Bias Quiz

1. Ravi
2. Jin
3. Sojin
4. Suho
5. Amber
6. Minah
7. Jonghyun
8. Jhope
9.  Minzy
10. Onew

1. who is the best dancer between 6-10?

A. Jhope or Minzy. They're both amazing dancers and they both have simaler styles so I can't really choose ;-;

2. Does 5 happen to look like someone you know in real life?

A. Sort of??? My friend who used to be at my school was always mistaken for a boy when she isn't and they have some simaler features.

3. Amongst 3, 7 and 8. Who would you , who would you marry, and who would you date and why?

A. Jonghyun Jhope and Sojin. Gr8. So marry Hoseok... and that's it. Maybe kill Jong but I can't possibly do that. I'd die.

4. What if 1 and 9 were in a relationship?

A. Minzy and Ravi?????? That wouldn't work omf

5. What do 2 and 4 have in common?

A. Jin and Suho are both kind of awkward... really awkward actually. They both seem to take a sort of parent initiative in their groups.

6. If 6 and 8 were kidnapped by 3, who would do a better job of saving 6 and 8? You or 5?

A. If Minah and Jhope were captured by Sojin I think Amber would be better at rescuing them than me. Amber is just so perfect and good at everything.

 7. How did you come to like 10?

A. By watching Hello Baby, and Jinki was just so cute and really, idk, my type? He seemed sweet and mature.

8. iest person out of the 10?


9. Amongst these 10 people, if you had to choose one of them to be your father, mother, brother and best friend who would you choose?

A. I'd want Jin as my mother, Suho as my father, Jhope as my bff and I guess ravi as my brother. But he's so protective. He actually has a younger sister that he loves more than anything, prohibits from dating (like he can actually stop her :p), and when he was smol he wanted to become a bodygaurd to take care of her.

10. Do you have an OTP in this list?

A. Nope

11. If you were told to choose between saving 1 and 6?

A. Minah and Ravi are the lomls! How do I choose?! I think I would save Ravi... 

12. If you were told to choose between saving 2 and 8?

A. Jhope and Jin WTF STOP IT. Hoseok is seriously my angel and saving grace though, his smile is my everything. I'd have to save Hobi.

13. Worst personality out of the 10?

A. Everyone has a great personality! Ravi has quite a few flaws, but thats why I love him.

14. If 1 and 2 got into a relationship with a girl, whom would you be more jealous of?

A. I'd be more jealous of Wonshik's gf than Jin I think.

15. If 4 wasn't a celebrity and wasn't famous and you passed by him/her in the streets, would you notice him/her?

A. Suho? Definitely. He's so freaking handsome I'd die right there.

16. If you were to take number 5 and try to pair him/her up with his/her group members on this list (if its a solo, then someone else from the list), which one of them would be the most unlikely to be paired up with 5? 

A. If I have to choose I'd pair amber with Jonghyun

17. First name on this list that comes to mind when you hear, 'badass'?

A. AMBER. But Minzy is also badass.

18. Could you ship your best friend with 7?

A. I don't really have a best friend... I have lots of close friends but the person I consider my bff I haven't seen her for years (we've skyped once or twice) and I wouldn't pair her with Jong. I really miss her and she misses me... now I'm sad.

19. Which group in the list would number 1 most likely be a fan of if he/she wasn't a celebrity and was a Kpop fan?

A. Ravi would be a fan of Girl's day... we all know the erted depths of his mind. 

20. Who is your Ultimate Bias out of the 10?

A. Jhope <3333



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sonnet_sartori #1
omg lol X'D it's so difficult to choose, isn't it?! i had to sit and think for like 30 minutes before i could come up with my bias list X'D
your answers are awesome btw!!