I'm a SLOW READER!!! >

Blogging at school AGAIN.


Soooo yes. I realized that I'm a relatively slow reader. But I hear that can be a good thing(not that being a fast reader is bad)! They say it helps to absorb more information. So I guess.....Yay! :D


I have my math semester exam today. Pray for me!!! THEY'RE NOT ALL MULTIPLE CHOICE T_______T Multiple choice is like my best friend when it comes to math xD Ugh....Hate it so much.


After all my exams are out of the way, I'll definitely update more. I get two weeks off! :3 I still have to work, though, so don't get too excited(if you were excited).....x____x It makes me sad, too.


Enough ranting!!! Here are some epic pics! Peace be with you! >:D God bless you~





Yes, Onew oppa. He does. xD


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I'm a very slow reader too :)
---Siri--- #2
Sorry, I meant picture ^^#
---Siri--- #3
The last gif is so cute <3333
---Siri--- #4
I'm really slow too at reading <.<