#Kings ≫ Han Taesan ≫ Yoo Hyejin

Yoo Hyejin {유 혜진}

Japankeira — minnie — 10 — Han Taesan

The basics.

name — Yoo Hyejin {유 혜진}

nickname(s) — JinJi {진지}: Jinji means serious in Korean and Junhong calls her this becaue he wants to make fun of her serious personality and her unhonest self. He'll sometimes call her Jinjja-Jin as well.
She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named: The #Kingz always refer to Hyejin by this when they are around Junhong. Sometimes they directly call her this to make fun of her.

birthday — 16.12

Height — 168cm

WEight — 48kg

Face Claim — AOA Seolhyun

back up — APink Naeun


— She likes to look stylish, mature, and hip all at the same time. She stays away from bright colors and composes her closet mainly out of natural/neutral colors and pastels. She doesn't like printed clothing very much, but likes ripped jeans. She also prefers boots, heels, and sneakers over slippers and flats.

all about me. 

Background — Hyejin is purely South Korean and attended Shindong Middle School, where she became aware of the #Kingz, and Daeil High in Seoul, where she first came in contact and acquainted with the #Kingz. She was raised in very propery and formal household by her wealthy family that stereotypically expects the best and perfect children. Much to their dissappointment, Hyejin was not the perfect child they wanted. At all. But they put her throught many phases of discipline from the start of middle school, physically and mentally, to keep her in check most of the time. 

PERSONALITY TRAITS — (+): Allocentric, Protective, Idealistic, Charming, Mature
(-): Oppressed, Dishonest, Naive, Narrow-Minded, Independant


personality — Hyejin is a girl who focuses on others rather than herself. Rather than self-centered, she is allocentric. She cares more about other people's well being than her own. She'd rather have her attention on what's going on around her instead of looking in a mirror for an hour. She watches over those around her, even if they're strangers, and wishes to give those, especially kids, a sense of protection. She is very protective over the people and things she loves or is even remotely attatched to. She may not be strong when it comes to defending herself, but she definitely shows strength when she steps up to help others. Due to expectations set by her parents, Hyejin is always striving to be the best daughter for them. She tries to be something she's not, which she clearly knows but does not wish to accept, and has goals that are sometimes unrealistic. She is unrealistically aiming for perfection, but she does know how to be quite the charmer. She has the sparkling eyes, the white smile, the toned body, and remarkable social skills. She can easily communicate with others and is not awkward with people. Althought it is just a persona, she can be very charismatic and suave. Also due to her parents, she is more mature than others her age. She has a very serious exterior, thanks to the brainwash-I mean disciplining of her parents. She does not joke around often, but will sometimes need a good laugh. 

     Hyejin is also a girl who is very oppressed from the treatment of her parents. She is subject to harsh and authoritarian treatment in the presense of her parents. Even though she is clearly an adult and no longer her parents' responsibility, she still feels under control and under pressure by her parents. Because of this, she is very cautious in things she does and is always tense whenever she is around her parents or business people. To give people what they want, Hyejin will often lie. She is highly untrustworthy and doesn't even trust herself, yet alone, other people. She doesn't really see the wrong in lying, but gradually she is understanding the negative sides of it. It's hard for people, that know her well, to trust her because of her lying capabilities. Of course she would be naive after being confined in a household and being continuously taught things since a young age. Her views of what is right and wrong are completely different then other people's. Although she is good at communicating with people, she has no experience whatsoever in the real world outside of the business companies. Because of her trust issues and her lack of understanding the world, she is quite narrow-minded. She believes what she believes and people can't tell her or convince her otherwise, unless it's her parents. She will have a hard time accpeting things that don't line up with her own opinions or "facts." She tends to be very isolated and independent, unless it's her baby of course. She finds comfort in alone time rather then being surrounded by people. She doesn't like to be the center of attention and will often exclude herself from group activities. 


Trivia —  - She would rather be by herself or with one or two people
- She fears being disowned by her parents

- She dreads the days when her parents check up on her
- She doesn't regret having her son
- Plastic smiles are her specialties
- The ownly person she does not lie to is her son
- She didn't tell Junhong about their son because she didn't want to burden him, her parents told her not to, and because she felt embarrased about that situation.


The people in my life. 

Family — .▪ Mother | Yoo Kyungri | 55 | Top Business Owner | Kyungri is like an evil step-mother to Hyejin except that she is Hyejin's actual mother. Rarely ever, and I mean rarely, does her mother say she loves her or show affection to her. They are not close whatsoever and according to her mother, Hyejin was just a mistake anyways. Althought Hyejin is always trying to become close with her mother, her mother always finds a way to make Hyejin be doing something wrong.
▪ Son | Yoo Minhyuk | 10 | Being Hyejin's favorite person in the world 
| He is Hyejin's little ball of sunshine that she protects and cares for with all of her heart. She tries to be the best single-mom she can be and swears to herself to never be like her parents. 


Friends — 

▪ Pabo Aquantance | Oh Maru* | 28 | Cafe Owner | She finds him and his egotistic erted self absolutely disgusting. They are polar opposites and do not get along very well. He always points on the negative things about her to people

▪ Pabo Aquantance | Park Jinho* | 30ish | Professor | One of the only people that actually come in contact with him is Hyejn because she is used to strict behavior and his does not phase her one bit.
▪ Pabo Aquantance | Kim Joon* | 18-19ish | Medical Intern | He is Hyejin's favorite out of the #Kingz, aside from Taesan, because he is the youngest and the least annoying.
▪ Pabo Aquantance | Choi Dongcheol* | 28 | Wannabe Musician | Theyre not spectacularly close, but they don't have a problem with each other's company. 
▪ Pabo Aquantance | Kwon Jisang* | 28 | Lawyer | Get along well since they both are successful in the work field and can relate.


my love, my love.

love interest — Choi Junhong

backup — Oh Sehun

BIRTHDAY & AGE — 15.10 & 28 
Height & Weight  — 187cm and 63kg

Personality traits — (+): Dedicated, Faithful, Responsible, Warm (-): Awkward, Desperate, One-Dimensional, Dull-Witted
Boy is this guy awkward. Seriously he's more awkward then the moment when you go to give someone a high-five, but they don't notice. Awkward moments are like the definitions of Junhong that's its almost cringeworthy. Although this airhead is full of desperation and awkwardness on the outside, he is warm on the inside. He has a huge heart and is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. Stereotypical right, a boring airhead with a big heart?

History or Meeting  — He had a crush on Hyejin in high school. They had duing the after prom party and ended up knocking her up. Finds out he has son through Kim Joon. Contacts her immediately and begins talking with her again after 10 years.


Interactions  — Junhong is always trying to get her to warm up to him. Hyejin doesn't lie as often to Junhong. They tease each other often, more so Junhong. Hyejin likes to pretend to distance herself from him and call him gross. They spend lots of time with their son, but will sometimes have alone time that Hyejin doesn't completely hate. It's like 89.69%  love and 10.31% hate in their relationship. Usually fight when it comes to disagreements on serious topics or issues that the other is concerned about. Low-key naturally have skinship and high-key love it.

Ending — Happy? They end up as a happy family perhaps? eeeeeeeeeughhhhh 

Final Notes.

comments — Hello

scene requests — Hyejin warming up to Junhong
- Hyejin either finally being disowned by her parents and setting her free or her parents loving her correctly
- more stupid and erted Kingz moments lol
- flashbacks to high school days

password — "I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy. Because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anybody else to feel like that." - Robin Williams

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