After 10 years

Q.Where will you be after ten years? Min suga: I'll be 33 years old. Swag forever. Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE. We all have survived another year. Now prepare yourself for a new one. Back to the main point, what will happen after ten years? Few months have gone since I seriously started liking bangtan. I have changed into a thinker kind of person. My friends say that everytime they see me now either I'll be glued with my phone or staring off at space. Nowadays I kinda drift away in thoughts. I mostly think about bangtan ( of course ), their songs, stories I read in AFF, ideas for new stories. This blog is also a product of my thoughts. Again I'm drifting away the main topic. So I'll get straight to it.After ten years, I'll be 28 years old. After ten years, I think I would have completed my medical studies and would be a doctor. Bangtan will be still rocking the music world. I'll be still fangirling over them. Maybe even more. Bangtan would have come to my country and I would have attended their concert( although I don't see the possibility of these event to happen ). I would still be a reader. I would still be drawing and sketching. I would have read hundreds of amazing stories in AFF. I would be(hopefully) able to write equally good stories too. I would have lots of friends and when I look back at those ten years, I would have nothing to regret and only beautiful memories to cherish. Aah!! Is it too much to ask for? I hope not.


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