70+1 Questions

It is currently 10:01 pm and idk why I'm doing this to myself because this will be finished at midnight which means I'll get no sleep tonight. This is fun to me though so I guess I do this because I can't sleep at night? Idk lol


1. Are you jealous of someone you love?
Yes because while they get to do everything I want to do with them with someone else, I'm over here watching from the side but he still talks to me like were dating so I can't complain too much about it

2. Is making the right decision hard?
Yeeeesss unless you're in a situation where it's obvious as to what you should do

3. What kind of language would you like to learn?
Italian all the way bro pretty soon Italian is all I'm going to be speaking in 

4. Is there a stereotype about your country that pisses you off?
I can't think of any right now but I'm pretty sure there are a few

5. What do you appraciate more hearing or seeing?
Omfg this is a hard af question but as much as it not being able to see the love of your life anymore, Ima have to go with hearing because I would want to hear him say I love you over and over again and his voice is just so perfect I would never get over it omfg^^ I'm fangirling over here so hard rn

6. Have you ever got lost in somewhere? What happened?
I literally get lost everywhere but one time at a feild trip to Six Flags my group spilt into two somehow bc we were so stupid omfg but we lost each other so we tried calling each otherr and that didn't work so I started leading my half of the group around until we got found. My bf back then (my  ex now, whenever I say 'him' I'm talking about my ex btw) scared the out of my by taking my phone out of my hands and over my eyes with one of his hands. When I found out it was him we were both literally on the ground laughing and I was ing crying it was so funny

7. Seas our mountains?
.... sea

8. Lakes or fields?
Lakes because like imagine jumping off a dock with someone you love like omg I want that with him^^

9. Are you easy to anger?

10. What do you like most about your looks?
My eyes and idfk why lol

11. If you could change just one thing about the world what would it be?
Idk bc this question is deep af

12. What is the most noticeable feature in your looks in your opinion?
My big af nose that my Italian genes give me

13. Do you fear death?

14. Do you fear life?

15. What calms your nerves?
When he talks to me and tells me that everything is alright and that he loves hearing my problems and just him tbh

16. Is there someone who gives you crap?
Yes all the ing time

17. Are you romantic?
Yes 100% 

18. Stars or the sun?
Stars because you can watch them with the love of your life at night and find shapes within them and stare at them without getting blinded

19. Rain for 90 days or drought for 90 days? 
Rain and this means a  lot because I hate rain so much but aye I would get to watch so many movie with him

20. What season do you enjoy most? What month?
Summer because it's warm and the nights are so much longer and August beacuse itls my birthday and the start of band camp

21. No sleeping or no eating for a week? [(don’t worry you would stay alive, you’d just suffer. so basically: staying hungry or tired?)]
This is a hard af question too bc I hate being hungry but I also hate being tired bc you can't focus at all, I think I'd be hungry bc at least I could pay a lil more attention to things

22. Do you think you’re better than your peers?
Yes bc I am tbh like tf

23. Do you feel comfortable at social gatherings?
Only if I know people there

24. Are you hard to impress?
I think I am idk bc it took my months to actually start talking to him when I met him in like 6th grade like I hated him but something clicked and now here we are

25. What is the most physically appealing thing in the your attracted to?
Arms omfg muscular arms are everything, but like not tooooo musclar a know? Did I even spell muscular right idfk?

26. What is the most mentally appealing thing in the your attracted to?
When they are actually smart and don't ask stupid question all the time nd don't act stupid al the time ya know

27. What do you think about one night stands?
Idk they might be nice they might not be so idfk

28. What position do you sleep in?
Literally the one every girl sleeps in ya know, with one leg bent and hiked up towards your chest and then your on your side with an arm around a pillow, wish it was him instead though^^ omfg this makes me sad now

29. Are you a dreamer? Are you motivated enough to achieve your goals?
My dream is to get him to love me back and I'm pretty much close to acheiving it. Sometimes I'll think if it's even worth it but then I see him again and talk to himm and hell yes,  it's so in worth it

30. What is the weirdest thing in your room?
A sparkly bat man cape

31. Believe in love at first sight?
Hell yes bc I swear right when I saw him there was no going back even if I didn't like him in the begining

32. Link a song that you liked five years ago.

33. Link a song that you liked ten years ago.

34. Have you changed a lot in the last two years?
Hell yes

35. Favorite fruit?
Rasberries all the way bro

36. Do you say things just because people want to hear them?

37. Do your friends get you?
Only two of them, shout out to Gabby and Peyton for sticking up for me even when I do really stupid !! These two have never given up on me and I will never ggive up on them no matter what happens! Love you!

38. What are you the most proud of?
The fact that I have the longest standing relationship with him so far and that I was the best gf he has ever had, tells me that whenever I ask

39. What disney character do you emotionally relate to?
idk I never really paid attention to them but Ima just say Bell bc she my boo

40. Who is your favorite hero/ine? 
Wat idk

41. Is small talk easy for you?

42. Do you get along with classmates?
Nope I'm always talking about them

43. Best beauty tips?
Sleep and this is ironic bc I'm not getting any sleep rn lolol

44. What ordinary things make you happy on a daily basis?
Him, color guard, my mf baby Gabby

45. Are you creative?
I think so idfk

46. Name three things you look for in a partner.
Loyalty, ability to make me happy, not shy to show affection

47. Skirts or jeans?

48. Do you fancy rompers?
Umm yes who tf doesn't??

49. Define your style in a few words: clothing style, talking style, dream house.
fine af, mature af, expenive af

50. Does practice make it perfect?
Only if it's something you really want and you work so hard to get it

51. Do you believe in angels?

52. Explain your url.
okay so I was hanging out with my homie Peyton and I was talking, she was recording my voice and idk why but we still have the audio, but then she interrupts me bc I was talking about my bae Jaehwan and she says ken bear and hong bunny. I screamed twice and I said that those could be our ir's for tumblr or what ever else and she screamed back twice and guys the auio is literally the funniest conversation ever recorded

53. Order or chaos?

54. Black or white?
The shade inbetween called color

55. Is there a one that got away?
Hell yes if any one has been reading for this long ya'll know who by now but I'm getting him back I think

56. Are birds cute or annoying?
Annoying af

57. Does the other make you nervous?
Sometimes but not him, he makes me feel calm as if I don't have anything at all to worry about

58. Past, present or future?
Past omfg to when I was in 8th grade, to when me and him still saw each other everyday and we had nothing to argue over, when everything was perfect and everybody loved us being together, when everyone told us how cute we were, to when his current gf had to watch from the side, to when I could hug him without it feeling bad

59. Do you care about the big picture or your close territory?
close territory i guess

60. Cute or y?
Both holy he is both and he is perfect and he is a ten to me

61. How do you drink your coffee or tea?
I've ony had coffee one time and that was like a vanilla caramel powder that ou put into ht water and stir but it was very good and I just drink my tea plain i guess

62. What makes you smile everytime?
Him, I wonder how many of you guys are annoyed with this answer on so many question but seriously, I'm totally head over heels for this boy

63. Do you like people coming up to you for help?
I mean, I probably won't be very much help bc I at giving advice but aye if anyone has to rant about anything come drop me a message and it can be anyting random, anything at all. My tumblr is ken-bear if anyone wants to knnow lol

64. Are you comfortable talking about ?
Depends on who I'm talking to about it but for the most part, yea

65. Are you open to new things?

66. Post four selfies (or pictures) that you originally took to your friends.
I'll come back to this question

67. Are there any movie scenes that make you cry everytime?
If I could think of any I would tell you guys but my mind is totally bank at the moment

68. Do you have friends you consider as family?
yess, my mf babe Gabby and my bro Peyton

69. Are you a morning person?
On the weekends I am or like on a break too

70. Heavy or light sleeper?
I seem like a heavy sleeper but idk what I am, I think I'm in the middle lol

+1. Anything you’d like to know.
If you guys want to know anything, don't be afraid to ask

Wooooow 56 minutes later and here we are I think this is a new accomplishment for me guys I have never answered 70 questions in 56 minutes. Guess who is getting sleep tongiht, still not me lol!! Tthere are so many more things I want to say but aye the questions I want to hear are never asked and I can never find them so the thoughts still run wild in my head like horses in a feild unil I actually make my own questions instead of taking these from the tumblr question memes. Lol but seriously this is really fun, I love answering really random questions I'll probably add the links to everything tomorrow 


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Mjgiraffe #1
i will be stealing this because I too am awake and bored :D

67. with the movies and crying...I almost feel like your a bad person for not crying with Wall-e or any Toy Story.
I suppose maybe you haven't seen them. MAYBE
kimsfangirl #2
It' really fun reading your blog lol, I might steal this laterrr