Fears and "What if"s

Wounds heal, but the deeper the wound is, the more visible the scar it will leave...


I tried to deny it for a long time. I tried to make myself believe that the time will come when I look back and see it as a distant memory. But I was wrong.


I now realized my fears. I'm afraid. Afraid of opening videos that date back during MAMA era, Wolf era, Growl era, MID era and most especially vids taken during Overdose era. I'm so afraid of them. Afraid of opening them and seeing the familiar smiles that I thought would remain on their faces forever. Afraid of seeing Kris care for each of s. Afraid of seeing Luhan teasing everyone and being sweet to everyone at the same time. Afraid of seeing Tao being a maknae to everyone. Afraid of seeing Lay being so relaxed and carefree around everyone.


I am so afraid of seeing them being so sweet and concerned about each member. Why? Because reality will come crushing to me in a split second that these... these events is nothing but a distant memory now. Memory that might've haunted my boys since the day that the first petal fell on the ground and decided to be a new flower of his own. Memories that might've brought them pain every time they will remember it.


You know what's more painful? It's the daydreaming whenever I will see new videos of them and unconsciously thinks "What if Kris was here?" or "What would Luhan do if he was here?" or "How would Tao react if he was here?" and the "Will it be less burdensome on Lay if theye were here?" A thousand "What if"s appear in my mind, like "If Kris didn't leave, will it be Luhan who will first leave or he won't think of leaving at all?" or "If only Tao didn't joing LOTJ and got that injury, will he stay?" I know I'm doing nothing but bring self-inflicted pain but I can't help it. I fell in love with 12 boys, each with a unique character and a unique roll in the group. I loved them through their smiles and idiocy, through their whines and tears, through their laughs and shouts. 


The pain of hearing 11 voices when it should've been 12. The pain of seeing EXO-M breakdown but doing their best to hide it. The Overdose choreography that made it obvious that one person was missing. Then the torture of hearing 10 voices just when you got used to 11. The way I'm avoiding watching any OT10 Overdose stage because a certain part in the choreography where EXO-K and EXO-M will line up and the EXO-M line up is Kris-Xiumin-Luhan, then will be changed to Luhan-Xiumin-Kris. Do you know how painful it is to see Xiumin holding his position like that. Because I think that whenever they perform it like this, he's the one fully realizing that two of the people he was with is not by his side anymore. Then I felt numb all over when 10 became 9. I hoped. Believed. That 2 heartbreaks will be the end of it.


I know Lay didn't leave. And I'm giving him my complete trust that he will never do so in the future. But it still pains me to see OT8 pictures, videos and performances. I know he's busy and it couldn't be helped but it pains my heart to see that he's not with the rest of the group. I know he enjoys performing and that the rest of the group also want him on stage with them and that's why it's more painful like this.


Then I'm back to my what ifs. If EXO-M is still complete now, will the six of them be in China and EXO-K in Korea? Will it work like this? Them promoting separately as sub-units but at least still with the rest of the members? Like Kris taking up a movie role, and Luhan in a variety show, Tao in a drama, Lay as an MC, Xiumin in a webdrama, Chen singing an OST. Will it be like this? Individual activities, but at least the six of them are together in China. 


I know it's useless thinking like this when I know that I will never get the chance to see if it will be true because the reality is that 3 members are now walking a different path, 1 member is promoting in China alone while the other 8 remains in Korea and promotes there. This is the truth.


It's painful.


Please don't be mad at me. I want to tell you that it also pains me to be this honest with myself because frankly I tried to deny it for so long that OT12, OT11, OT10, OT9 and OT8 photos and videos give me this much heartache.


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I tried to ignore it .. there are some videos that I cannot see and it's mostly with luhan and Tao ..
I even cried again last wesk thinking of xiuhan .. I feel so bad seeing minseok happy .. not that I dont want him too but it's thinking of the things he got through
all of them, how they are smiling now and how they had to handle the reality that a friend a family had left them ...
Lay .. how it feels heavy n burden to have to do what he's doing now .. to keep the faith for his people ... to not break that trust and promise he made ..
Until now I'm still hurt from Luhan leaving, I strongly believed that he will not leave snd I think he wouldn't leave if he really didnt have to... but It's still hard to watch his solo mvs thinking what if he's still in EXO .. how it's gonna be ..
with Tao ... I'm never speaking about Tao, I don't want to see or check on him .. it's not that I hate him but I'm so angry, I'm so disappointed that I believed that he will not leave .. when romurs started to go out that he will I still said HE WILL NOT ... Tao hhates to be alone, he loves EXO .. but then I woke up one day withhim leaving and I couldn't take it or react to it and till now I dunno how ...
Right now the korean members are doing will ... thinking What If the 3 didnt leave, would SM give them the chance to do all the activities they are doing now? Honestly I do believe so .. and I think the others left so. Soon ....
Rightnow my only wish is for Lay to be there .. not him doing alone activity but with Exo on stage cuz the more his not in the picture it would feel like its only OT8 .... and I really hate it ...
Lay is my first bias in exo.. tao was the 2nd before he got pushed back by exo .xiuhan are my addiction but all that I love is breaking...

Fighting my friend ... I'm here for you ♡