Mirror, Mirror | The Relation | Min Do Hee

"I never asked for this, yet you've given it to me...how could you?!"
Character name: Min do Hee
Age: 18
Height: 168 cm

PLotline: the relation

Faceclaim: sana (twice)

Lion_Heart36 / Yinie / ACTIVITY RATE (4/5)
+ ; kindhearted, diligent, forthright, just
– ; Selfish, clumsy, stoic, bias

Do Hee, for the most part, is a very kind person. She does good things right from her heart, and not because she feels pressured to. She pays a great deal of attention to her work, diligently does her best as a servant in the royal palace of Winter. Still, as much as she tries, she is a clumsy girl, and is the least favourite maid in the eyes of the head of staff. She is a pompous and fat women, and constantly picks at Do Hee, even though the poor girl is doing her best. Still, Do Hee works hard and gets her job done well. She keeps shut when it isn't her place, because from past experience she has gotten in lots of trouble talking out of turn, however Do Hee still strongly believes in that she thinks is good and right, and will do what she can, if there be anything, to save that goodness from being trampled. After she started having her nightmares/ visions, Do Hee became very stoic and wistful, contrary to her usually lively self. It is because she resents the mirror for giving her such a horrid gift, something so painful and hurtful. All she longs for is to be normal again, why must on top of her sad life shall she have such a burden bestowed upon her?

When her mother gave birth to her, it was supposed to be a good thing. However, it was never seen as so. Do Hee was the burden of the family, and when she was old enough to do work, she was cast a bucket of water and a dirty cloth and told to wash the floors. She longed for more then a family who hated her, so while her elder sisters were ing themselves for cash, and her parents swindling people into staying at their small worthless inn and taking their money, Do Hee took her chance and ran. It was cold out side like it always was, and she slipped in the snow with her bare feet. She was covered in only a ripped brown dress and dirty sky blue shawl with crystal like beads on the edges she found in the attic, which she hadn't known was once Cinderella's. She was running so fast that she hadn't seen what was coming toward her, and before she knew if there were people yelling at her to move. She turned her head and saw a carriage rushing by...a royal carriage. She hurriedly scampered out of the way, but slipped and fell on the snow bank along the side of the muddy path. The carriage pulled to a halt, and a lovely women emerged. A young boy, only a few years older then the seven year old Do Hee, stuck his head out from the carriage as well to observe what his aunt was doing, puzzled all the while. She knelt down before the trembling girl and pushed a strand of matted dirty hair out of her face. The women's hands were smooth and perfectly white like porcelain, her peach coloured nails grazed over Do Hee's shoulder with care. She dared to look up, and was astonished at the women's beauty; her lips as red as blood, and hair as black as night...was this Snow White? Well of course not, for her time was long ago, so this women couldn't be her. However, she was one of her decedents, and the sister to the currently ruling King. The women asked Do Hee why such a young girl would be out there in the cold like that, and Do Hee then told her everything about her home, and even began to cry. The women told her to no longer shed tears, and that she would always have a safe and loving home in the palace from then on. It wasn't her place to adopted Do Hee, and her brother definitely wouldn't want her to either, but the women desperately wanted a child. Instead, she secured Do Hee a spot among the maid staff of the palace, where she could serve the King and his family, but also be taken care of, and have no Ned to return to her home. The women looked out for Do Hee, seeing her as a daughter, though knowing she never could be. She even had a talking to with the head of the female staff whenever the large women would yell at Do Hee for dropping a plate, or spilling something. As Do Hee got older, even if she felt like she was taken care of, there was almost too much perfection in the palace of snow. Whenever she passed by that one corridor, that had a door that lead into the basement, Do Hee always felt a chill, and a strange feeling, as if something — or someone — was down there. Every once in a while a maid is sent to clean the tapestries, picture frames, and floors in the corridor to keep up appearance, however no one goes down into the basement, no one but the prince on occasion as she had observed, but she knew why no servant ever dare clean there...down there was were the evil queen once brewed her poisons. One day Do Hee saw a maid cleaning that area, and decided to take her chance. She told the maid they were to switch places and that she was needed to clean in the kitchens (Do Hee's personally least favourite job). Do Hee took out one of her hair pins and picked the lock to the door. She snatched a lit candle from the candelabra on the table, and slowly and silently made her way down the dark staircase. She lifted the ends of her dress, and hurried through another corridor, jumping as a mouse ran passed her foot. In a moment she found a circular room she knew where she was now, the old spell books, and the cauldron filled with cobwebs was a hint, but the large, beautiful mirror before her was what confirmed her suspicions. She was drawn to the mirror, and walked closer to it. She traced her fingers over the silver surface, and spoke only the word mirror, before laughing at herself for being silly like that, and was about to turn to leave when she stripped on her dress and her head hit against the glass of the mirror...but it didn't shatter, instead it was like her head entered glass, before leaving it quickly after. She was out cold when she hit the floor, and dreamt of a handsome face until she woke with a start. The candle had burnt out, and she knew she had to leave as soon as possible. She hurried back the way she came, and thanked the heavens no one noticed her absence. She was out for a couple hours, and it was nearing night, so she retreated to her servants quarters were she pulled out her blue shawl from under her pillow, and held it as she fell asleep, but while she slept, strange dreams came to her, ones of pain, of distraction, of plotting, and of destiny. She woke with a start again, snd noticed it was midnight. She slept the rest of the night in peace, but the dreams kept coming back each night, and she would hear her name being called by an ominous voice in the air. She tried to ignore it, but hated her burden still.
(Do Hee has two elder sisters, a father, and a mother, however since she ran away at the young age of seven and hasn't seen them since, I see no point in putting them here since they won't be in the story, just mentioned, never named)


the king of winter's little sister (don't know what name she should have) | do Hee's friend and look out | 30 | she took do Hee into the care of the palace when she was hurt and cold, and has looked out for her ever since. She sees do Hee as her own daughter, thoug the king would frown upon this if she ever adopted do Hee

lOVE INTEREST: Byul and/or another male applicant.

aGE: Byul: I don't know, other applicant: 18 or up  

Byul is cowardly, and cold most of the time, he doesn't like do Hee even if they are connected somehow. You honestly know a lot more about Byul then I do. When it comes to the other applicant, he is kind, caring, and the kind of guy that looks out for the girl. He looks out for do Hee most of all, and even though he might be quiet or cold, he is selfless when looking out for do Hee. This would in turn make Byul jealous, even if he won't admit it. Obviously the applicant's app would have more info on them.

Do Hee transfused Byul into a hand mirror after the palace was attacked because after the two argued they realized they needed each op other to figure things out, so he helped her find a spell that might be able to conger him through a different mirror, and it worked. Through their journeys Do Hee was always the one who carried Byul's mirror, and she even slept with it without noticing. The thought of him being smashed scared her, and the thought of her being hurt scared him, the reason is these two are connected, and so they care for each other, even if they don't want to. The other applicant on the other hand, is always there to protect her and look out for her because he sees how hopeless she precious she is and feels obligated to look out for her. Because of this they bond and become close to each other. Among all of them, aside from Byul, the other applicant is the one do Hee trusts most. Byul gets jealous lots because he find he wants to look out for her, but as he is inside a mirror, he can't do anything but watch her in her sleep as she fights her visions and nightmares, but then the other applicant comes along, and is able to hush her, where as Byul can't. You can pick who she ends up with based on chemistry and how the fic goes (of course that is if you pick her).
do Hee sleeping on her shawl with the mirror next to her as Byul watches her sleep from it, the other applicant picking her up and carrying her when she hurts herself, do Hee sleeping next to the other applicant to keep warm, do Hee clutching Byul's mirror when she is scared, do Hee suffering from her visions in lots of pain and both Byul and the other applicant try and calm her, the gang hiding in a cave because why not?
Any comments or questions? :
Please let me know if there is anything you'd like me to add or change, or if there is anything you think I should alaborate on, please let me know! I feel like this isn't good, but I tried my best so please give your honest opinion :)


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