A&D || 황 미윤 || Irene || Angel

 HERE WE GO ! 자 간다!
full name – Hwang Miyun
other name(s) – 
nickname(s) – Minnie| She is called this by everyone because she loves Disney movies and because they about having the surname "Min" *wink wink cough cough*
Mayo| She is called this by her members and BTS because of her white skin and its almost like the first part of her name.
Yu-Yu| Her members and sometimes even BTS members or fans call her this whenever she does aegyo because its not often and they about it.
birthdate – May 26, 1995
birthplace – Incheon
hometown – Seoul
ethnicity – Korean
nationality – Korean
language(s) – Korean| fluent | born and raised in Korea.
Mandarin | Conversational | she went to a school where it was required to take Mandarin lessons.
faceclaim – AOA Seolhyun
backup – The ARK's Halla
height & weight – 169cm and 49kg
bloodtype – AB
appearance – Miyun has snow white skin that doesnt tan very easily and naturally dark brown hair. She also has a dimple on her right cheek and a short, faint scar on the arch of her left eyebrow. She has "bunny" teeth, much like jungkook's, and a short but thin stature.
style – Miyun's style has a wide range of variety. She doesn't really have anything she hates wearing except for neon or bright colored clothing. But, she does prefer to wear sneakers or boots rather than heels or flats. And although it often changes as new styles or popular trends come up, she always has a hint of "swag" (hint hint wink wink cough keke) or a sense of charisma in every outfit. She also always pairs her outfits up with a hat, a pair of glasses, or a necklace. 
traits – well-rounded, responsible, compassionate, blunt, impassive, gullible
personality – Miyun has a very well-rounded personality. Her personality seems to be developed in all aspects. This makes her a person who is easy to get along with and cooperates easily with others even strangers. She is also highly responsible, which is one of the many reasons she was chosen as the leader of Angel. She will make sure everyone is up to date with their schedules and that everyone completes their schedules. When she isn't busy with her own work, she will often check in on everyone to see how it's going and if everyone is doing what they're supposed to. She's kind of like the mother of the group. She is compassionate with everything she does. Everything she does has a meaning to it, she won't do something out of the blue without having a purpose. Well, of course, with the exception of when she blurts out honest things. Even doing aegyo has a purpose for her. She feels strongly and cares strongly about the things she loves whether it be people or being an idol. All of her feelings shown on camera or off camera are genuine.

During many situations, Miyun is typically a blunt person. She will say things that are very straightforward, but sometimes they do just spill out of without even thinking. They could be comments that are very much unappreciated, which she will immediately regret and apologize for, or just simply something she has an opinion on. She is also known to be very impassive. She is known to have a straight face often and show no emotion (cough cough an RBF keke). She isn't one to exaggerate her facial expressions daily, unless she is acting or filming CFs or MVs. This will often give people the impression that she is cold and unfriendly. Which is why she is often mistaken and called an "Angel in Disguise". She is such a gullible human being. She falls for pretty much everything and anything, it's quite great. The members often prank her by using her kindness and gullibleness as weaknesses. She beliefs anything she reads on the internet or told in person until told otherwise, even if it was some scandal about herself.
background – Miyun was born in Incheon, South Korea, along with an older brother and lived with her family of four. She was born into a musical household, with both of her parents being classical musicians and her brother a musical prodigy. She was also raised as a child model and CF actress. She continued her acting as she got older as well.
  Around the age of 7, her parents decided to divorce after a dating scandal broke out and it was then proved to be true. Both her and her brother had gone under custody of their father, him being the victim of the dating scandal. They lost contact with their mother after she went into hiding when the truth came out.
  After about a year and a half when things started to settle completely, they decided to move to Seoul to get a fresh start. They made a promise with their father to alwasy be honest, which is one of the main reasons she is a blunt person nowadays. She was enrolled into a private school that had many activities on developing classical musical skills, until she started high school and she begged her father to let her go to a public school.
  There she discovered other musical genres and was immediately intrigued by hip hop and rap. Rapping seemed to come so naturally to her and began secretly going to underground rap battles during the night. At first her father didn't like her getting into the whole hip hop and pop business since he was used to the classic and formal style and she had lied to him about sneaking out. It took him a long time to finally accept her talent, but after he did he allowed her to join her school's rap team. After their rap team got popular around school, they got to perform at school festivals and from there she was discovered by a talent agent and recommended to Big Hit Ent. 
likes – ~Interacting with her fans
~Punching Yoongi
~Getting visits or visiting her father and brother
~Night time
~Listening to rap battles
~Annoying her NamJoo-nie (Mixture of Namjoo and unnie)
~Playing with kids or just seeing kids in general

dislikes – ~Being woken up
~Being told she should be apart of Devil sub-group because of her RBF
~Being told she is not Hwang Jung-Il's daughter because she raps
~People underestimating her rapping abilities
~People who nit-pick her life
~When people cry
~Arguements or fighting

hobbies – ~Looking at fan edits or fan social media accounts
~Composing beats or lyrics
~Watching dramas or movies
~Wandering around the Big Hit building
~Sitting on the rooftop of the building

habits – ~Twiddling with her fingers
~Sniffling because she has rhinitis
~Biting on her lips
~Zoning out while someone is talking to her

trivia – ~She currently has a lead role in the drama "Moorim School"
~Skinship is lowkey her favorite thing ever
~She hates when people blow on her neck
~She can play the harp and the piano
~She loves stuffed animals and plushies
~She likes any type of hair accesory, hats, heabands, etc.
~She lowkey is fantastic at basketball
~She has a personal instagram and snapchat and will sometimes reply to her fans

~She likes to say she is in a relationship with bubble tea
~Derp selcas are her favorite selcas
family –
Father | Hwang Jung-Il  | 44 | Classical Musician | Miyun and Jung-Ilhave a typical father and daughter relationship. She always gets excited when she see's her father or even getting a text or call. She will always get emotional when talking about being away from her father because of how close they are.

Elder Brother | Hwang Dong-Jae | 23 | Music Teacher | They are your typical siblings as well. The occasional fight for the best child, but always supporting each other. He often goes to her concerts as well and sometimes, when she's lucky, her fan meetings.

friends – 
Acting Friends
 | Kim Saeron, Kim Sohyun, Seo Yeji, Jung Yoojin | Varies | Actresses | They have all made friends with Miyun through shows that they had been co-actresses on. She hit it off with all of them and immediately became close friends. Miyun texts them very often and will even hang out with them sometimes whenever she's free.

Favorite Dongsaeng | Kim Taehyung | 20 | Idol in BTS | Miyun babies Taehyung a lot, even though she is only older by a few months. She treats him like the little brother she has never had and will often spoil him.

Favorite Acting Friend | Lee Hyunwoo | 22 | Actor/Idol | Miyun and Hyunwoo have known each other since they were kids. They met when they had been on the same show and their parents had kept connection with each other. Ever since then, they had stayed friends and communicate with each other every so often. They also hangout with each other every once in awhile.

Leader Twin | Kim Namjoo | 21 | Idol in A&D | Miyun and Namjoo are some of the closer members of A&D and also happen to be the leaders of the sub-groups. Miyun enjoys annoying Namjoo by hugging her since she knows she abosolutely hates it. Its another love-hate sister relationship because of their polar opposite personalities. 

Actor-Idol Twins | Lee Hongbin, Lee Sungyeol, Choi Minho, Shannon Williams | Varies | Actors/Idols | They all share the life of being an actor and idol. They don't communicate as often as Miyun does with her other friends, with the exception of Shannon, but there will be a few times when they text each other to see how they are doing or congratulating each other on a comeback or a win. They also talk with each other whenever they attend the same concerts or award shows.
others – lorem ipsum
stage name – Sayu {사유}
persona – Angel in Disguise 
position – Leader, Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocalist (Back up is Joy's plotline)
fanclub – MiMi {미미} | Mi in Korean can translate to Beauty
talent twin(s) – Main Rapper | CL of 2NE1 (Miryo of Brown Eyed Girls)
Lead Dancer | Halla of The Ark (Nayeon of TWICE)
Sub-Vocalist | Amber of f(x) (Yura of Girls Day)
trainee years – 7 years; Early 2010-2016
trainee life – Miyun became a trainee for Big Hit Entertainment in 2010 when they held the nationwide auditions. She had experience in dancing and of couse rapping. She mainly had to practice on her vocals which her father would help her on as well, but that was only when she had the chance to go home. After about a year of training, she decided to start acting again as well. She struggled with school, filming, and practice at first, but soon got used to her schedule. She also had a little bit of trouble making friends with other trainees due to her "RBF", but that quickly passed over.
predebut – ~Many CF's 
~Non-cameo acting debut in 2008 as a young version of the princess in "King Sejong the Great"
~Cameos in various dramas as a child
~Supporting role in "To The Beautiful You"
~Lead role in "High School: Love On!"
scandals – ~Rumour that she would be leaving A&D to pursue her acting career, but it was simply a rumour caused by netizens nit-picking her life and very false.
~A dating rumour with Suga when Sasaeng Fans had followed them and reported to have seen them hold hands. At the time they weren't dating, but over the course of time they do end up dating.
love interest – Min Yoongi aka Suga of BTS
backup love interest – Lee Hyunwoo
personality – Yoongi is cold and warm at the same time. He has a very mature personality and judges people based on personality rather than looks. His cool and charismatic stature is definitely not a facade. On stage, he becomes a suave and "swaggy" rapper, but off stage, he is a kind and warm hearted person. He is a mixture of a 5 year old and an old man because of his constant aegyo and laziness. He also has quite the sharp tongue, but it's mostly to make a joke and rarely ever is he serious when saying a snarky remark. He is also very compassionate and cares deeply about his family, friends, and even his fans. He is very hard working to the point where he sometimes even gets sick or is super tired during schedules. He wants to give everyone his best to make sure they get the best. He is also protective and will stand up for things that aren't right, unless it's a joke but he knows when it is and isn't. 
background – Miyun and Yoongi both met at the Big Hit Auditions in 2010 when they were put into the rapping category.
  He recognized her from some of the shows she had been on and was a bit harsh to her. Before she had a chance to show her rapping abilities, he had told her that she probably had no chance since actresses are usually singers and not even that good as well. He didn't mean for it to come out in such a harsh way, but unfortunately it did and she took it to heart. When it was her time to audition, she looked straight at Yoongi and switched on her charisma mode. He didn't take her eyes off of her the entire audition and was intrigued by the lyrics and how smooth yet fast the words spilled out. 
  The first time they saw each other as trainees in the Big Hit building, they had locked eyes and Yoongi had scoffed. Thinking he was gonna say something rude again, Miyun looked away, but to her surprise, he said, "Mianhae about what I said before, you proved me wrong. Congratulations, actress." A big smile spread across both of their faces as they shook hands and, thus, a beautiful friendship bloomed.
relationship – Miyun and Yoongi have a very close friendship, which Miyun will often deny or say that it's true but unfortunate, as a joke of course. They have a love-hate relationship, but mostly love, since Miyun still holds a slight grude against Yoongi for being so rude during auditions. When they have busy schedules they will usually just text each other every so often, but when they don't have schedules they will often spend time with each other whether it be practicing their rapping skills or just sleeping. They like to have intense rap battles and pestering or naggin each other. When they aren't butting heads or making ugly faces to each other, they'll be sleeping or having a civilized conversation over a cup of coffee or bubble tea. They like going out and walking the streets of Seoul at night and just each other's company in general. 
  At awards or concerts, you'd always see at least a snippet of them together backstage or right after one gets off the stage. They'll always make fun of each other and how sweaty they are. They will also be jamming out whenever BTS or A&D are performing and lip-sync each other's parts. They also make a lot of twitter videos together or sometimes even a "V" App broadcast. Every so often, he will also make an appearance on her instagram account.
  Yoongi is usually the one to initiate skinship and Miyun is quite stiff at first, but after a little bit she will loosen up and warm up to the skinship. He loves to have an arm around her or some type of hugging and she loves to play with his hands, his hair, or his face. Sometimes even Miyun cringes with their fluffiness and cheesiness. When they get caught hugging or holding hands, they often just laugh it off and ended up hitting each other.
  #Yuga or #Yoonmi
comments – Hope you like my character and sorry if its too long keke
scene request(s) – ~Miyun and Namjoo butting heads and joking around
~Miyun and Yoongi love hate moments
~Emotional moments
~A&D getting into an arguement
~A&D hidden camera
suggestion(s) – A BTS and A&D Collab
Miyun and Yoongi Collab
⋆ layout by heebumdae ⋆




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