's as if she's been performing all her life, she makes the stage as her own and owns it. she takes a stand not because she thinks she's always right, but because she's not afraid to be wrong. she doesn't mind being proved wrong. she feels that finding out what is right is a lot more important than being right. she's also open-minded. she acknowledges that she doesn't know about everything and will be honored to learn more. she likes learning new things and listens intently to people. she has her opinion on things but she knows that it isn't the only opinion. she also respects people's well being and tastes. she is very charming. she treats others equally and with respect. she engages in deep conversations where the person she talks to will get drawn to her. she shows genuine interest towards people and this gives her a very charming aura. her smiles and laughs will have you joining her when you talk to her. remy is also really playful. she is humorous and dispose of a contagious zest for life. her enthusiasm and sparkling energy inspires others and sweeps them along. she enjoys being together with other people and often have an uncanny intuition for her motivations and potential. she is a master of communication and is a very amusing and gifted entertainer. fun and variety are guaranteed when she is around. have her as a friend, you will never be bored; with her, you can enjoy life to the full and celebrate the best parties.

(=) ardene is also really observant. she likes watching people, her surroundings, everything. from the smell of the morning dew, the coldness of a winter night, how the sun shines through the trees. she can see the good in the bad and the bad in the good. because she’s observant, she can predict what other people are thinking or what they feel as of that moment by just their facial expressions and body language. she is also really independent and hates being babied and spoiled. being independent is also a bad thing, since she burdens herself a lot and can sometimes have a hard time trusting others thus making it hard for her to open up to people.

(-) ardene is really blunt. people ask for her advice on everything, even if it’s something she knows nothing about. they say it’s because they know she’ll be honest with them. and then, when she's honest with them, they usually get annoyed at her. (like what). sometimes her friends about coming off as a little too straightforward, but really, it’s just that she doesn’t like being fake. she speaks fluent sarcasm. she gets irritated when she says something that is the furthest thing from serious, but the person she's talking to just doesn’t understand her sarcasm. combine her bluntness with her sarcasm then bam, she becomes the ideal become the spokesperson for things no one else wants to say, but everyone wants to hear. she's also really impatient. she hates waiting for too long. because for her, time is something that can't be paused. she gets frustrated really easily when people are late because she's very punctual. she also pressures herself. she is really hard on herself especially if she thinks she lacks a lot. she would skip meals and sleep just to improve on her skills.


food ; she is a huge foodie and loves to stuff herself real good
purple ; she would literally go gaga over any shade of purple, her spirit color
sneakers ; she loves wearing them and buying them and just displaying them on her shoe rack. she likes collecting them. mostly vans, adidas and nike
chocolate ; her most favorite sweet. she makes sure she always has a bar or two in the fridge
cool places/weather ; she just likes the feeling of the cool air brushing against her skin
 lay's potato chips ; her most favorite junk food, loves all flavors especially barbecue and sour cream & onion
cars ; a car enthusiast. she loves cars a lot and knows all existing car brands. she would refer cars as he or she not it.
anime & manga ; she is a huge otaku. her favorites are kuroko no basuke, diamond no ace, haikyuu, k and ao haru ride. she has a lot, i mean a lot, of anime crushes. her phone is full of pictures of them
game apps ; she has a lot of game apps on her phone, especially games that require speed and accuracy like 'don't touch the white tiles', o2jam and cytus she considers herself a master in those games
smoothies&shakes ; she loves them and always orders them when at a cafe or something
harry potter ; she is obsessed with this. knows everything about harry potter. considers herself a pureblood witch
dogs & cats ; she loves animals in general but loves dogs and cats a whole lot more


fresh tomatoes ; she hates them just no. she can't eat them nor smell them, or else she might puke. she's okay with cooked ones as long as it doesn't taste like fresh tomatoes.
hot places/weather ; she hates sweating
bugs ; she's okay with caterpillars, butterflies and worms, just not spiders, cockroaches and ants
crowded places ; she feels attacked and she gets dizzy
paper cuts ; they are plain deadly
warm fizzy drinks/juice ; who would want warm coke or apple juice??
dieting ; she knows she needs it but she still hates it
horror stuff ; don't take her to watch horror movies coz she'll mostly likely waste the ticket money by hiding her face behind her popcorn all through out the movie
cigarettes ; she hates the smell and what it does to a person's body
traffic ; coz she's hella impatient


anime&manga ; she would spend her free time watching and fangirling over anime or manga
movies and tv series ; she likes wasting her time watching more
skater girl ; she skateboards with her brother when both of them are free
food tripping ; she buys different kinds of food and just stuffs herself
karaoke ; she has her own karaoke machine and would sing her lungs out whenever she feels like it
hair ; she runs her fingers through her hair automatically. also she twirls a strand of her hair when she's thinking
joints ; she cracks her joints when she's stressed or nervous, she can crack her neck, back, knuckles, wrists and ankles.
eye contact ; she stares at people's eyes when they are talking or when they're talking to her. never everts her eye sight, some people gets caught of guard to see her stare so intensely
face ; resting face depsite her playful personality


cold stuff ; she loves ice cream, gelato, smoothies and all those cold stuff
spicy food ; she's weak at eating spicy food but would finish the whole meal still
"i'm hungry" ; a sentence she always says like every two minutes
title ; she's known as the moodmaker/gag-dol/boyish member of the group
bread spread ; she eats bread spreads like nutella or peanut butter when she's stressed and would finish half of it
what i would be ; if she didn't become a member of melody day, she thinks she'll be a veterinarian coz animals need more of them
song writer ; she won't say she's good but she writes songs to past time
my babies ; she owns a male russian blue cat called duke and a male border beagle (border collie and beagle mix) called king
at home ; at home she likes wearing oversized shirts or sweaters with boxer shorts
cry baby ; she gets emotional really quick. she easily cries at sad stories, movies or videos. especially watching her favorite shows. she cries at anime episodes too even when there's no sad scene, it's because her feels are over flowing
merchandises ; she has anime and harry potter merchandises in her room, and her shelves are full of them, walls are full of posters too
red faced ; she blushes easily, when she's embarrassed or when the place is hot
instruments ; she took piano lessons for 9 years in new zealand then took another three years when she moved to seoul. she is currently learning the guitar
athlete ; no she's not an athlete, but she's rather sporty but hates running and jogging and sweating so yeah
horseback ; she's really good at horseback riding since her family used to explore new zealand with horses. (no, they don't own horses *lol*)
surfer ; she can surf but she's not that good
phone ; her phone is a white samsung galaxy s6
explosion ; she explodes like this
heels&sandals ; heels and sandals aren't her thing.
imitations ; she can imitate stitch, pikachu and korean celebrities/comedians and is known in her group for it. example
chef is in the blood ; she can cook, only when there's a recipe. don't let her improvise, just don't


What made me the way I Am

past, Present, Future


ardene was born on march 12, 1995 in auckland, new zealand. she has one older brother of 3 years who influenced her in a lot of things like acting more guyish than girlish. she would rather go to parks, climb trees and play in the mud than playing dolls or tea parties. her brother also taught how to skateboard and surf. her father is a really great singer and they would be part of their church choir. that triggered ardene's interest in singing and at the age of 9, she started taking vocal lessons. she also took piano lessons (asian mom so yeah). she continued the lessons until they had to move to seoul. her mother got recommended to work at grand hyatt seoul so early 2009, they moved to seoul and lived with her grandparents first before they moved to their own house after her parents bought one. her father got a job as a voice actor at MBC. she enrolled at yongsan international school of seoul for her middle school and high school education. she didn't have a hard time adjusting to the language since she already knew korean, but the customs were different that she had a bit of a hard time to adjust. but being as she is, she had friends in no time.

around her first year of high school, ardene got scouted by viewga entertainment during a talent show in her school and since then became a trainee that focused more on singing. then in 2012, melody day was formed, she was joined by two other members, yeoeun and chahee. they didn't officially debuted yet but they started their careers with recording and singing drama osts. they officially debuted on 2014 and later that year was joined by another member yoomin. they were mostly known as an ost group and shocked fans when they made a comeback with a dance in the year 2015. before their comeback with #love me, ardene went on an extreme diet that she lost almost 5 kg. she still eats a lot though. some fans noticed how uncomfortable ardene looked and she explained because she wasn't used to dancing and because it was a bit girly for her. she even shared how she argued with the stylist because she didn't want to wear heels. then later that year, they made another come back with speed up and it recieved a lot of love from fans. she improved a lot since for her the song speed up was more her style. then ardene participated in the idol national singing competition with her father (video) which touched a lot of the viewers' hearts. it became a hot topic and melody day gained more fans and attention because of it.

(Video: to give you an idea what she's like)


Father, Kim Daehwan  48  Voice Actor in MBC  funny, dorky  they always get along really well and they would often sing karaoke and just jam to music. they also like to watch FIFA and they get hyped everytime to the point where there house is full of Red Devils merchandise and decor
Mother, Jang Soomi  47  Chef at Grand Hyatt Seoul  daring, sincere  they go on mother-daughter dates a lot when both of them are free and want to catch up. they go to different kinds of food places and just pig out
Brother, Jett Kim (Jaehyun)  24  law student  protective, weird  they're best friends, always looking out for the other and just rely on each other. they tell each other everything and they often go on sibling dates to the beach and skate park.


Friend, Park Jinyoung  21  idol (GOT7)  mom-like, reliable  they met last year during the shooting of Melody Day's MV Speed Up where Jr was the lead actor.  they aren't exactly close close but they're close to the point of being able to call each other friends. They follow each other on instagram.
Close Friend, Jeon Minji  20  Former Viewga Trainee  feminine, considerate  they entered the company at the same time and had the same training schedules  despite Minji quiting the entertainment, they still kept in touch and go out to eat a lot.


Ideal Type, Nam Joohyuk  22  Actor/Model  gentlman, playful  haven't actually met yet but ardene hopes she'll meet him soon.   Ardene really likes Joohyuk a lot and when asked about what her ideal type is, instead of saying traits she'll say Joohyuk is her ideal type. she often fangirls a lot over him
— Ex-boyfriend, Choi Kwanghoon  22  university student  mysterious but weird once you get to know him they were classmates during their high school  the two of them started dating during their sophomore year. Ardene had to balance family, training, school, friends and Kwanghoon which made her go berserk and eventually with the lack of time for one another they broke up during their last year of high school.



Well I'm Hugnry again, what's new?


HOW LONG AGO WAS YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ☆  It was back when I was still in high school, uhmm like two years ago?


WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF LOVE? ☆  Wow what a hard question hmm let me think.... Well for me... Love is something that should not be taken for granted? yeah, and uhm love is not just a feeling, it's not just something that can be felt, it's a commitment. Wow I'm kinda scaring myself for being serious right now


Mark Tuan

Kang Baekho (NU'Est) + Choi Zelo (BAP)


Mark is someone who is really caring especially towards people he really loves. He would put others first than himself and is really selfless. He's also generous. He gives without expecting anything in return. At first he may seem cold and quiet, well that's normal. He's not the type that would go all out when he just met someone. He likes to take things slow and get to know the person first before gradually opening up to them. He prefers to just stay in the background and let his friends or family shine more. He's also a risk taker and is up for anything. He's changing though to someone brighter than his previous self.

Ardene and Mark's relationship was very similar with Yura and Jonghyun's WGM relationship. Ardene was the jolly and hyperactive one and Mark is the mysterious and mature one. Ardene was really open to her feelings for Mark as the show progressed like skinships and complimenting him. She really didn't mind that Mark was pretty secretive coz all she knows is that there's more to Mark than what other people think and it makes her want to uncover them. Some might think she looks desperate but she's really not, she's just a really nosy and open person. Mark at first found Ardene annoying, he said so himself during an interview about first impressions. But as the show went on, he started to see and notice the charm Ardene has especially when she goes out her way to make them laugh and feel entertained. He started seeing her in a different perspective and saw her good points. He warmed up to her slowly but surely and they eventually had a thing during the show. They would always look out for the other, support each other and defend each other too. They're always anxious when the other is getting all close to the opposite gender and would feel the jealousy boiling in them but of course they won't make it obvious. They both treasure the time they're alone together.

Mark was awkward at first especially since he's around 7 other people that he doesn't know very well. Ardene on the other hand was already conversing with another idol. She then approached Mark and greeted him. He greeted back with a small smile and a handshake. Ardene then started talking about random stuff and Mark just stood still and listened to her.

— They go skateboarding together and Mark tried to teach Ardene some easy tricks but got surprised that she knows some intermediate tricks. 
— The moment they're seen together, the both of them would be in a deep conversation in English and stuffing their face with food


last comment ☆  Hope everything is okay in the app! Good luck!

scene requests 
> Ardene was in charge of cooking and Mark came up behind her to steal food
> Mark giving Ardene a back massage coz she kept bugging him to do so
> Jr and Ardene talking through mark's phone and him got all jealous and ended the  call
> Mark got irritated when Ardene was talking about Nam joohyuk


password  Hyejeong and Jun.k



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