Happy New Years!


Long post ahead . 


So, I'm not dead lol .... actually that's an understatement. I am dead. So, if you haven't noticed if you've been friends with me for a while, the last time I actually logged in to actually do something was like last year when I got my laptop back. 

I told myself I was going to get stuff done but that never happened during winter break. 

I totally messed up my sleeping schedule in winter break, so I was sleeping at 5AM, needing to wake up at 9-10 AM, working till 10PM, coming home brain dead, and then the cycle repeated. 
And before I knew it, the Spring semester started, and guess who's a genius (not really), me. 


I decided to go back to Japanese, after stopping for over a year of not studying this. And why does this make me a 'genius' you may ask, and I will gladly tell you. 
I'm a genius because I'm in the hardest level of Japanese right now and I don't remember anything except for "notice me senpai" LOLOLOL , i'm half joking and actually half serious XD 

yeah, so my time is devoted to that. 

And did I mention? That this night owl has class from 8:30 AM to basically 5:30 PM, and this is college classes... with an hour break right after my first class. Yeah, am I genius or what?

Thus begins my entire hiatus, I actually didn't read anything until a couple of days ago... so I literally went on the longest streak of not reading a fanfic on AFF, ever... like ever since I started to become active (I've been on this site since 2012 but wasn't active till 2013.) 


That's kind of insane, when you think about it for me. 
I've been reading fanfics since 2006/2007, and those 20 days is and probably will be the longest I've ever gone without reading a fanfic.



But as I sit, writing this post and when I realized I was okay with not reading fanfics, it made me realize a lot of things. 

I'm growing old and soon I'll be outgrow fanfics, maybe... I used to think that would never happen but it seems more likely now compared to any other point of my life. I'm a Junior at my University, I could have graduated next semester, but I won't because the school hates me and messed up some of my paper work lol . My priorities are no longer fanfics, AND THIS IS REALLY SHOCKING BECAUSE IT WAS ALWAYS FANFICS > HW LOOLOLOL (i'm such a bad kid) my prority this semester is not to fail, and to get an A in Japanese. And what does getting an A in class that you're ultimately screwed for because you know you're gonna fail and your sensei is like, "why dafaq are you here you asian noob?" It means, that I need to concentrate on that class, and wake up early and make sure I go to class :( 

My other priority is finding another job because I absolutely hate my current job, and I'm filing my two-weeks notice this week. My top priority is a job in the F&B industry or hotel industry. Why? My school is dumb and wants you to find an internship . Useful, but impossible to find .

I'm also trying to improve myself , physically, and emotionally. Emotionally, 2015 (those last 3 months) were hell on earth. I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I went to . Almost dying 6 times in the span of 6 weeks is not fun at all. Also when you're life in danger 6 times in the span of 6 weeks, you lose your best friend, and your pet that has been there for you through everything dies, that is just an emotional death. Emotionally, I'm not okay tbh, I'm still quite depressed over my pet fish Peter, because i've had him for 3 years, and he's been there for me through everything and now he's gone and i'm starting to cry just typing this.  But 2016, I'm going to improve on my happiness. I'm not going to let a death be the reason why 2016 will , I'm going to work on being a better person . 
This also a personally thing, but i'm going to improve myself physically. and what do I mean by physically? I mean changing my style from t-shirt and shorts, to a bit more of a nicer style. I'm also trying to work with makeup (lol I hate it but gotta learn because i'm a female) So basically, i'm trying to improve myself physically on the outside as well as the inside. 

So thus begins my informal hiatus. I will still do reviews, but depending on when you ask me, I might turn them down (HINT: I have big exams during mid march & early may so like don't ask me then please/お願いします) .  I am still working with BLK Reviews so if you want a review, send it there.


As for my stories, they will be updated, I'm not going to abandon two of my babies, although you might see more oneshots from me if anything does come out. 


So as a summary of this tl;dr post, 

1) i'm busy af so I'm kinda dead but not really and i'm on a half-there kind of hiatus

2) i'm still alive, barely . but if you want, you can stalk me on instagram to make sure i'm still alive~ (#shamelesslyaskingforfollowers .... don't worry I follow back (if you message me who you are first lol)) 

3) if you want a review, apply at BLK Review and fill out the form, the owner (who is an angel and the most understanding owner ever no joke lol . #shoutout to KaihleeLo! You seriously are the best, like no joke, i'm so glad I get to do reviews for someone like you) and I'll tell her if I can do your review or not .

4) expect, random updates at random hours of the randomest days ~ <3 

I hope you all have a wonderful time and enjoy your free time while you still can and let's all try not to crash from the pressures of school and life~ <3 
(even as I write this I have work in like 5 hours xD) 

~<3 Jamie





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Rip Peter. I'm thankful that despite your insanely pack schedule you're still willing to work with me and review. You're a gifted and smart gal so don't stress yourself over with reviews~ As I've said before reviews are only for us reviewers to learn from the author and how to give construct criticism back. Thanks for the shout out! I'll keep in mind your March through May schedule~ I hope all goes well for you. Ace that Japanese class and find a new job of your liking~! Best of luck!
midaexiu #2
Pokémon ftw
Good luck for your studies this year! I'm sure you'll do fine in Japanese since you're smart and you're making it your priority. Fighting~