[TIPS] 5 of My Biggest Pet Peeves in Writing/ 5 MORE Things to Avoid

It's been a while since I made a post regarding writing or giving writing advice, so in my recent boredom, I thought I would do another post (especially since I'm thinking about it.) So let's just jump right into it! Here's a list of things that really peeve me in writing, and could even be considered bad writing, that I hope you can learn to avoid!

1. Dialogue Titles

If there's one thing I honestly can't stand that I see a lot of, it's titles that go on for nearly whole sentences or that sound more like a dialogue than a title. It drives me ballistic, if I'm being even more honest. It's rather juvenile, and I don't know that I've ever been tempted to read a story where the title is something like: "My Boss is My Husband???" It's just lazy and gives away too much of the story, and also doesn't lend itself to be taken seriously. Chances are, if your title sounds like the internal dialogue of your main character, it's not a good title. 

Personally, I prefer short titles (though I'm no stranger to titles longer than two-three words such as: EXO Planet: Tree of Life or Something Wicked This Way Comes). 

2. Lack of Capitalization in Titles

This one also drives me insane as a grammar-nut. There are very few words that should not be capitalized in titles, such as: 

  • a
  • is
  • the
  • for
  • to

Do remember that if your title starts with any of these words listed above, then they do need to be capitalized, but within the middle of the title, should be lower case. Every other word should be capitalized, and unless you understand the rules and how to artistically break them, I advise you keep this in mind.

3. Over-revealing Forwards

This mostly pertains to this website, as it seems to be one of the only few that actually includes something like this. I find a lot of people rely too heavily on the forwards to describe the characters and world for them, which is lazy writing. If I have to read your forward to know what everyone looks like or what they're interests are? Chances are you're not writing your characters or world very well. Forwards in published writing mostly exist to give background information as to why the story was written, what the inspriation was and to give special thanks. You aren't writing comic strips with fancy character bios at the beginning to remind readers every new volume who is who. Character descriptions are not necessary in a Forward. Not at all. 

4. Too Much Telling, Not Enough Showing

Even I, honestly, am guilty of doing this in writing and it's something every writer really needs to look out for. I've seen it a lot around here when people ask me to review their work; telling a story without showing a story. If I have to rely on the characters or the narrator to tell me it happened rather than describing it happening, it keeps me from really getting immersed in the story. People will understand more than you (or even I) will give them credit for. People can tell when a character is feeling awkward through body-language, they can tell if the character is angry through body-language. Your readers will catch things like this much more easily than writers realize. We all want to be sure our story is understood to the fullest, but if you just tell people it happened, the world feels 2-dimensional. 

You can also keep this in mind for character backstories. You shouldn't have to have the narrator explain a character's entire backstory. It's stiff and boring. You can drop hints through description of the surroundings or through character dialogue. The narrator shouldn't do all of this, let the characters show it themselves. The more you treat your characters like real people and less like puppets for your artistic expression, the more real they become (and honestly, sometimes they take the story in a different direction than you ever meant to!). 

5. Updates in the Middle of the Story

I don't see this as often, and this again pertains mostly to this website and how it fuctions, but I thought I would talk about it anyways. I've seen authors post an update in the middle of their story where the next chapter was supposed to be. It's really, really... really not okay. Don't do this, just don't. If you need to do an update, there is a little bar at the side that will alert your followers that you've made an announcement. Do not use up a chapter space to say you're on hiatus or that you might change the title or something. That really pulls the reader out of the story and it's really messy and unorganized and I really, really, really don't like it (if you couldn't tell). Just don't do it. Don't even think about it. 


Do you have your own pet peeves in writing? Tell me what they are below! 


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haha coming up with titles is so hard (and i'm super lazy). and i was actually surprised to see number 5 as i personally don't see a problem with it. of course, if you do this to update your readers on something unimportant (like a title change) then it gets annoying though. i think it's because i also like using aff on my phone so the side bar announcement thing doesn't get shown/announcements are more of a hassle to see since you don't get a notification or anything unlike you do when you update a chapter (do you?).

asljkdf the blogs you write are super well written especially the one about silent readers. and my pet peeve would be how i can't seem to stay inspired long enough to write a long chaptered story haha. i like reading and replying to comments that go in depth about my stories but that's not possible with one-shots xD
Omg, the number 4. I am willing to admit that I do that so often. I believe, it's really hard to read my own stories and catch this, because when I write (and read my own things) I know my characters so well that their reactions is something I see in front of me. I am pretty positive that I don't always succeed in writing it down though. Ugh. Just - something to look out for and it's very frustrating. You are completely right, haha.
I always thought of the title-thing as something really weird. I don't know, the rules for making a title is weird to me. The fact that there are rules is weird. But I guess that's how it is. I know the rules and I don't abide by them one bit because I , lol.

I guess my only pet peeve is when authors don't research well enough yet still try to pull off e.g. children's characters or mental disordered characters. It's extremely annoying to be able to actually see the mistakes because they're so badly researched. It's not really a technical writing thing either, it's just ... annoying. ^^
thank you Lully for this wonderful tips...it has been some time since your last tips...^^
okay, i guess i made the first mistake...one of my fanfics - 'Let's not fall in luv, can we?'...sounds like a question, isn't? i'll think of another title soon...
and honestly Lully, i almost write everything at the forward if you didn't stop me that day...thank you...i'll be very careful about that...
and then, i've always worry that readers will find my story boring as i explain the characters' background in detail...is there a way to make it more interesting ? or simply my way of expressing is the problem?