it's raining outside
— basic info

“I want to experience love like a shoujo manga.”

full name Seul, Min
date of birthday 16/12/1997
birthplace + hometown Korea, Daegu
ethnicity + nationality Korean

— Homeless (because she always wears worn out baggy/oversized T-shirts and never bothers about her appearance) her best friend calls her this
— Sloth (because she is lazy, she just likes to lie on her bed and watch videos all day) Her mum and two brothers calls her this 

— Korean, Fluent. (Because she is Korean)
— Japanese, Conversational level (she had extra lessons because she wanted to watch anime without the need for Korean subs)
— English, Conversational level (learnt in school)

occupation University Student, Major in Social Science

face claim + backup first choice Park Seul + backup Song Ah Ri

appearance + style She has what people described as 'innocent' face. She has one piercing on her ear on each side. She is 159cm and 46kg. She has natural black hair but dyed very dark brown at the ends of her hair. She usually wears passed down clothes from her brothers so her shirts are always big, baggy and worn out. She always wears pants that is at least longer than half her thigh. Bermudas are her favourite and wears jeans from time to time. She never wears anything y, ever. Never wearing flats or heals, she wears either sports shoes or slippers. Never in between.

A storm is inside
— your past defines you

background She lived with a strict father and a gentle mother with two older, smarter, brothers. Her brothers, always more superior than her, likes to make fun and . Due to always following the rules, when she reached middle school, she was outcasted by her classmates because she was the teacher's favourite. When she did make friends, she thought they she would be able to survive school even though she sometimes felt lonely, only to find out that the friends she made talked behind her back, spread rumors and hated her guts. The weak reasons they gave for hating Seul was that she was loud, killjoy and annoying. Seul felt betrayed and went through middle school being outcasted, only seeking confort of her own home. She dreaded going out and always stayed at home and became very clingy to her own family.

In high school, she never trusted anyone but contunued to socialise by putting a smile on her face. Her core personality never changed because she wanted friends who actually want to be friends with her because of who she actually is. Seul continued to be friendly, blunt, hyper and loud. However, she never trusted anyone with her secrets as her walls were built around her heart. Only when she reached her last year when a girl, whom she met since their second year, broke her walls and they became best friends. She held close to her and even though she left Daegu to persue further education, they still called each other, chatting through Skype and other social media.

current lifestyle she lives in a dorm with a roommate. She wakes up in the morning, goes to classes, does her homework, eat, watch videos online and sleep. Her roommate would often nag at her to keep her drawers neat but Seul would always hum in reply but never doing anything. On Saturdays, she likes to walk around and find new cafes to try with her roommate, if it's raining, she and her roommate would chat about anime, manga, kpop, korean dramas and sometimes complain about school, people and life in general. On Sundays, she goes to church in the morning and calls her parents and tells them about her week.


Justice upholder



Inferior complex


Short attention span


1. She hates it when she sees something not right. From bullying to being late for a meeting she always wants to maoe sure everyone follows the laws and rules. When she sees something wrong, she'll immediately tell you off or stop you immediately from doing the wrong thing. If you gossip in front if her, she would cut you short and change topics. If she saw a bullying scene, she would step in and threaten to call, not the teacher, but the police and actually do it.

2. Seul can talk, and she talks A LOT. She can talk about anything under the sun. She can talk about the weather for fifteen minutes and linking the topic to her homework. Any kind of silence is awkward to her so she likes to keep the conversation going, she would ask questions and talk about the trees outside the school.

3. Seul wants to try bungee jumping one day. Maybe skydiving in Switzerland. She loves extreme sports where you don't have to run around and sweat or actually move your muscles but just jump and have faith in your life line. She wants to travel the world, air glide in Japan, ride a speedboat in America, do a jetty jump in Sweden and all sorts of fun things many are afraid of. She loves high places, she likes being on top and looking down at breath taking views.

4. Her brothers were always better. They were smarter, more athletic, stronger and more successful. Seul knew she would never beat them, from video games to life. That's why with friends her age, she starts feeling competitve, wanting to win at something she could never have won against her brothers. Aiming to be first in class to prove she is smarter than the rest, playing board games with newbies to show her better side. She knows that she has an inferior complex and as much as she tries not to think she is horrible at everything, her brothers' accomplishments serms to think otherwise.

5. Mouths are a dangerous tool. Especially Seul's. When she thinks about something, she never hesitates to speak about it. When something comes to mind, the mouth opens automatically. Even if it's brutal or kind, she says it all. She can tell you straight that you are the worst person she has ever met or you are the reason she lives. Seul is the type to tell you off if your relationship is toxic and would call you 'stupid' for making bad choices and pointing out facts that would slap you in the face.

6. The question that mostly pops in her head is 'what was I doing again?' She would often try to concentrate on her work but an hour later and she is staring at the clock wondering how it works. She might be walking on the street, on her way to the dorms and she would be curious about a bird that had a white feather sticking out of it's mostly black feather and realise she is in an area she never came across. She could be texting her brother and when a friend comes and says a simple 'hi', she directs her attention to her friend, her phone neglected for at least half an hour.

— she spoils things very easily, so her parents always gave her second hand objects or passed down things

— she is so used to getting worn out and older things, she feels awkward when she holds something new 

— never the touchy type, when hugged, she stands there like a statue and akwardly tries to hug back

— she is generally lazy but when she has to do sports, she plays fairly well

— able to cook scrambled eggs, rice and instant noodles. That's it

— learnt from her thrifty mother, she can save very well, but spending most of her money on kpop and anime merchandise

— packing is her specialty, able to squeeze five sets of clothing in one small backpack to arranging a big stack of files and papers neatly, she is just too lazy to do any of that

— she hates insects and would take anything in her hand, even her passed down phone, to kill it

— public speaking is something Seul likes to do

— She is blunt but is respectful to those who are older, but not to those her age and younger

— She is terrible with directions and maps, she got lost when she first entered Seoul but was saved by the traffic officer

—she goes cafe hopping but never orders coffee, she likes sweet things


relation Min Jimin | 1968 | Social Worker
Strict and protective of his only daughter. He is loud and socialble. He loves his children all equally although Seul's curfew is more stricter *cough*7pm*cough*. His usually voice sounds like he is scolding while his shouting voice is so loud you can hear it seven stories below.

He shows love to Seul by doing things instead of saying anything or buy gifts. He helps Seul to buy pads, putting a wet towel on her forehead when she is sick and carrying her to bed whe she sleeps on her desk. Now that they live apart, Seul calls her father every week and tells him about her day. Her father gives Seul wise advices that she always follows and respects him very much. The reason why she is in her major is because she wants to be a social worker, just likr her father.

RELATION Min Seulgi | 1967 | Senior Administrative
Gentle, soft spoken and introvert. Seul's mother is the opposite of Seul. Many say that they look alike and Seulgi looks like an older version of Seul. Her mother likes to keep things clean and neat. However, even though the house is clean, neat and tidy, she likes to tell herself and complain to her children that the house is messy.

Seul finds emotional support with her mother. Telling her about almost everything. Leaving out the fact that she is outcasted because she did not want her mother to be worried about her. Seul complains about juniors not listening to her during club activities or just talks about how her teacher tripped over flat ground. Seul mostly calls her on a weekly basis but when sad, calls her just to listen to her mother's sweet voice.

RELATION Min Jisoo | 1992 | Student (Precision Engineering Major)
Genius at birth. He can play video games everyday and still get straight A on his exams. Currently studying for his honours degree on a elite scholarship. Jisoo likes to play computer games and watch anime in his free time. He never does homework and likes to do things his way.

Jisoo loves to tease Seul, calling her short to idotic is part of everyday life. Jisoo, deep down, cares very much about Seul, giving advices about dealing with people to what university she should go. He currently goes to Seoul's best university which is only a half an hour by bus from Seul's university. They sometimes meet to just eat and talk about random things like superstition to building drawers.

RELATION Min Minsoo | 1996 | Army
Lazy and doesn't like to do anything but play computer games and watch anime. He is very blunt and likes to joke around. He is very friendly and is the class clown. He likes to be right so he usually debates with teachers and most of the time, he wins. He is smart enough to cram everything in one night and score A and B on his major exams.

Always teasing Seul but it a more rude way. The two are very close as they are only a year apart. When they were younger, Minsoo always hated the fact that Seul always followed him around and always copied his actions. Only when they were older did Minsoo realise that younger siblings tend to mimick older siblings and their personality is formed based on them. Ever since then, Minsoo never got angry when Seul picked up the say he spoke or the way he reacted to situations.

RELATION Raena | 1997 | Ramen Shop Assistant
Friendly and loud. She likes to eat a lot which makes her lean towards the chubby side. Raena likes kpop and watches some korean drama. She is loyal and is very good at keeping secrets despite her loud voice and talkative personality. She isn't very smart and after graduating from high school, stayed in Daegu and helped her father run the ramen shop.

At first, she was part of the crowd that didn't really like Seul. However, towards the end of the second year, she realises how mean she was and went up to Seul and apologised straight up. Whenever some people said bad things about Seul, Raena would shout back something witty and always stood by Seul whom eventually warmed up to Raena. They still keep in contact, sharing secrets and telling about their day.

RELATION Soonyoung | 1997 | University Student (Soical Science Major)

She likes things neat and tidy which results in Seul always getting an earful. They clicked well when they first met because of similar interests but their relationship is just friends. Not good, not bad. Just friends. Soonyoung is mostly quiet and shy, not able to make new friends easily but when it's about cleanliness, anime, manga, fantasy books, kpop and dramas opens wide and her voice becomes louder.

and then love strikes
— share your umbrella with me


full name Taehyung, Kim
date of birthday 30/12/1995
birthplace + hometown Korea, Daegu
ethnicity + nationality Korean

occupation University Student (Fashion Major)

face claim + backup backup is Byun Baekhyun

background + lifestyle Taehyung liked fashion and always thought that he had something to share to the world about it. After he finished army, he attended a specialised university of fashion. His aim is to be a fashion magazine writer. He goes to school in Seoul and goes to the same cafe every morning for his usual order, a slice of chocolate cake with hot chocolate. When he has school, he orders take away but on weekends, he stays there till lunch time and heads out to eat with his friends or buy takeaway, eat in his dorm and watch anime.


Socialble (he has no problem making new friends)

'Crazy' (his friends think he is because he likes to do unconventional things like asking strangers to take a picture of him doing a handstand on a lorry or dancing on the streets with no music)

Stubborn (when he wants to eat mcdonalds, means he will est it whether his friends want to or not)

Dilligent (he studies hard and when he has a goal, he works hard for it)

— when he likes a certain type of food, he eats the same one unless the recipe changes or it's sold out

— he likes skateboarding and is quite good at it

— he has two younger siblings

— he watches so much anime, he picked up japanese from watching them

— he is scared of heights

— his parents own a tea plantation

— he has a sweet tooth and doesn't like bitter food/drinks

the meeting 

They met in the bus. It was the first time Seul rode the last bus home because her father was not waiting for her and didn't know about her being out so late. She was visiting her oldest brother when she realised it was very very late. She obviously couldn't stay at the boys dorm so she took the last bus home. It was raining heavily and lightning could be seen in the dark sky. Thunder rolling could be heard seconds after lightning. Seul wasn't scared of it but instead enjoyed the chilly weather and fell asleep.

Taehyung was in the last bus carrying an umbrella. He just came back from visiting Daegu and his university was only a few stops away when he saw a sleeping girl. She looked innocent and fragile. When his stop was reaching, he contemplated to get off the bus or wait till she woke up. He opted for the latter, afraid that the girl might get kidnapped by bad company this late at night. It was the last stop when Taehyung realised he had to wake the girl up.

Seul was pleasantly surprised to wake up with a handsome young man with a soulful voice but was unpleasantly shocked to realise it was the last stop, she didn't know where she was, her bag did not have an umbrella and she was tired and just wanted to go back to the dorms and sleep. She looked into her wallet to see that she didn't have enough money for a taxi.

Taehyung opted to help bring her to the university but she declined saying that she didn't want to trouble the kind stranger. Seul smiled and gave a punch in the air to show how brave and firece she is. This intruged Taehyung as her personality and appearance didn't really match up. Taehyung found her interesting and wanted to know more.

Seul was flustered when Taehyung pulled her to his arms when a car passed by, the wheels hitting against the puddle of water, almost splashing Seul. She felt her heart beat rapidly as her ear was planted onto Taehyung's chest, hearing, his not so steady heartbeat. When a taxi could be seen, Taehyung waved for it, pushed Seul slightly inside and gave her some money before giving a cute retangular smile and a wave.

the search Seul wanted to return the money. She also wanted to know about the stranger she met in the thunderstorm. She took the bus a few times during the weekends, looking out the window and at the passengers in hope to find him but to no avail. She didn't know if it was love as she didn't think it was possible to have love at first sight but she was definitely intruged. She felt like it was an encounter from a shoujo manga.

the ending (I don't know how to write an ending but I want a happy, sweet ending asdfghjkl)

the end

comments hello there c: 

suggestions + scene requests 
— Seul was searching for a new cafe to pop in when she stumbled upon one that looked rather high class. She debated to go in or not when she spotted a male that she knew she saw before and went inside to affirm her suspicions. She ordered hot chocolate and strawberry shortcake and sat the the table beside the stranger.
— They meet on the same bus again and only noticed each other when Seul fell asleep on the bus again but this time, accepted the offer that Taehyung walks her to her dorms

CMelodie + Mel | cheatsheet | back to story | turn-in


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