LOST VOICES ⚔ Yujin Miller ⚔ Shape Shifter


⚔ SHape shifter ⚔

moorim school

Name: Yujin Miller (유진 밀러)
Nicknames: Michin (미친) - This means crazy in Korean and the second syllable sounds like the second syllable of her name. She is called this by the students at Moorim School.
Joker (조커) - She is called this by her close friends because of her "Joker" like self and her witty personality.

Yuju (유주) - She is called this by Byungjoo whenever he wants to or just cause he wants to because its the same last syllable as his name.
Date of Birth: April 1
Age: 19
Place of Birth: Tongyeong, South Korea
Hometown: Incheon, South Korea
Ethnicity: Half-Caucasian, Half-Korean
Language(s): Korean- Fluent because she was born and raised in Korea

English- Fluent because she was raised in an American Styled household since her father barely knows Korean



     Yujin is adventurous, energetic, and observant. She is known to be very outgoing and extroverted. She's not afraid to go out of her comfort zone, as well as many, many, many other things. She definitely won't back down from a good 'ole "treasure hunt", aka going through unknown or potentially dangerous areas. Her energetic self certainly wouldn't want to go about life without a little adventure in it. She is very hyperactive and doesn't grow tired easily. Rarely ever will you see her resting, even during night time. She loves to practice for hours on end and will often be forced to stop and rest. She is also quite the observer when she's not running around and being a social butterfly. She is quick to notice things and has the eyes of an eagle. Her peripheral vision is remarkably wide and her reflexes are rather sharp and quick. She notices every detail that many other people do not notice, of course with the exception of werewolves.
     Yujin is also very mischievous, meddlesome, thoughtless, and
quite aggressive. She is full of witty remarks and has quite the mischievous soul. She loves to joke around, play pranks on people and create a bunch of chaos all for a good laugh. She loves being troublesome and embraces this side of her quite a lot. She has a sharp tongue and can make jokes very easily. She is also known to be a distracter and loves to meddle with business that isn't really hers. She will often play "cupid" or "wing girl" and try to hook up the students at Moorim, sometimes even the teachers. She will also involve herself into things that she shouldn't and believes that there are no boundries. She also believes that secrets lead to harm, which is why she likes to know everything. Although she likes to know everything, her mind is still very blank. She does things without really thinking, almost on an impulse. She won't think about the consequences and basically just says "YOLO." Her thoughtlessness often gets her in a lot of trouble and it's no surprise to people when she gets a punishment of some sort. She is very barbaric and unsophisticated. Her short temper is often the cause for her rough personality and barbaric actions towards others. Rather than rationally speaking with someone, she prefers to get physical and throw a few punches. She isn't the type of person to be "soft" and "take it easy" on someone. Almost everything ticks her off and when she blows up, it's like a living hell. 


     Yujin was born in Tongyeong, South Korea and was often made fun of for being half Korean and half Caucasian. The bullying didn't really mean anything to her until she got into middle school. She would often come home covered in a mixture her classmates made or with dark bruises forming. Over the years, this behavior towards her thickened her skin and she started to become aggressive. Her parents would often be called into the school because of her troubles and would then have consequences later at home. After lecutring her, her parents would immediately leave for "work", but after 14 years she didn't believe that anymore. If it wasn't for her brother, she would be all grumpy and rude, but thankfully she wasn't since her brother practically raised her. He helped shape the good side to her and she is forever thankful to him. When she started high school, her brother grew very ill. Their family decided to move to Incheon to recieve better medical care for him. He has been hospitalized ever since. Without the guidance of her brother at home, Yujin began to involve herself in trouble again and had dropped her grades tremendously. She rarely ever went home since she didn't want to be reminded of how lonely she was in the empty house. Her parents caught her when she was out causing trouble one night and immediately dragged her home. After a lot of yelling and truthful confessions, she grabbed her neccessities and left.
    She then found her way into Moorim forest and was there for a couple of days. One day, she was found at the peak of Moorim mountain by Professor Daniel. He led her to a non-special area in the forest, talking with her about her background on the way, and informed her to wait. He then came back with Hwang Moosong and had informed him about Yujin's situation. Feeling empathy for the girl covered in dirt and scratches, he allowed her to attend Moorim School. At Moorim School, her attitude improved as well as her trust with the help of Professor Daniel. 


* Relaxing outside during the night time
* Practicing her martial arts skills
* Night time more than day time
* Being outdoors because it calms her down 
*Pranking people


* People messing with her hair
* People making fun of her height or ethnicity
* Being bossed around 
* Being enclosed in a small area
* Not being able to be adventurous


* Wandering around anywhere
* Pranking people
* Talk to anyone
* Annoy Byungjoo
* Shape Shifting into people


*Listen in on other people's conversations
* Fiddling with her fingers
* Getting detention or cleaning the bathrooms
* Making witty remakrs without even trying to be mean


* Being stuck in a confined area
* Being left alone
* Being kicked out of Moorim School
* Notbeing able to see her parents again
* Being disowned


* Her height is 161cm
* She has the ability to shape shift her entire body or just certain parts including things like her hair color, eye color, and skin tone
* She loves chewing on any flavor of gum
* She low key has a secret passion for dancing
* She isn't scared easily
* Aside from her fists, her best weapon is a Bo staff
* Her favorite teacher is Professor Daniel because he reminds her of her dad
* She often sneaks out of school during the night
* She has done every possible punishment there is at Moorim School
* She always wears a bandage on her upper left cheek because of a scar she doesn't like
* She is very expressive with her face and likes to make derp faces
* On the outside she hates skinship, but on the inside she dies and low key loves it
* She can hold a grudge
* Causing trouble is a part of her daily routine
* She highly dislikes "humanized" shape shifters and sometimes even werewolves
* She does not cry often
* She will often try to comfort people, but is very awkward at it


* David Miller | Father | He is Yujin's favorite parent out of the two. He checked on her more often than her mother and every once in a while he still does.
* Kim Seoyeon | Mother | They aren'
t as close because Yujin wasn't the type of daughter her mother had hoped for. They haven't seen each other since the day Yujin left.
* Jeremy Miller | Older Brother | They are the closest siblings ever. She always looks up to him and he always watched over her. To this day, she misses him with all her heart because he was the closest family member to her. She'll often visit him when she leaves school.. 


* Jo Kyunghan | Shape Shifter Bestie | These two are like the most chaotic troublemaker duo. Since they are both shape shifters, it's just a disaster waiting to happen. If Yujin's not with Byungjoo or Doeun, she'll always be with him. They're like you're typical brother and sister just without the blood relation.
* Kang Doeun | Combat Buddy | Doeun, a witch student, and Yujin are always pairing up with each other during Martial Arts, mainly because Doeun is one of the only students who is able to keep up with Yujin's energy. These two are very close friends as well, she is like the conscience that Yujin doesn't have. They are also roommates.

face claim

Tzuyu (twice)

Seolhyun (Aoa)

love interest





byungjoo'S personality

Kim Byungjoo isn't very serious and is always up for a good laugh, well most of the time. He is very friendly and cooperates well with people, unless they are shape shifters. He naturally has a rude stature towards shape shifters, but he won't even know that they are shape shifters. He is also a very protective person. He will protect anything and everything that he claims is his with all of his life. He can become very aggressive when angered and often needed to be calmed down. For 90% of the time, Byungjoo is a sweethearted puppy, but can easily change into a fierce beast.

interactions with byungjoo

Yujin and Byungjoo have a 80% hate and 20% non-dislike relationship. Since day one, Byungjoo has been rude to Yujin because of her "annoying, shape shifting, self." They are constantly butting heads and arguing. They'll always be challenging each other, picking fights, and trying to one-up the other. He'll always make fun of her and the things she does, judging everything she does and telling her how bad she looks. She always finds a way to push his buttons and is often the one to snap him into a rage fit. Rather than being frightened by his "oh-so powerfulness", she simply laughs at him because his baby face doesn't fit anger at all. These two make the most clever remarks and are very good at making comebacks. Although it is very clear that they supposedly "hate each other for all time", they will be seen together for most of the day, even outside of school. He always keeps watch over her as she goes exploring and she helps him with his martial arts skills and surprisingly is one of the people that is able to calm him down. There are also rare, really rare, moments where they are relaxing next to each other or laughing about jokes that don't ruin the others' self esteem. Whenever they get caught being friendly to each other, Byunjoo turns extremely red and flushed while Yujin just laughs at him, trying to change the subject. Although they deny it everytime, everyone knows there is a special connection between the two. Even they wonder why there is a mysterious attraction toward the other.


Hello~ I am Miyun, but Minnie is also acceptable as well lol. Moorim school is honestly 10/10. I hope you enjoy my application c:


- The moment where Byungjoo and Yujin realize they have imprinted on each other
- Yujin and Kyunghan playing a school prank
- Yujin actually being tired and exhausted for once, but still pushes herself during practice
- Moorim School is broken into by Government officials


Professor Yoodi and Professor Daeho kekeke

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