EXO's abs







Gosh Xiumin so baozi Xiumin will forever be just a memory.

So Baekhyun has been working out for a year but no results.

I think  Chanyeol has abs too. I mean look at those guns. Haha

I bet ChanBaek have seen each others abs. Haha iykwim



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That moment when your biases (Chanyeol and D.O) don't have abs... But it's okay because they are fine as hell regardless >.<
And damn Suho and Chen!! O.O I didn't see that coming ^^

poor bacon XD
Chans gotta have abs, I mean come on look at his arms. XD
omg at least show off chan's abs SM. i believe baekhyun has some but hes waiting for the right moment to show and squishsoo definitly has some but he is just like "i dont have to prove anything to you mortals"
omg this is great
Igivenosugas #6
Thank you so much for making my morning.
Jongdae is either caught in a bad angle or need to work on his pecs <3
I knew Xiu was loaded, but I can't help but ing worry over him. I guess it's a side effect of writing eating disordered Xiu -.-'
But really, they look good but idk ~ <3
i don't need to see baek, yeol and k-soo tho, if they don't wanna show~
Whoaaaa... Abs galore! Lol of course I am biased about this but I am sure everyone can appreciate the hard work Xiumin has put into this.. It paid off so well, look at that work of art, all born of sweat and tears and pain.. But hey the other members' arent so bad either.. I am not sure if I would want to see either Baek's and DO's cos I want them to preserve their youthful and wholesome image.. But I certainly look forward to seeing Chanyeol's..

Great job on the edit btw... I laugh at last row.. What a contrast to the y abs! BaekSooYeol are sooo adorable with those animal head gears!
Although I love kai but I like chanyeol's more hihihi
ToxicVixen #10
hahahahahahaa, i never expected sehun's abs to be that perfect
and never in my wildest dream i would see chen's heavenly abs oh my
Chanyeol has it for sure but omg chen's ies is probably bigger than mine i cry ;u;
I like Chanyeol's abs
I also think that Chanyeol has it :)