40 Random facts about me tag

I have some extremely personal facts in here about myself and I don't want to hear your smart remarks. If you want me to talk about them, I will do my best to make a post about my experiences. These are my facts and opinions about things, if you don't agree with me, too bad.

I tag: Cee, Andrea, babydong, JKnews, Tea, Jenday, Jen/pipimocia...pipi....pi... Jen ^^ & Whoever else wants to do this.



1. I hardly watch tv. I probably watch an hour of tv split in between 3-4 days.

2. I am a future vegan

3. I really like food that people would find gross: Jellyfish, pig & chicken feet, pork blood, frog, rabbit, cat fish eyes.

4. I really hate food that people would find delicious: Caramel, cake, hash browns, tator tots, pancakes, steak, sour cream, cream cheese, white chocolate, mint, green tea, coffee, coconut.

5. I use to be a Juggalo  /Sad right?/

6. I hate kids and I don't want any.

7. I don't know if I ever want to get married.

8. I have the most red neck white trash family ever.

9. If I accidently hurt a kid, I dont care... but the moment I accidently hurt my pet, I melt into a puddle of tears on the floor.

10. I have an extremely tom-boy outer appearance, but I am pretty girly inside.

11. I use to have a tough time reading and then I discovered anime and I learned how to read from watching it.

12. I want to travel so bad, so I planned a trip 2 years in advance as a graduation present to myself: 14 days in Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore (Shout out to my subbies who are from there, see yall in 2018 ;3)

13. I can handle my alcohol pretty well.

14. I suffer from Trichotillomania (It was more sever in 2009, but now its getting better)

15. I'm an emotional eater. I eat when Im bored, sad, mad, stressed.

16. Because I am an emotional eater & with how 2015 went (Yall would know if you read my family blogs), I gained so much weight that I hate walking around in public.

17. I hate being in group photos.

18. I'm losing my hearing in my right ear.

19. Andy is a name I got from the movie Step Up 2 and thought it would be nice to have if I ever have a daughter /Not that I would have a kid, but in case it happened/

20. I have a fear of Sharks, which was my inspiration for my characters fear in for my story 'My marriage with Mr. Playboy"

21. I also have a fear of people in costumes. Disneyland and the clowns that would walk around at the mall handing out balloons.

22. I am also afraid of the dark xD /Well, more of whats IN the dark/

23. I suffer from social anxiety and body dismorphia

24. I cry really easily, especially if I am frustrated.

25. I am pro-choice.

26. I don't know my blood type and I am scared of needles, so thus I dont give blood.

27. I have been blessed by monks before.

28. I am really against the legalization of weed. /Sorry for those who toke it up/

29. I am really bad with time management.

30. I am going to my first gay wedding this October

31. I've had braces

32. I've had the blood vessles in my eye split open because my brother threw a frisbee at my eye.

33. I support people who go through plastic surgery as I, myself, would like to get some things done.

34. I am not religious, but I like experiencing other cultures religions.

35. I a Geography.

36. My hands are extremely small and petite to that fact that I can fit my whole hand in a peanut butter jar.

37. I know this may be odd, but I envy girls with small s. I've always had really big s (at a 38 DD) and I wish I could like... donate my s to someone else because it hurts my back, I can't lay on my stomach without them suffocating me, jumping jacks hurt, and finding clothes that fit over my s is annoying.

38. I have a morbid sense of humor.

39. If you buy me makeup and I see that it doesn't say 'Not tested on animals/cruelty free' I will throw it away.

40. I love spicy food and I make a killer salsa, meaning: 2 Habaneros, 2 jalapenos, 1 can of hot chilies and the other mild ingredients. My mom calls it my 'death sauce'. 


#14, 15, 23 are extremely personal that I have a hard time talking about with people, but if you guys also perhaps suffer from these or want to know more about it or..... I will try my best to write a blog post on how it started and how I am handling it.


Thank yall for reading, this was fun. I can't wait to read yalls.




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LOL I love how you couldn't spell my username but that's okay since the real name is there :') Thanks for tagging me in this. I'll try to right 40 random things about me but I'm not that interesting /sigh
You don't like kids??? I'm 15!! I'm sad that you don't like me :'( jk jk ! XD you seem like an interesting person. I'm glad I subscribed to you!
I'm afraid of sharks too O_O *shivers*
Although I personally like clowns hahaha and would get excited about going to a carniv. My sisters think it's weird lol.
Thanks for the tag. I shall get around to it!
slushyplushie #4
#37 Oh my god, i feel you girl. Like why the are my s so big?! I didn't ask for this. My family has small s, and I have huge ones. Like what the is happening?
Ooh that salsa sounds delicious. I shall make it one day :)
#41 I love Vegemite