Is it also the same with everyone else??

My first exposure to Korean entertainment was back at my middle school. My cousins used to watch some kdramas and some kpop songs. At that time I didn't had much interest in them.I seriously started liking and watching kpop after my high school which is now. Till now I have only watched bts song and some songs of got7. The main problem here is that kpop are not so popular here in my country. Korean fashions and some other stuff ate quite liked and accepted by teenagers like us but our parents look at kpop songs like they are aliens singing. Whenever I'm listening to bts song my mom will asks me like for the hundreth time,"is it Japanese or Chinese or Korean?" and I need to calm myself and reply that "mom its Korean how many times I have to tell you that." This conversation happens mostly everyday. My dad isn't quite interested in my choice of music as he himself had once learnt Japanese. So he doesn't bother much. Once I was drawing a sketch of jungkook and I was really pissed because I could not get his nose right. My mom was literally behind me asking me whose picture I was drawing. I said it is a singer and she again asked Japanese?? Oh for god sake mom its KOREAN. My friends are also always teasing me that I was listening to kpop. At one point I couldn't take it anymore and I force one of my friends to watch bts no more dream and dope and she instantly fell in love with the beats of songs , the dance and flips. Gods knows how many times I have to convice and prove people that I don't need to know the language to listen to kpop. Music doesn't need language, right


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daejae-bap #1
My friend used to make fun of me all the time for listening to kpop and couldn't understand why I liked it so much. Then I showed the MV for 'I Need U' and she fell in love. She even went home and downloaded it. She doesn't tease me anymore, she's too busy humming 'I Need U' to herself, haha. I think a lot of people tease kpop fans because they just haven't been really exposed to kpop. But you're right, music isn't about language, so the fact that it's Korean shouldn't matter.

P.S. I think your mum's just teasing, so just laugh it off ^-^
My siblings used to tease me as well, my mother don't get it, my father thinks it's interesting. But my siblings don't care much, they even tell me to "find the real kpop" because the first kpop they heard was Mr. Simple and anything Korean that doesn't sound like it simply cannot be kpop, lol. And I had my mum ask me "is that that Korean music of yours? because it sounds really nice, i like this song" XD Don't bother too much with people questioning whether it's chinese, japanese or korean. If people ask me if it's chinese I usually just say no. c: That's the easiest way. ^ ^