40 random facts about me tag

I was tagged by my lovely friend Andy/moonzy to do this 40 random facts about me tag so I decided to give it a shot even though I personally don't think I'm interesting. I won't really be tagging anyone since I'm kinda lazy lol but feel free to do this is you want to c:

Warning: some of these are long because I got a bit carried away but hey, now you know more about me lol

1. I just recently finished watching 4 seasons of Once Upon a Time in a little over a week during my winter break

2. I just turned 18 last month, making me the one of the youngest amongst my friends and family

3. I am a first year pharmacist student at St. John's University and I just started my spring semester not too long ago

4. I have a huge thing for dogs like if I'm walking to the bus stop to get to class and I see someone walking their dog, in my mind I'll literally go "OH MY GOD DOGGGGYYYYYY i wanna touch it" like no joke

5. I am the type that doesn't cry very easily but I cried once while studying for my chem test because I was feeling super overwhelmed and stressed out but it ended up lifting a slight weight from my shoulders

6. Back to dogs, I have a pet dog named New Year (weird but long story short my cousin had a dog named Happy so together they were Happy New Year LOL) and she turned 15 last year and she is a Weimaraner

7. I am currently obsessed with the game Neko Atsume like omg it's the cutest thing ever


9. I have a high metabolism so no matter how much I eat, I never gain weight (I'm 96 lbs and 5'3" so I'm underweight for my age and height)

10. My Chinese name is 吳嘉慧 and I actually used it in my story For An Eternity (Jiahui)

11. I get nervous a lot like even if I'm waiting for the bus, my heart will start pounding and weird thoughts will just go through my mind and this is a bit TMI but when that happens, I feel like I really need to pee even though I don't need to

12. I have really bad motion sickness

13. I can't stand crowded buses or subways because I have claustrophobia but I've been doing really good these past couple of years 

14. I have really small s like I'm a 32A?

15. More about s, I bought my first bra I believe last year in September. Weird given that I'm already 18 and a college student but I wore bralettes before since I thought it would be okay but I was like "I'm in college I want a real bra" and here I am today lol

16. I've basically been a fangirl my entire life. I started off with The Backstreet Boys, Jesse McCartney, and a little of the Jonas Brothers before I got into J-Pop (Hey Say Jump, KAT-TUN, Tackey and Tsubasa, NEWS and etc) before I dived into K-Pop

17. I started playing piano when I was 4 and stopped/quit when I was 16 because it was during junior year when I was the busiest with SATs and crap

18. I want to learn how to play guitar and even have my own guitar but I haven't gotten around to it yet and my mom keeps on bothering me about it but one day I will learn how to play it

19. I made a Tumblr account once in like 7th or 8th grade but was really confused by it so I deleted it but then I learned how to use it and now have a couple of blogs

20. I live in NYC, Queens to be specific 

21. I eat a lot but really slowly so my friends are always like " I forgot that Jennifer takes like 2 hours to eat"

22. Also my name is Jennifer if you didn't know by now LOL but my friends sometimes call me Jen-Jen or just Jen

23. I've been told by my AP Psych teacher, in a nice way, that when I don't smile I look like I'm having a bad day or that I'm upset. She literally told me I have a resting face

24. I am typing this on my Mac Book Pro that I got from my school (free? hell no but it was hella cheap for only $400 and I get to keep it once I graduate so ayyyy)

25. I'm a bit of a pessimist like I'll think of all the worst case scenarios instead of looking on the bright side and overwhelm myself and add more stress

26. One of my best friends lives literally one block from me but I haven't seen her since like December when we met up with the squad to hang out

27. Although I'm working towards becoming a pharmacist right now, I would love to publish my own book one day

28. I hate horror movies like when my friends suggest watching one, I'm just like no goodbye

29. I curse a lot. Like a lot.

30. I used to have a bad habit of cracking my knuckles like nearly 10+ times a day but it's dwindled down to maybe cracking them once a day or sometimes just not even once a week

31. I speak Cantonese and I learned Mandarin before but I stopped in 8th grade so I'm super rusty right now. I can still understand it but I need to pick up how to speak it again

32. I graduated high school with 51 college credits (my school was an early college school and I was there from middle school until high school and I took a ton of college courses over the years so yeah)

33. I have a lot of medical issues??? Like it's minor stuff I guess. I used to have headaches all the time and really short dizzy spells but that's over now. Recently I had labryinthitis and was super dizzy and I sometimes still do get dizzy but it's not crazy or anything but I still have to be careful. I also have iron and vitamin D deficiency so my mom tries to make up for the iron by making me drink these herbal Chinese medicines with like a bunch of dates in it and it's bitter sometimes but she tries to make it sweet for me

34. I have a sweet tooth like I will eat Nutella straight out of the jar with the spoon

35. When I was a kid, I never really ate much and like sometimes my mom would have to feed me the rest of my dinner if I didn't want it because she would be like "YOU GOTTA FINISH YOUR FOOD". Then out of nowhere I just started to inhale food from like 8th to maybe 11th grade but now my appetite has kinda gone back to the way it was when I was younger but I eat a lot more compared to before

36. I currently have a crush on one of my friends and like I'm really bad when it comes to stuff like this because I'm as dense as a brick wall and can't read any signs if he does even send any to me but yeah, just silently crushing on him...

37. One of my favorite things in the world is summer nights omg I'll just be chilling in the living room doing what I normally do and I'll just stop and stare out the window and listen to the trees rustling and the crickets chirping and I'll sigh to myself because I would love to just walk around and enjoy the night but I can't because I'm afraid of what might happen to me if I do that so yeah

38. I have the biggest feet in the family. Out of all of my cousins (majority are girls), I have the biggest shoe size of 8 while everyone else is like a 6 or 5

39. I act tough and say fight me a lot but on the inside, I'm a pretty sensitive person and I take things to heart and I always worry about my friends and my family and my future and stuff like that

40. I really love my mom like she's the best person in the world and she's my role model. I love talking to her and telling her about my day and asking her a ton of questions of what her life was like back in China and when she first came to New York and I just love spending time with her. She's super awesome and I hope that I can continue to have this relationship with her for a long time


If you guys actually read this far, that's impressive LOL I wrote all of the facts as if I was actually saying them out loud to someone so yup, now you know how I talk. Hopefully you'll feel slightly closer to me and maybe even talk to me? I like making new friends c:  


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Urgh not so silently crushing on this guy in the Christian club I'm in sigh. Not so silent because my friends that don't go here all know looooool
You're a sag or a Capricorn?
Neko Atsume!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS
omfg another buddy who also played neko atsume!