YO! Anyone interested?


If you're on spring break I hope it's been well!

This is random and out of the blue but I wanted to ask you something. I kind of wanted to write a story with someone. I've only co-authored once before, but it that wasn't kpop and it was on fanfiction.net. I'm just sending out a little message that if anyone wanted to do a fanfic together I'm open to it! tumblr_inline_o0xizgT8zV1qfbtnd_500.gif

Idk what group, but I'm pretty multi-fandom (probably better versed in male groups but I love ggroups as well). Also, I like writing all genres, not that I'm actually good at them. I don't really know how to do it and I may have to cop out. So that's pretty much all I wanted to say. I don't bite. giphy.gif I promise!

Love you all.




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sonnet_sartori #1
i'd love to write a SHINee fic with you!! haha mostly cuz i'm not really into any other group ^^
but i'm open to exo and got7 and bts, too!!
i have a few ideas which i put on the back burner for a bit because i didn't have the confidence, but together, we'd rock this thing! ^^