I hope it is not too late to say Happy New Year 2016?

Greetings fellow fangirls and fanfics enthusiast!

I must have been gone for months! Sorry about that. As per some of you have knowledge that I was writing an ongoing story 'KAIBOTS', and it relates to sci-fi era where, well, Kai is a robot and yes, Kyungsoo is the mastermind behind it. Things happen yada yada and I stopped writing in the midst of yada yada (I can't recall). Rest assure, my readers, I am still going to write it. But there will be a change in... uhm, perspective. 

Initially, the aim was to direct the connection of emotional stability and ual attraction between human and android because I am ert that way, and I can't resist Kaisoo temptation (hehe). But, after watching 'Ex-Machina' (yguys probably watched or heard of the movie) and it opens me up to fill in the gaps. This may or may not change the whole concept of the story, but I have the crazy idea to start off something from Kai's point of view. I am not sure if I am up to that (ehem seven or eight pending stories ahead) but the idea is there. I wanted to explore the mind of a machine-borned Kai. This will surely relate with KAIBOTS of course. And I want more understanding of being a machine. Urgh it's crazy and wicked. I just love it when my head is soooo sooo desperate for something complicated. (I am unemployed student/ex-student for a month and it took me weeks to sit before my laptop and write again. I need something to think and talk -and by talking, through here. Alone. By myself. Ranting and spouting ideas.)

Hence, heads up for one shots or short series? ;_____; 

p/s: I interviewed for a job quite recently. Wish me luck, eh? The country needs a new engineer. Just kidding. I need a job reaaaaally soon. It's sad being a non-profit member in my family. I haven't talk to my sister since.



Not a consistent updater/writer of:

Parallel of Two | Eight | Prediction of Destiny | The Series Of Silent Inflection | KAIBOTS | Three Elements

Dear Cassimi | Sinfully Wrapped | Cubic Illusion | Sleepmate



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