

Stolen from heclgehog because I'm bored lolol. But if you want to do this make a blog and link me so I know. I wanna make some internet friends haha, let's see what we have in common. Also, I plan on posting a college advice blog at some point soon because someone asked me to, so if you're interested in that check it out when I post it.


1:What is your name and does it mean anything?

  • Erica. Which is the female version of Eric and means "honorable ruler" lol. Which.. is not me at all but hey. Um but I'm actually named after my grandmother's maiden name Erickson.

2:How long have you known your best friend?

  • I have two best friends, one I became friends with about 9 years ago? The other I met only 3 years ago.

3:What position do you normally sleep in?.

  • On my left side in a fetal position lol.

4:Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?

  • I don't think so. I was on a couple sports teams but I wasn't like a "jock" and I was in all the choruses and band but I wasn't really a music kid either... I was just friends with who I wanted to be friends with.

5:Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?

  • I don't know if I had one. I was pretty anti-school in high school, I hated like every teacher just because they were teachers. I liked my choir director/teacher.

6:Do you wish to travel a lot?

  • Sometimes. I've always wanted to go to Britain and, of course, South Korea, but sometimes I wish I could stay in bed for the rest of my life.

7:Did you participate in any sports while in school?

  • I've been on the swim team throughout both high school and college, I also played tennis in high school.

8:Show a sample of your handwriting: 

  • Aight here it is. I really liked this poem by e.e.s so I copied it down a few weeks ago:

9:Have you ever given blood?

  • No way. I feel bad but I hate needles gahh.

10:Do you like the way that you grew up?

  • I guess it was okay. High school was a little rough, I didn't have much freedom but I was lucky to have a very loving family.

11:Do you like your siblings? Why or why not?

  • Yes. I have two much older brothers and I don't see them too often but we get along.

12:How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?

  • It's funny because I also met my best friend when we sat next to each other in art class lol. But we also had a study hall together, and on one of the first days of school we spent the entire study hall talking and I told her my life story which included a boy I met over the sumer and had a thing with.
  • My other best friend I met my sophomore year of college from swimming. This is gonna be a long story but she was a freshman on the team and I thought she was super nice and I thought we were very similar so I wanted to be her friend. The very beginning of the school year the swim team had this party and she didn't drink alcohol at that point, so I remember I said to her "don't worry, I'm the least crazy person on the team. If you wanna just not drink it's nbd." and then I proceeded to throw up from alcohol for the first time that night so... yeah. But anyway I sat next to her on the bus to every meet and we became bus buddies and we always joke about how I forced her to be my friend haha. Now she's my most kpop approving friend, her fav kpop song is Miss Right by Teen Top lolol.

13:Name one movie that made you cry.

  • OH gosh I can't think of one right now. I cry at everything though, like literally everything. Kdramas, youtube videos, songs, television commercials...

14:Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?

  • Writing poetry. I can't analyze poetry for .

15:Things about someone that you find attractive?

  • Physically, their smile and their hair and their eyes... and their body, but mostly nice eyes are key to my heart haha. Other things I like are when someone isn't stupid. I seem to be physically attracted to a lot of idiots tbh ugh. I find it attractive if people are nice, easy to talk to, and intelligent.

16:What song are you currently listening to?

  • Knock Out by GD and TOP just came on ha.

17:Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?

  • Nope (knock on wood).

18:A random memory from your childhood:

  • Okay, so I guess I remember when I was in 3rd grade I really liked this boy, he was so cute (I think he still is though I haven't seen him since middle school) and I remember my best friend at the time asked him who he liked for me and he actually told her he liked me... because of my hair LOL. And like 8 year old me did not have cute hair, it was curly and messy and probably gross. I was like ecstatic when I found out he liked me though.

19:Where did you grow up?

  • New England in the US.

20:What was the last thing you watched on tv?

  • Moorim School, I'm only on episode 2. Does that count as TV? If we mean like actual TV it was American Idol last night hah.

21:Do you think you’d make a good parent?

  • Heh. I don't know.

22:Would you like to meet any of your AFF friends in person?

  • Of course, I mean who wouldn't? I don't have many friends who like kpop and most of my AFF friends probs like Kaisoo so we could obsess together. hmu.

22:What was the last dream you remember having?

  • I really don't remember, but I remember waking up from it really abuptly this morning, what ever it was.

23:When is your birthday?

  • April 8th.

24:How many pillows do you sleep with?

  • Three but I think they are only there for show cuz I only use one.

25:Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?

  • Nah.

26:What color is your hair?

  • Light brown/dirty blond. It's always been on the edge and changes in different seasons.

27:Name 5 facts about your appearance:

  • Really long, curly hair
  • Rounder face
  • I'm short
  • Light brown eyes
  • Um I have straight teeth? haha.

28:What is your favorite soda?

  • Root beer.

29:What is a strange talent that you have?

  • I guess I'm pretty good at analyzing people. At least I've been told that.

30:How’s the weather right now?

  • According to my phone it's 20 degrees farenheit right now.

31:Why did one of your friendships end?

  • Most of my friendships just end because we move on in our lives and grow apart.

32:Who do you miss right now?

  • My friends are literally all in different states right now and I'm like crrying and alone lol.

33:Why did your last relationship end?

  • If you mean relationship relationship then it was one of those where we knew it was gonna end, but he was the one that technically broke up with me. I'm upset he did it first tho lol, he will always have that against me despite him being an absolute jerk.

34:Are you still figuring out who you are?

  • I think we are always going to be figuring out who we are. Though these past few years I've really found/accepted myself a lot more.

35:Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why?

  • I got stitches once. I fell out of my bed at two in the morning and hit my head on the radiator, so it was really late and I was tired I barely remember. Does that even count?

36:What is your favorite restaurant?

  • I don't know if I have one. I love ALL food so I don't care what restaurant I go to

37:What is word that you always seem to spell wrong?

  • I get there, their, and they're mixed up all the time. I swear I'm still like 7, because I don't think I ever properly learned them. I don't know if that counts but I spell words wrong all the time.  Except I can always tell if words are spelled wrong, I just don't necessarily know how to spell them right. Like if I don't have autocorrect I'm lost lol.

38:Would you ever adopt kids?

  • I would, but I don't know if I will. I kind of like the idea of having little-me's... though it's also kind of terrifying at the same time.

39:What is your favorite kind of pizza?

  • Pepperoni... or buffalo chicken.. or margharita... or anything really I'm not picky in the slightest.

40:What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

  • Why the f am I up? It's 8:00 and I don't need to be awake yet.

41:When was the last time you got really really happy and why?

  • Ahh the last time I was like happy happy, like totally self satisfied was after one of my championship swim meets where I did really well and loved my team. It was one of the best feelings so far in my life. I have good and bad days though, so being happy comes and goes all the time for me.

42:What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

  • I honestly don't think I've ever eaten anything that strange.

43:How do you start a conversation?

  • I say hi and hope the other person knows how to continue the conversation haha. (I'm awkward)

44:What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?

  • E X O E X O E X O, but also BTS has been on my raidar.

45:Do you come from a family “of money?”

  • Not... really?

46:Do you have a bucket list?

  • No, I'm not courageous or adventurous enough to do a lot of things. But my roommates and I have one of things to do together.

47:What is your favorite series of books?

  • Probably Harry Potter. I haven't read many series.

48:When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?

  • About a week ago my friends and I were reading the wikihow on how to give a hickey with like 8 steps and it had like these illustrations for each step. We were literally crying haha. Go look it up for a good laugh, I mean it.

49:Where do you go when you’re sad?

  • I lie in my bed and never come out.

50:5 random facts about yourself:

  1. My mom and I watch the Bachelor every monday night.
  2. I listen to the 'NSync christmas album all year long.
  3. My favorite band of all time is McFly (high recommend you look them up if you've been missing out, there old stuff is awesome).
  4. I'm really, really quiet when you first meet me in person, but I actually talk a ton.
  5. I love singing. I've always wanted to post covers on youtube but I scared :/


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your handwriting is so pretty I wish I had it as a font omg
I've always daydreamed about posting singing covers on youtube, but I'm nervous that once I record myself and play it back I'll sound like a dying cat