Some more story things....

Ugh, hate it when you have so many storie ideas, but you don't know where to start >___<


I'm just posting this to get my list sorted out. Feel free to EXPERIENCE THIS >:D


1.) P.E.R.I.L. along with Far Away must be completed first! >.<

2.) SiwonxOC fic, Shed (See! I didn't forget :3)

3.) DonghaexOC and SungminxOC, partially YesungxOC and RyeowookxOC

4.) ZhoumixOC (based off of Beauty and the Beast...still considering this one...)

5.) Rewrite of Super Junior Z

6.) EunhyukxOC


So there you have it! It's.....a lot more than I thought! O____O But I can do it! God bless you guys!


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