About my non kpop lover friends

Oh god!! I don't know what's happening?

All of my closest friends in college (there is only four of them actually) are listening to "Save me". And they never listen to kpop, like never ever.

I actually forced one of them to listen Save me and after sometimes she kept asking me play it. And after some time, she played that song from her phone.

My jaw literally dropped. I asked her how did she find the song and she said she downloaded it. The most shocking fact is that she only listen to Indian songs and doesn't even listen to English songs. Yet she is now singing save me save me.

And today when i came to room, my roommate and my another friend were listening to fire and after that they turned to save me.

I kept staring at them totally shocked and they said that the music was nice, in return.

I am so shocked. It is kinda good because they are always calling me alien due to my different taste in music, clothes and other stuff. I think they are finally getting used to and accepting my love for kpop.


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You converted one! Good job!
girl you're sio lucky , none of my friends are iinto k-pop i'm still alienated ,, raise your army girl raise it,,

and i didn't know there were indians here
I'm into both Indian and KPOP music plus they are both addicting and fun to hear